View Full Version : Help spyder shudder not working

10-24-2003, 04:40 PM
Fixing my friends gun
All the parts look pretty good. I replaced all the o rings. nothing leaks there is enough air input 800 psi. all the air fitting are intact the gun looks over all in good condition. stock bolt. it wont recock it keeps making burbing sounds like it is out of air. its been a wile since i have had a spyder. so im gonna need help on this one.

thanks guys

10-24-2003, 05:51 PM
hey i am thinking it is the trigger sear. check for wear and stuff. try and get it replaced.

10-24-2003, 06:05 PM
also check your springs. the striker springs tend to go bad fairly quickly.

10-24-2003, 06:06 PM
yeah, that's what i thought too
but it cocks initially. it just wont reset when you pull
the trigger. i opened everything up, checked for bad
seals and wears and tears.

this is weird..

i dont think it's getting enough air. i checked the valve assembly.
but the valve assembly looks how it should look.
all the air fittings are straight, no kinks or breaks.

what else should i look at?

10-24-2003, 07:51 PM
Did you install the valve correctly? I think the bigger hole goes toward the front of the marker...

Also make sure the striker buffer (looks like a big fat black donut) is installed in the proper place.

Check to see what the regulator is set at. It may be chokinig the marker and not allowing it to recock.

All else fails, check out this site: http://www.ottersccustoms.com/

He is the spyder know a lot...

10-24-2003, 09:57 PM
TAke the barrel off and cover the opening up and see if U have enuff air pressure to make it cock back if not, check the spring on the air valve and if possible tighten it down or go to a stronger spring. I had this prob with a spyder that I converted to LP. I had constant burping and recocking issues and all it turned out to be was that spring didn't have enuff tension on it.

10-25-2003, 12:26 AM
stick your finger in the feed neck, its got lvl 10 :D jk.

is the sear dropped too low? shutter is electro right? (im not good with spyders) My old spyder clone was electro, and after a while of not using it, the sear managed to lower. All i had to do was raise it and it would recock and cycle fine.

10-31-2003, 12:21 AM
You have the wrong size o-ring on the hammer. If you don't use the specific size, it will not cock. I believe the o-rings for the hammer that spyders use are red, not white or black. I've fixed several spyders with the same problem, and all of them had a bottle o-ring on the hammer. Even if the o-ring looks like it fits, it still might be the wrong size, it is a very specific fit. Hope this helps.