View Full Version : Scary Stories Thread

10-24-2003, 10:03 PM
Post your scary stories, strange happenings here. (just a quick idea to get to 1 million and have fun)

10-24-2003, 11:47 PM
We already have 1 mil...but

I was at my friend's house, it was only me him and his dad(6'3 about 300 lbs). I don't know what made his dad so mad, but we were just sitting around watching tv, and his dad walked in a slapped him....He put his arms up to block it, and his dad thought he was hitting him back, and his dad went physco(sp) and beat the living...snot...out of him. After I realized his dad was seriously beating the crap out of him I ran as fast as I possibly could out of his house. I was still in shock. My friend snuck out of his house and ran...and ran....and I was trialing behind and when he stopped running I got a good look at his face, and he was bleeding and had all these bruises. His mom was pulling in the driveway and I told her everything that happened.

It is all cleared up now. Pretty damn freaky to see someone beat the crap out of your friend, when it is impossible to stop him...(he is a huge guy)

10-25-2003, 09:57 AM
Once a few years ago I was home alone at night and a huge storm came. I was upstairs in my room. I hate thunderstorms, but so much more then (this was maybe late elementry). I was on my computer and the rain started. Then the lightning. Then some massive thunder. I decided a computer was not good to have on so I just turned it off and layed in bed. Then my lights started browning. If anything was worse than a bad thunderstorm, it was a bad thunderstorm without lights when no one was home. Then all at once the lights snapped off and I could hear the house shut down, and IMMEDIATLY after a HUGE wave of more than golfball sized hail plummeled my house. This scared the living SCHNOOTSCINOTIOC out of me and I took off downstairs, with a PILLOW in front of me. With all my windows and different lighting angles and deafening scary sound getting to the basement was unreal. So many things I have never seen before flashing everywhere, undescribable noise, no power, hearing random things, no one there... it was a nightmare. When I finally got to the basement I laid on a couch under a blanket cold sweating, and my PHONE RANG! It was an old phone powered by the power lines and it RANG! I dont know if there was anything more freaky. I barely got myself go cross the freezing room to pick it up, and very gratefully it was my dad, although not knowing of my situation. I dont remember what I said, but he got the air of how scared I was and he said he was coming (he called to ask if I wanted mcdonalds). From then on it got better, but, it sucked

10-25-2003, 08:42 PM
ok this is a funny one...
i went down to a friends house in a town on the water (hull, for all of u from massachusetts)and his friend has this huge house that used to be a boarding house way back then. so we decide to spend the night there, cuz there is alot of room and he has tons of brothers and sisters so we thought it would be more entartaining and less scary cuz it was a terrible storm outside (no joke). this is the first time ive been to this kids house tho, so i have like no idea what to expect. we are downstairs in the basement, and it sounds like we hear footsteps upstairs. and the first ones were like huge, huge banging noises. we slowly crept up to the first floor, then to the second, and then we got to the door of the third (an attic style door u have to open from the ceiling) so we open that door up, and lo and behold a window is open knocking all the things over that were like stacked up on each other, and there was so much stuff on top of other stuff that it was taking a while for the wind to knock it all down. it seriously scared the bejeezees out of us, later that night the power went out and we thot we heard stuff :eek: :D :p

10-25-2003, 09:12 PM
well, here in richfield, wisconsin, our town doesn't want to modernize it so much so they like keeping the old houses:( so once at my friends house at his party we were starting to get ready to got to bed. After learning that someone before he lived there hung themselves in their living room(where we were sleeping) we were kind of scared. after just staying up talking for a while we wanted to go to bed. No one was asleep yet and then all of the sudden their basement door opens up. my friend goes to shut it and goes and lays back down. the door opens again so my friend walked over and closes it. As hes walking back, THE DOOR OPENS AGAIN. we are all freaked out now so he puts a laundry basket in front of it. when he lays back down the door opened again, so now we stack things in front of the door:D

This one took place at a golf course. The owner just recently died so my friends grandpa bought it. Again, another old house at a golf course, and this one is old! We go in to walk around cause you get freaked just by looking at it. So we go inside and walk around. Its alright, many empty rooms with large windows and no curtains. we decide to adventure upstairs. we are walking upstairs with all the stairs creaking and the house smells like death, its just horrible. some people freak out so then go back downstairs and then its just me, and my two friends left. we are walking in and out of rooms when one comes running out of a room screaming, we look to see inside and we get totally freaked and run, until i actually realized what it was. it was a suit hanging on a rack right in the middle of the darkest room. we all thought it was someone that hung themselve.

last story is about my house. now my house is freaky, really freaky. it use to belong to a priest. we have a cat that meows when its not getting attention, so at night when everyone is asleep, he starts meowing, and it sounds like a little kid crying. Then at random the lights will flicker(like at 11:30 once i went to the bathroom and the lights just started flickering) very freaky. Then there is our basement, the scariest basement you have ever seen. there are like little hiding spots and rooms no one is ever in, just scary. Once i heard a sound that was like a guy laughing and using a saw at the same time. Put all these together and you have a very, very scary house. also every room in our house has windows.

10-25-2003, 09:45 PM
Why does nothing cool like that happen to me :(
There is an old estate by my house, that has a bunch of smaller houses for servents and such around it. Anyway they restored the main house, but the others are just kind of rotting. We got into a couple of them. The basement of one of the houses was really freaky, nothing weired happend. But there was not floor, just dirt it wasn't even either there were little hills and such. Then there are a bunch of cages, not little ones but bigger ones one of them had an old rotting bed it it. There was a couple tables with old pliars saws, knives, ropes things of that nature. You have to see it I guess, but when you look at it the first thing that comes to your mind is what the hell happend here. It just gives you the feeling that there must be some bodies burried in there.

10-25-2003, 09:52 PM
idk about u guys but i like dread the feeling of being scared but i still love it lol i love the excitement but i hate it too

10-26-2003, 09:46 AM
once there was an power outage then a surge at 3:00am. my toaster went on and off with my dishwasher and microwave.then all the tvs turned on to the same channel really really really loud. then my computer came on. this all lasted for about 10 secounds then it all just stopped. i was home alone for the weekend too.

10-26-2003, 03:45 PM
That's the kind of thing that would scare the living bejesus outta me... fortunately we don't lost power very often.

Haha then there's always the time falconguy and I had to break into his own house... :)

10-26-2003, 06:17 PM
my brother snuck into a local abandoned insane asylum and came back with the sign that said "main surgery room" he said that some of the rooms had blood stains in them. then he said that they walked down the stairs to the basement, it was all dirt floor and as soon as they had walked about 5 ft into the huge room they felt a big blast of cold air, and it was a fairly hot night, they were so scared they ran out and waiting for them outside was......the cops

10-26-2003, 06:59 PM
Wouldn't the cops take the sign from him, and arrest him... And where is this place, I want in.

10-28-2003, 07:46 PM
yes, he did get arrested, yes the sign was taken from him. its in a town called hanson in massachusetts, and has been abandoned for a while.
(my bad in the other post, i meant he got it when he was in there like when they got into the building, not came back home with it)

10-29-2003, 03:33 PM
so the town in hanson is abandoned....nice, anything there for the taking. also how did the cops know they were there

10-29-2003, 05:56 PM
no,just the asylum...i no u guys dont believe me, but it really happened. i never said there where ghosts or anything, just cold air. jeez, i dont even believe in ghosts. theres always a logical explanation to everything, and ultimatepaintballer someone called when they heard my brother and his friends going inside, they had to break a window.

10-29-2003, 07:36 PM
Over the summer, my cousin and I watched The Ring on PPV. Well it was like 5am and raining like a mofo. SO when it was over, I got up to take a leak. So I'm in the bathroom... and the effing power goes out. Scared the bejesus out of me. The the phone rang(fromt he lightnin i guessg). Needless to say, I got upstairs as fast as i humanly could in complete darkness, unplugged my tv, and sat int the corner under a blanket and a flashlight with my cousin.


Load SM5
10-29-2003, 08:30 PM
Ok my one true ghost story. After Thanksgiving last year in Hilton Head my wife and I decided to spend an extra day checking out Savannah, GA. on the way back. My bro hooked us up for the night in a really old civil war era hotel called the Marshall House. We also decide to take a ghost tour that night. And of course the first place on the tour was.....The Marshall House. Apparently the place is not only haunted but very haunted. Apparently it was a civil war hospital and they uncovered thousands of bones from amputations. And hundreds of soldiers died there on the tables.

Well about 2 in the morning we went to sleep and we made it about 1 hour before we woke up to a crash and series of small thuds in the bathroom. After my wife stops screaming I go into the bathroom and all of our toiletries, (toothbrush, deoderant etc.) are scattered all over the bathroom floor. The stuff did'nt fall off; it looked like someone walked through with their arm out and swiped the shelves and top of the toilet and flung the stuff all over the room. We did'nt sleep the rest of the night.

11-05-2003, 04:47 PM
Originally posted by UltimatePaintballer
well, here in richfield, wisconsin, our town doesn't want to modernize it so much so they like keeping the old houses:( so once at my friends house at his party we were starting to get ready to got to bed. After learning that someone before he lived there hung themselves in their living room(where we were sleeping) we were kind of scared. after just staying up talking for a while we wanted to go to bed. No one was asleep yet and then all of the sudden their basement door opens up. my friend goes to shut it and goes and lays back down. the door opens again so my friend walked over and closes it. As hes walking back, THE DOOR OPENS AGAIN. we are all freaked out now so he puts a laundry basket in front of it. when he lays back down the door opened again, so now we stack things in front of the door:D

This one took place at a golf course. The owner just recently died so my friends grandpa bought it. Again, another old house at a golf course, and this one is old! We go in to walk around cause you get freaked just by looking at it. So we go inside and walk around. Its alright, many empty rooms with large windows and no curtains. we decide to adventure upstairs. we are walking upstairs with all the stairs creaking and the house smells like death, its just horrible. some people freak out so then go back downstairs and then its just me, and my two friends left. we are walking in and out of rooms when one comes running out of a room screaming, we look to see inside and we get totally freaked and run, until i actually realized what it was. it was a suit hanging on a rack right in the middle of the darkest room. we all thought it was someone that hung themselve.

last story is about my house. now my house is freaky, really freaky. it use to belong to a priest. we have a cat that meows when its not getting attention, so at night when everyone is asleep, he starts meowing, and it sounds like a little kid crying. Then at random the lights will flicker(like at 11:30 once i went to the bathroom and the lights just started flickering) very freaky. Then there is our basement, the scariest basement you have ever seen. there are like little hiding spots and rooms no one is ever in, just scary. Once i heard a sound that was like a guy laughing and using a saw at the same time. Put all these together and you have a very, very scary house. also every room in our house has windows.

yeah, he's my best friend the first story took place at my house, the second one i had the same experience at the same house but at different times. you can sense a feeling of death in that house and its scary as all hell. for the third one, i was at his house when his damn cat was friggen soundin like a girl outside callin for her mom, i nearly crapped myself i was so scared.

also when my sister and i were younger, one time during the nite we woke up at the exact same time and odly enuf we both had the same exact nightmare. that was in the freaky house with the guy that hung himself in the room we'd sleep in at sleep overs, the basement was also very freaky and built out of stone. the house's living room actually had a TRAP DOOR leading to a room in the basement that had tons of locks on it. we covered it up with wood when we got it refinished tho. but in that house i would have dreams about people in the basement:eek:

11-05-2003, 04:50 PM
You suck, trap doors are cool, who covers them up? :(

11-05-2003, 05:00 PM
the people who realize that the floor was rotting and not very safe to have near kids anyway :D plus it was a freaky arse house that was build EXACTLY across the street from a church that had a freaky old nun house next to it and on the other side of that was a fairly large cemitary. the nun house is now a "haunted house" to raise money for the church :)

11-05-2003, 05:08 PM
dylan, remember the bar with the fake guy in the window.

11-05-2003, 05:11 PM
scared the crap out of all of us lmfao. stupid manikins (sp?) i hate them all. i'm terrified of things like those. no "real objects" scare me more than vantriliquist dummies. i would have to go thru serious therapy if I ever saw one coming near me during the night. I am also pretty scared of windows at night and in the rain. i always have to have blinds.

11-05-2003, 05:40 PM
But when you got the new floor you should have kept the door :) Does that mean you cannot get to that room in the basement at all now?

11-05-2003, 05:52 PM
no u can, we took the locks off b4 that.

11-05-2003, 05:53 PM
anyone one else find those old guys on the muppets scary, ESPECIALLY in A CHRISTMAS CAROL!!!!!!

11-05-2003, 08:21 PM

supposed_to_be_haunted_ive_been_out_there_about_5_ times_and_nothing_freaky_ever_hap._but_the_place_l ooks_freaky


George Washington Carver School -- 16 Miles south of Shreveport on Ellerbe Rd. -- A large full facility school built in the mid 1950's to accommodate the large number of African-Americans that lived on plantations and farms at that time. It was closed when the majority of young rural blacks migrated to the city. It is most impressive to see this, modern and still beautiful, school sitting all alone and unused."

AFTER, it closed it caught fire. There are rumors that are numerous about what happened but the documents to supports those rumors are NONE. The land deed has been researched and it originally belonged to the Native American Indian's then deeded to a man named Francois Graff, a French man. The land is POSSIBLY an old Indian burial ground."

11-05-2003, 09:40 PM
Well i havent really gotten the piss scared out of me yet just becouse i play stuff cool and dont really realize whats goin on half the time.:D But i'm the one that usually scares people....i dont get scared.

11-06-2003, 07:46 AM
Originally posted by Load SM5

Now *THAT* scares the bajeebus outta me! ;)

j/k man :) That would seriously wierd me out to no end..ack.:eek:

Load SM5
11-06-2003, 07:52 AM
The word "my" scares you?:confused: ;)

11-06-2003, 08:15 PM
Originally posted by Load SM5
The word "my" scares you?:confused: ;) i don't think that's it ;)

11-06-2003, 08:37 PM
I'm still upset that one would give up a trap door :(

11-06-2003, 08:47 PM
haah, oops..meant "my wife.."

The very thought of you being married makes me cringe..lol ;)

11-06-2003, 08:58 PM
Originally posted by -Jôker-

supposed_to_be_haunted_ive_been_out_there_about_5_ times_and_nothing_freaky_ever_hap._but_the_place_l ooks_freaky


George Washington Carver School -- 16 Miles south of Shreveport on Ellerbe Rd. -- A large full facility school built in the mid 1950's to accommodate the large number of African-Americans that lived on plantations and farms at that time. It was closed when the majority of young rural blacks migrated to the city. It is most impressive to see this, modern and still beautiful, school sitting all alone and unused."

AFTER, it closed it caught fire. There are rumors that are numerous about what happened but the documents to supports those rumors are NONE. The land deed has been researched and it originally belonged to the Native American Indian's then deeded to a man named Francois Graff, a French man. The land is POSSIBLY an old Indian burial ground."
Why is everything supposibly built on an old indian burial ground!

11-06-2003, 09:21 PM
Well, how could it be scarry without it being a burrial ground?:D but they only say some indian guy onced owned it a while back. they just naturaly assume he would burry a cupple hundred of his friends on it too. I mean, don't they all do that?:D :rolleyes: :p

11-06-2003, 09:29 PM
Behind my house, probably 500ft away there are three graves from back in the day when you could bury people in your yard. They're not on my property though.

11-06-2003, 09:34 PM
Originally posted by PyRo
Behind my house, probably 500ft away there are three graves from back in the day when you could bury people in your yard. They're not on my property though. That would freak me out!

11-06-2003, 09:36 PM
Did I mention a kid also killed both his parents in my house about 30 years ago :)
Nothing scary though, exept the light in the kitchen decided to make a noise like its being moved every once in a while, and once when I was younger I rememeber seeing a shadow of a hand moving and hearing knocking when noone else was around.

11-06-2003, 10:27 PM
Originally posted by PyRo
Behind my house, probably 500ft away there are three graves from back in the day when you could bury people in your yard. They're not on my property though.
dig em'up and see:D ..seriously

11-06-2003, 10:32 PM
Hmm, digging up graves just isn't my thing. ALthought one time we decided to dig a hole just for the hell of it (common what kid hasn't). And we found a gravestone for a dog names rascal from the early 1800's under about 8in of dirt, what were the odds of finding that with all the room we had to dig. Oh about a year ago I decided to go dig up a failing report card I had put in a zip lock bad and burried in about 4th grade, now looking at those grades was scary :)