View Full Version : Hhhhmmmm... What to do

10-23-2003, 12:59 AM
Well I just trade my cocker for a mag and I don't have a clue about mags. I was wondering what would be some good upgrades for this mag...
LVL 10
Benchmark Single Trigger Frame
LVL 7 Bolt with accessories
Gas-thru Grip
PMI Cradle
Ans Bolt
Stainless Steel Freak back
Green 14 inch Freak Front
.689 insert

I figure I will try to find and Z-grip first than go from there but any suggestions anyone.

10-23-2003, 02:03 AM
if you dont have HPA, get it asap, before your z grip, then if you want to z grip it, good, after that i would suggest gettinag a RT or X valve, form there you get a ULE body, and you have a great marker

10-23-2003, 02:52 AM
Definately the LX, it is really revolutionary.
Also, if you are thinking about frames, I would recommend a intelly rather than the benchmark... it is more expensive, but looks a lot nicer and the quality is MUCH better. Also, it gives you the option of later hookin it up to your warp/revy later. and, like 68' said, HPA is the way to go with a mag. As for the rest, it is mostly preference...
Take a quick look around the forums, there are countless discussions on the limitless ways to put together your mag.