View Full Version : Maybe its just me...

All Hallows Eve
10-25-2000, 04:51 PM
Like i said, maybe its just me, but I am getting sick of Automags. I have an RT and it was really cool for the first ... 3 days! Wow, the trigger moves... great... I am selling the RT and getting an Angel. Am I the only one? I mean the triggers are LONG, the con's over weigh the pro's. And then when AGD went and made the RT Pro, I think they went and degraded the "OK" status of the original RT. And all I can say about the Emag, is you have better have some killer magnets on there, because the magnetic field WILL run out unless you have some REALLY NICE magnets. And as for the "adjustable trigger", you guys are just SO original! I expect more out of these companies! For all I know the Emag doesn't even support intellifeed! Comon AGD! Get with the program! It will also be cheaper to have an aluminum gun body, you could offer "pretty" colors, and it would be a lot lighter!

This isn't meant as a flame, more like constructive critisizm. Even though I know how companies hate being criticized, therefore this will probably be deleted, in the first .3 seconds it on here, so whatever!

10-25-2000, 05:07 PM
yeah, it's just you.


10-25-2000, 06:05 PM
lol! i was about to say the same thing lovemymag!

10-25-2000, 06:09 PM
Definitley just you... Hmm... Warp feed or Intellifeed? Tough call there. I STILL see no advantage of an Angel over an Emag, and I still see many advantages of an Emag over an Angel.

10-25-2000, 06:19 PM
dude what do you mean the trigger is long?? What kind of RT did you have??? Hey if think an RT trigger is long a stock Angels may be lighter but its just as long if not longer. Oh well its all personal preference though so no one should flame you about it either.

10-25-2000, 08:47 PM
Ohhhh boy. Thats a shame all hallows eve. For a couple weeks there thats all you could talk about. But now it's not even worth you time? Sounds funny to me. I hate when I see another poor person suffering of angelitis. I'm glad to say I never have and never will, most likely due to the fact that I think angels look like crap and are absurd when it comes to price. You see right now I have a normal mag, I would like to upgrade one more time before I call it quits on the Pguns. You know what I'm going to buy? Well...neither do I but I can guarantee you it won't be an angel.

ps. If some lame ass responds to this post with something as unoriginal as: "Why because you can't afford one?" I'm gonna go nuts.

10-25-2000, 09:26 PM
Well, in my humble opinion, you feel as though they cheated you and they deserve your flame... If I had 5 cents for every marker that could have been made better in some way or another I would have at least $2.

Of course we all understand some of the things that could be done to make it better, and of course, if you have the money, and angel can deliver more, but not per $. There is absolutely nothing WRONG with the marker, just some things that it lacks that other markers may have. I don't expect a PGP to perform like an angel. If you cannot come beyond that simple point, then please leave your flames to yourself. If you have a reason why the RT is not worth the $ comparative to other markers in its capability range, explain.


10-25-2000, 09:32 PM
Can I have your gun?

There are a lot of Twinkies in this world... you just gotta learn how to work with them.

10-25-2000, 10:16 PM
haha he's the only one that feels that way http://www.automags.org/ubb/smile.gif

10-25-2000, 10:39 PM
What a Lamer...little rich boy wants an Angel, why dont you go to an all angel site http://www.automags.org/ubb/biggrin.gif

10-25-2000, 10:52 PM
Seems like hes mad because he cant get the $850 he wants for a stock RT with zgrip and unnamed N2........

As for the critism, I think it should just be disregarded. The whole magnet thing comes from false rumors or just unexperienced or unknowledgable thought processes.

Watch in a few months he's critisized for owning an Angel, so he starts saying he 'hates angels' but continues to use his...

We all do know where 'angelitis' like this comes from right? I think it was woopi goldberg - R E S P E C T - wanting newbies and others to 'fear and admire' ones self as 'big guy with $2000 gun, must be tourney player', but its not the gun its the player, you may be able to shoot 10balls a sec by just holding down the trigger, and look perdy with a fancy gun and have 'newbie respect', $5 says i can skool ya on the field with my Pump Minimag.
(not saying i'm better than anyone, just saying the type of player who gets an angel to own an angel so they look better on the field, bring it on)

Kick Back With The Big Boys - MagCentral.org

[email protected]
Mag Central (http://www.magcentral.org)

10-26-2000, 12:20 AM
$2? I could buy a hole mag! LOL
I agree about the angel thing

all hollows, u r like never happy w/ guns, in the past month or 2 u went from cocker, rt, and now an angel

I had my spyder for a year and then got my mag and I had that for about 10 months now and dont plain on getting rid of it, ever. not trying to be mean of flaim or anything.

10-26-2000, 07:52 AM
While I can understand the desire to continually upgrade my gun....and by extension the desire to have a better and better gun...
I've shot the Angel and the RT...and if they both cost the same I'd buy the angel...
but they don't...and for the price...it's no competition which gun is better. The RT puts the stompy stomp down.

Now...I just need to fire an EMAG and compare the two of them.
Based on looks, I prefer the EMAG hands down and based on the fact that a dead battery won't take me out of the game..again..nod goes to the emag. However I reserve judgement til I get to play with it. (Or at least fire it)

Everyone goes through the growing pains...wanting the newest or best or just a better gun. I have a friend who has gone through 4 guns in the last 3 months (the entire time he'sbeen playing) Spyder Shutter, to Tippmann to Flatline and to a M98 F/X and this winter..he says to an RT. I'm going to assume he'll stop when he finds one he feels comfy with.
Maybe Hallow just hasn't found "his" gun..and will stop when he finds the match for him.

Or maybe yer right and he's just got angel-envy http://www.automags.org/ubb/smile.gif

10-26-2000, 09:26 AM
Knowing machinery as I do, I still feel the 'Mag is the best of all, due to it's quality of manufacture.

Nearly all other guns are upgrades from an earlier model. I know, 'Mags were pumps before, however, AGD did not upgrade but designed and built a totally new concept http://www.automags.org/ubb/smile.gif

10-26-2000, 03:51 PM
heres what goin down with him i will tell u how it all happens to ppl. Ok first he liked his RT for awhile then he probably went to a feild and somebody let him play a few games with there angel trust me its how i bought mine and i have seen ppl buy them like this. ok then he feels as if he doesnt have the best gun out there and was impressed by the trigger on the angel. now he wants an angel like mad because he has to have it hes like a crack head that needs his fix. then he wants to get it right away because he feels it will make him play awsome and he will look cool. now he will probably get one. Now heres what its really like ur gonna get an angel ur gonna start playing ul start shooting more paint just to be like the rest or should i say some of the angel owners i dont shoot that much with mine but when i first got it lets just say i went crazy for a few weeks on paint. ok so now hes got it and hge can barely keep up with his paint habit now! ok so hes gonna love it for awhile but now after uve had it its just stock and its not as good as some of ur friends and people u play with or have seens angels, so now ur gonna send it out to cobra/adrenaline/warped some one have it annoed a splashy color add some volumizers a highrise/lowrise some matched barrels, triggers, and the whole rest of the stuff. now uve spent around 750-800 bucks on that so thats what bout 1800 for all the stuff so far then ur gonna want a better nitro tank anywhere from 300-500 bucks and so uve spent 2100 bucks on ur gun. so now ul start playing more and u will get better and then ul get tired of just shooting the angel and say geez i wish i had kept tht RT i owned so long ago just so i could play a few games with it everyonce and a while instead of using my angel all the time it would be nice to have my angel and a back up gun.


ok intellifeed is a peice of crap it doesnt even feed as fast as the reg 12v and drains ur battery in about 5 times the rate. and i think before u criticize a gun u should shoot it. so dont give me crap about the Emag if AGD is telling the truth and it gets down to .3 mm guess what it will be shorter than an angels so there ur trigger BS. and now magnets well again i have to say have u shot a magnetic trigger no so dont comment. and have u seen pics of emags does it look like they are mostly anooed to u if not get help. and i think have the main body crome or black looks sweet u now why i give it to u annoe and crom=sweet, and dont gimme BS angel owners do it all the time to there guns i.e volumizers, feed tubes, barrels, triggers,regs, tank regs, drop forwards.

Take this as advice from an angel owner it is worth it to get an angel but i would definatly save up alittle longer and keep the RT.

if u dont beleive me ask scorch or another angel/mag owner on this site. I feel sorry for u that u have to try and put down agd to make urself look good by saying ur gonna have an angel and the RT stinks. http://www.automags.org/ubb/frown.gif

10-26-2000, 05:11 PM
Well, here's my 2 cents: I've got one of those, I guess you would call an electronic
gun. But, I'll not git rid of my minimag,unless I get rid of it to get a RT.
One way or another, if the electo is going to go down, I want something that it trustworthy and won't let me down. MY AGD GUN

The Wildman
Intimidator #0621 68/3000 Flatline
Minimag #MM13995 114/3000 NitroDuck
Model98 20oz CO2
Carbine 14oz CO2
SL68II 14oz CO2

10-26-2000, 07:18 PM
amen wildman same thing i said plz read my post cause it took me half an hour to type.

10-26-2000, 07:55 PM
I have both, an original RT, and an Angel. Both are high-class, top of the line markers. I can not wait to hook up a warp to my RT. When people think of the emag they whine about it only going up to 13bps. (That is in electro mode). Take the thing off electro, put it to manual, find your sweet spot, and your shooting over 20bps with the reactive trigger. I think warps will work great with the old RT's and retrovalves that don't have the electronics regulating the bps speed. Anyone else have any opinions on this matter?? Please post.

10-26-2000, 08:59 PM
Thats where I'm coming from. I don't own an electro (not sure that I ever will) but if I do one day buy one, I can guarantee you that I would never sell my mag as a result. Nor would I start talking **** about something, I for weeks, preached was the greatest thing on earth (yep thats what all hallows eve did). My mag stays with me until I don't play Paintball anymore (hopefully that equals forever).

10-26-2000, 09:21 PM
supermag that was great, i fully agree with yu. yes i suffer from angelitus( ims till short on $ to buy me one) but i dont put my mag down at all. i will sitll have it wen i get my angel becuase ther good guns and i happen to like them. maybe you dont but dont try to blame the gun or AGD. plese. there are so many people out ther who love thier rt's but u arent one of them.

[This message has been edited by RASE (edited 10-26-2000).]

Ni cD
10-26-2000, 11:15 PM
Some of you guys just need to shut up. So what, he doesn't like his RT anymore - big deal! Yeah, he said some stupid stuff, but who cares?

10-26-2000, 11:33 PM
This is an opinion, his is not necessarily wrong, just diffrent. You put a post like that in a forum dedicated to a certian type of gun you will get the posts that we just read. My opinion is I havent shot an Angel that I have liked yet, therefore I personally dont like the Angel. I would rather stick with my MicroMag RT. Just my two cents worth.

SPLAT!!! I hate when that happens!

10-27-2000, 12:16 PM
Hehe, I remember the first time I shot an Angel - a Dark Angel at that. After I played with it for a bit, I told my friend, "ya jerk! why did you let me shoot that?" But as of now I am quite pleased with what I'm shooting. If I had the opportunity to trade for an Angel, I wouldn't because I don't see a significant benefit to having one, and I like how light and compact my gun is compared to an Angel.

There are a lot of Twinkies in this world... you just gotta learn how to work with them.
68 PF - HyperFrame - 68 Flatline - Lapco BigShot - SP BigDaddy

10-27-2000, 01:23 PM
sum guy tryed to trade his cocker (real nice and custom) for my mag but I love my mag to much

10-27-2000, 01:53 PM
the magnetic field doesnt die, the magnets lose there magnectivity. and that only happens after 10 years of heavy daily use

10-27-2000, 10:25 PM
shado just a question what are u talking about?

10-28-2000, 12:13 AM
I played a tourney a couple of weeks ago and the first game I used my RT. I luved it and I played good shot 2 of the 5 people. Then after that game a guy from Genesis, we will call him L J, let me use his Angel. Up until then I never liked any angel I shot. His trigger was different. It wasnt to light and it wasnt to hard and it was relatively short so it was perfect for my standards. The thing that I liked about it over my RT is that it is easy to snapshoot or shoot left handed. The thing is I have an opp. to buy this gun. Will I?? I dunno yet. I love my RT and if I get the Angel I wont sell my RT and I wont bad mouth it at all. I can see Hallow Changing to an Angel, but not bad mouthing it like that. The Angel doesnt make me play better, I have traded many times with Angel owners and come out on top.
It is the person not the gun. So its all in preference. I just hope he finds what he likes so he will stop being a hippocrit. http://www.automags.org/ubb/biggrin.gif

Hey hit up MagCentral.org for some good info!!!

*~Rob Carlson~Urban Quest III~*

[This message has been edited by Jester187 (edited 10-28-2000).]

10-28-2000, 01:04 PM
all hallows... could u please list the pro/cons of the rt? this should be interesting.

10-28-2000, 08:31 PM
I'll do it (although I'm biased 'cause it's my favorite gun):

Pros: The best non-electronic semi automatic marker availble.

Cons: If you have absolutely no idea what you are doing you will chop mucho painto. On the other hand if you give it a chance and learn a nice rythm you will chop zero painto...ever.

LOL. That pretty much sums it up.

10-28-2000, 09:54 PM
zero painto well i wouldnt say that but it is def the best non electro out there. anyway i have been seeing al hallows posting all this crap on the angel forum giving them this advice that is just total BS its pretty stupid he post stuff thats incorrect like every post and is pissing me off. anyway heres an example this guy with a dark angel said his trigger had a little side to side play in it after he shot 12000+ shots on it. now keep in mind that the stock triggers have some side to side play and this can be corrected with a set screw or new trig like adren or cobra stick. now al hallows says hey the trigger is gonna be lose after 12000 shots its gonna have a little wear then goes on about that and even recommeds maybe sending the gun into have it looked at. keep in mind this was not the only post like this. sorry just had to vent a little steam.

Ni cD
10-28-2000, 10:26 PM
Argh...I hate when people act like that...

"I’ll swallow your soul!"

"Come get some..."

10-29-2000, 12:15 AM
Thats funny anyway. I can just see some spoiled ass angel owner going "Oh my god theres some side to side play equal to about 1mm on my poor angels trigger. What ever should I do? How am I going to play paintball if my trigger is constantly moving from side to side a whole millimeter? The side to side "play" will definately slow down my ROF. I better send it in quick." LOL! sorry that was just too funny I couldn't resist.

10-29-2000, 12:42 AM
haha that is funny though......it does suck when you got people giving advice that is completely wrong. However what sucks more is when you get an inocent person that follows that idiots advice......

Ninja B0Y
10-29-2000, 02:56 PM
Actually that side to side play is supposed to be there. On Defiants anyway. It's supposed to make it easier to shoot faster.

10-29-2000, 05:16 PM
I dont care if he has an Angel or not, I bet I could out play him with my RT. Ya you can shoot fast but can you shoot strait?? I say someone with a Mag needs to put him in his place. I just think its funny that he thinks the Angel is going to make him good. I wish I could play with him just to make him look stupid. You guys know what I am talking about..lol http://www.automags.org/ubb/biggrin.gif

Hey check out MagCentral.org for some good info on anything

*~Rob Carlson~Urban Quest III~*

10-29-2000, 05:25 PM
I agree if there is absolutely no side to side movement then that means the trigger would be stuck in one position, not the greatest thing when you want to be firing 10 balls a second. And yes jester we all know what you mean. Nothing is better than to school some cocky loser who thinks hes gods gift to paintball because he has a super nice gun.

10-29-2000, 05:51 PM
i agree. but there are way of taking the side to side play out and still be shooting the gun easyily like getting a stick trigger or getting a 3rd set screw put in the trigger.

10-30-2000, 06:24 PM
>>>I mean the triggers are LONG, the con's over weigh the pro's.

Well - I wouldnt call an RT trigger long - but I suppose it could be that you prefer something different...

>>>And then when AGD went and made the RT Pro, I think they went and degraded the "OK" status of the original RT.

No - its got some nifty parts on it that will make it very nice.

>>>And all I can say about the Emag, is you have better have some killer magnets on there, because the magnetic field WILL run out unless you have some REALLY NICE magnets.

I am sure AGD found some "really nice" magnets - industrial grade I am sure. AGD has been making probably the best manufacured guns in our sport - and certainly has the highest tolorences and quality control in the industry! I dont think that they are suddenly going to produce a gun with a magnet that doesnt "work". I think its a unique feel - you should try it...

>>>And as for the "adjustable trigger", you guys are just SO original! I expect more out of these companies!

It has lots of neat features, a sleek design, and capably of an insane rate of fire with no shoot down. Pretty neat.

I am not sure about what you are refering too on the trigger. I know AGD does NOT want a gun that shoots when you set it on a table - they actualy CARE about the sport and people getting possibly injured using thier products.

>>>For all I know the Emag doesn't even support intellifeed!

Uh...why on earth would you want intellifeed when you can have WARP FEED?

>>Comon AGD! Get with the program! It will also be cheaper to have an aluminum gun body, you could offer "pretty" colors, and it would be a lot lighter!

The thinness of the steel makes it about par with an aluminum body. If you must have an aluminum with pretty colors, goto Pro-Team for thier Micro Emag. I imagine thats why they dont make them that way - they like the benefits of the stainless steel, and have an agreement with Pro-Team to make the aluminum versions...

>>>This isn't meant as a flame, more like constructive critisizm. Even though I know how companies hate being criticized, therefore this will probably be deleted, in the first .3 seconds it on here, so whatever!

No, I wont delete it - You have been half way civilized - at least in the post I have seen. I will comment further on another post about flaming etc...

Webmaster - AutoMags.Org
[email protected]
"Good...bad...I'm the guy with the gun." - Ash, Army of Darkness

10-30-2000, 07:28 PM
cool yea id like to have a debate with u all hallows if u would like. id be happy to and we can keep it clean just make the post and i will def respond http://www.automags.org/ubb/smile.gif i also have a question for u webby about the emag trigger now since its adjustable say u make it very short now if u switch modes into mechanical does it still stay the same length or is it just regular rt style?

10-30-2000, 09:09 PM
I have an idea. Why don't we leave AHE alone? It's just like a little kid that is starving for attention, you ignore him he will go bug someone else. Let him go off into the Angel OG and have his fun there. If he keeps acting like an ass I'm sure he'll get his warning/ban.

To AHE - Just stop all this crap and move on. Get your Angel and be happy. No need to bash a gun you loved a week ago.

Nort out!

Owner of a paintball gun and some paintballs ;)

10-30-2000, 09:36 PM
dang webm, you really flamed his butt.

PF Black Teflon Mag
Benchy Double Trigger
Dye Sticky Grips
J+J 14' Ceramic
68ci/3000psi Flatline
ACI Stage 6 Ex-Chamber

10-30-2000, 10:11 PM
thats not even all that similar. Basically the same parts was that it had a set table size and a menu on the left side. As web pages go there arent too many layout designs out there. It's ripping off when the grapics look similar as well as the layout.
I gotta say the banner is quite similar though. But if the microsoft vs apple case back in the day has taught us anything it is that a "look and feel" can be copied...
that being said what does any of this have to do with a mag message board?

12-09-2001, 01:00 AM
Heeeey, found this old post....I wonder what ever happened to this guy???:confused:

12-09-2001, 10:13 AM
(Mafia voice) It would be my pleasure to take him out.

12-09-2001, 10:20 AM
hmmm... your pretty stupid. Yeah the magnets will run out any time soon. Also, my E-Mag has intellifeed. So before you start insulting AGD, please learn all of the facts.:)

12-09-2001, 12:31 PM
Don't worry about responding to his statement, this guy hasn't posted in a long time......check the orginal post date. :)