View Full Version : tournament guns

10-23-2003, 07:52 PM
i am looking to get a new gun here in the next few months, and i was wondering what a good tournament gun would be in the price range of about 500 dollars. My other question is, what is the difference between the gen-x 3 and the gen-x 4 cockers.

10-23-2003, 08:02 PM
rt pro i say
not much difference in the two
i really can't tell you the spec of the two
but i'd end up replacing all the parts anyway for better ones

10-23-2003, 10:07 PM
If you do go with a cocker, get a stock one from WGP, because you'll end up replacing parts anyway on say a Dye cocker or a genx like you mentioned.

10-23-2003, 11:35 PM
bah, most of the people around here are going to tell you to get a mag. Not always the best choice. If you save up another $100, you can easily buy an Angel from the forums here. Just take a look over there. Plenty of high end guns around $600.

10-23-2003, 11:53 PM
Clearly, im a large angel fan (its clear if you know me that is) but anyways, if you want new, and have 500 bucks, I would say to get a cocker. I wouldnt recomend a stock impulse or bushmaster, just my oppinnion, but if you want either get the bushy. A GX3 isnt a bad option either, pretty cheap for what your getting. The only difference between a gx3 and 4 is the 4 has a swing frame, different barrel, and drop. Personally, I dont like ANS products so much, but wouldnt be a bad option for you. Im just sick of seeing it, my field has about 5 GX 3s' 2 gx4 and 4 gxE's...and it gets on my nerves ;)

10-24-2003, 11:42 AM
what are some good prices on some used angels?

10-24-2003, 12:18 PM
You can buy a non CnC 00 LCD for 400-500 bucks. Now, that doesnt mean all 00 LCD's are cheap. An upgraded CnC thats in good condition can go for 550-700 (can reach 700 if a barrel kit etc is included) Theangelguy.com sells used angels, LCDS are usually 675, and he has an upgraded Dark Angel there right now.

10-24-2003, 12:26 PM
You can easly find used 2k2's in the 500-600 area. Hell new IR3's are real close to 8-850 from legit dealers on ebay.

I love angels espically when thier used and real cheap. Other good guns I can suggest; B2k3 w/PDS, any wgp Cocker or a Works, Shoe box shocker..... There are a bunch of great guns at that price

10-24-2003, 12:39 PM
If you do want to get a cocker. I would recommed an actual cocker. I'm not a big fan of ANS either.

You should be able to find a used Orracle or Black Magic in your price range. Both of these are great markers that you really won't have to upgrade if you don't want to.

10-24-2003, 01:44 PM

About cockers, I just bought a new 2k3 from a guy that won it at a tourney, other than trigger pull i would be suprised if there is that much difference bewteen my stock cocker and the most fancy pants Nexus, eblade aside.

If BradAGD is reading the post maybe he can shed alittle light on the cocker subject.

10-24-2003, 02:01 PM
got my cocker for 350, its an 02 STO with a hinge frame, and damn it preforms

10-24-2003, 04:52 PM
I own 4 cockers and you can feel a diffrence on modified cockers compared to a stock 2k2.

I'm not saying a 2k2 is bad. Just by putting a better barrel on it the thing rocks but you can make them shoot better and you can feel the diffrence.

10-24-2003, 05:31 PM
Gx3s are at blowout price at pbgear.com for $389.

10-24-2003, 06:51 PM
Id say get the used angel, or get a nice cocker from WGP themselves. Used Angels go so crazy sometimes,I know Squid had a really nice one for cheap and nobody picked it up for awhile, might still have it? That or on dealer forums in like Pbnation (bah!) or Pbreview you can find dealers with Orracles for like 575 new. Crazines!