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View Full Version : Whats the difference btw Macrolines and Microlines??

10-24-2003, 02:54 PM
I havea maxflo and need new lines which one should i get, micro, macro or steel for my mag

10-24-2003, 02:56 PM
Micro is smaller, macro is larger, and steal will scratch your body/valve/grip frame/4grip, and anything else it touches.

i would go with macroline.

but thats just my opinion.

10-24-2003, 03:09 PM
use steel (not steal) and cover it with heat shrink tubing. makes it nice and black, and then wont scratch. Also, the steel braided hose wont leak as often as the macro/micro.

I do use macro, but steel is much better for long term setups, I plan on switching over to steel for my tourney guns

10-24-2003, 03:52 PM
I'd go with Spaceman on this... steel braided lines are going to last you a lot longer than the macrolines, especially if you are going to be taking them off repeatedly. After time the end of the macroline gets worn down and won't seal properly. Steel lines with a quick disconnect will do the same job with a lot more durability.

If you don't really care about the durability then go with the macro, (at least the macroline is cheap to replace!) micro lines can choke up your mag by starving it for air... hope this helps.

10-24-2003, 03:54 PM
Im using steel currently after using only macro. I like macro more. It easier to work with and much cheaper, plus, installing SS line is hoe

10-24-2003, 07:58 PM
ive seen micro line burst before not a pretty site... stainless steel all the way

10-24-2003, 09:01 PM
Deffinetily get ss hose, but get a quick disconnect fitting for it.

10-24-2003, 09:40 PM
macro offers more customizability (even a word? lol) you can bend macro this way and that and still have it work great, and you can use any desired length you want. with ss your restricted to whatever length you buy, which imo can be a waste. id say go with macro, cheaper, easier, just as good

10-24-2003, 09:53 PM
Almost every company has stopped using Micro line because of saftey issues.
I prefer the steel because it never leaks.
Macro is nice if you have to remove and replace your line often, like to clean your mag valve, or change your tank and drop from one gun to another.

10-25-2003, 12:22 AM
Stainless Steel lines with QD's all the way.

10-25-2003, 12:25 AM
Ive got SS on one gun and macro on the other. If you go macro, try and get Parker Parflex, its supposed to be the best, and Ive never had a problem with mine. Micro cannot handle the pressure. Cheap macro (32 degrees, etc) doesnt do well either. I saw a macro blow a couple of weeks ago, not pretty...

10-25-2003, 12:45 AM
as the ao*norcal guys know, i used microline for quite some time. never had a problem with it. however, i still say go with macroit is much more common, and a lot easier to find fittings for. stainless is expensive, and hard to find unless you want to drop down major cash for a kit.

10-25-2003, 12:56 AM
OR unless you order from freeflow, in which case they throw the SS on for free ;)

Yes, Zaust uses micro, but I think he is leading a charmed life, as micro is not really rated for such high pressures.

10-25-2003, 09:03 AM
wat happens when macro blows, doesn't it just blow air and the line spins very veyr fast?

10-25-2003, 10:08 AM
in all my time of using macro, the ONLY timy ANYTHING ever blew was when i had received some toxic fittings that had plascic on the inside, the plastic blew out and could of hurt anyone. but, many of u will see, toxic no longer sells those fittings, and just sticks to the normal metal ones evry1 uses :D other than that, i have never ahd anything blow, just stikk with all metal fittings, and parker paraflex macro hose and u should be fine

10-25-2003, 10:33 AM
Remember, there are different types of Macro. My Parker stuff looks nice and thick. I had some 32 degrees stuff that had a very thin wall in comparison to the parker.

I've only seen macro blow one. There was a loud explosion, followed by a quick venting of gas. It scared the crap out of all of us, and apparently did a nice job of chilling the leg of the girl who wsa holding the gun. She had been holding the gun at her side, and the air all hit her leg. The line did not go spinning though, as the line just burst, as opposed to actually blowing in half.

10-25-2003, 10:45 AM
no, ryan, incorrect. i used micro. i am now a happy macroliner.

10-25-2003, 11:03 AM
Oh, I didnt know that you had switched out for macro. Good call. Hopefully its good macro. Too bad I wont get to see your reworked gun for a while, if ever...

10-25-2003, 11:50 AM
A lot of people complain about macro leaking, exploding, and a bunch of other things. Thats because they most likely bought the first macro line and fittings they found, not knowing about them. Usually, that would be 32* stuff, cause they are abundant and cheap for dealers. 32 DEGREES SUCK AND ARE UNSAFE! They are extremely thin and inconsistant walls (inconsistant walls are what are dangerous for exploding) and the fittings are poor quality (leaks, and it doesnt help that the macro isnt even). Get QUALITY MACRO, GET QUALITY FITTINGS, it will never leak and you get all the conviences of macro. Extremely flexible, my macro twists OVER my mainbody into the vertical adaptor. Not only that, my macro is 3 years old and still doesnt leak. You can cut it to any length, the swivel fittings are convienent, and of course you can disconnect it extremely fast. Its not bulky either, and it looks nice

There is a pic somewhere on the forums showing the walls of good macro and 32* (or just any bad macro)

10-25-2003, 09:51 PM
Agreed macro s good. But I did use micro for a long time on my first Mag, and it worked flawlessly. If you look ar specs you will see the working pressures and max pressures for each line you use. Even Parker has a working pressure of only 500 psi. Since I am running my 800 psi preset tank through it, I am probably not too smart. The micro I was using had a working pressure of 650 psi, much better than the macro, but I cannot find that micro line any more. Steel is always the safest. My. $.02

P.S. 32 degrees products do suck. Really bad!!

10-26-2003, 11:43 AM
ive had bad experience with macro, i blew my line bout... 5 times this year almost all of which managed to hit me in the hand.. and blew one 90 degree elbow in half hitting me in the knuckle, that one stung.. changed to SS lines and havent had a problem since. i used micro line for a lil bit, only problem i had was i didnt trust it, seemed to frail, other then that it worked good.

10-26-2003, 11:56 AM
well shaftey, what products were you using? and on the fittings, were there any plastic parts involved on the fittings/

adam shannon
10-26-2003, 07:33 PM
ive never used microline, i had macro for a couple weeks on my first impulse...i switched to ss braided line with quick disconects. i tried all the tricks to stop it from scratching the marker...shrink wrap hose, rubber pressure tape, and even latex grip paint(the stuff you dip tools in to get a hard rubber coating).

a friend of mine swears by monster line. a thicker larger diameter higher flow type of macro line...but you need special sized fittings for it.

what i use now on all my tanks and markers is grease whip hose. its a nylon core wrapped hose with rubber coating thats rated to 3000psi. its a little thicker than ss braid, but it can bend better without getting kinks. plus PB shops charge about $1 an inch for ss braid...greasewhip hose ran me like $3 for 18 inches.

i also moved away from quick disconects as they tend to suck after time and blow o-rings and not get good seals. at least mine did. i now swear by pro connects. plus pro connects blead the line when disconnected so you can degass the marker without having to blead the line and shut the tank off. they are rather pricey...but well worth it for reliability.


the site i got the pro connects from is having problems, but heres the link anyways.
