View Full Version : RT Pro Idling problem

10-23-2003, 04:52 PM
My RT Pro has this weird problem where if you leave the gun idle for a short period of time (when it is gased of course), it will not shoot. You have to wiggle, squeeze, and toy with the trigger until it finally discharges, and from there it is fine.

It does this when i am filling air, taking a break, or even waiting for the game to start or hiding in bunkers for 10-20 seconds. Everytime i idle my my gun, I have to screw around with my trigger till it shoots, then i can continue playing.

I oil my gun as recommended and take good care of it. My guess is perhaps the on/off assembly pin is getting caught and doesnt move freely.

If anyone can help, that would be very much appreciated. :)

10-23-2003, 04:58 PM
I am assuming you have level 10, right? if so, make sure you are oiling the bolt's powerpiston before each days play. also, you might see if the next larger carrier will work without leaking. it sounds like your bolt is getting stuck.

10-23-2003, 05:08 PM
sweet thx for your help (and the super-fast response) =)

Just in case: if it isnt the bolt getting stuck, any other possible reasons why?

Cant exactly tweak my gun run now....im in school between classes :mad:

10-23-2003, 05:36 PM
the only other thing I can think of is to check your main spring. if you are using the really long spring. try a shorter one. (it will not hold the bolt back to hard, although it will not be as light on paint. but it will allow you to trouble shoot the problem)