View Full Version : Jersey Holes

10-25-2003, 03:57 AM
So, I am trying to figure out how many feet per second and at what range it takes for someone to rip holes through a jersey.

Lately at SC Village in Southern California, I have been a victum of the "we are shooting at you over 300fps club." I don't know if it is just me, or if jerseys are poop now a days, but I have been getting holes ripped through my jersey and "severe" welts on my body. Welts that bleed and leave a circular scar.

I could understand if someone was closer than 10 feet away trying to shoot at you, but most of these shots are across a field with 20+ yards difference.

If you know SC Village, they don't have a chrono station for the Arena fields and it is based on the honor system. SC Village feels that since you are a "Tourney style" player you should know that shooting at high velocities can hurt someone. I agree with this, but I don't think most people are honest when it comes to other people.

I go often and don't recieve welts like this all the time, but I notice it is the same teams or group of guys that will do it to me everytime. I tend to get alot of bounces (which is nice) but I will say that the ones that ripped my jersey have definately broke when they hit.

Any oppinions on SC Village policy? Any other stories about jerseys ripping when shot? Do tell.

10-25-2003, 06:56 AM
jersey never broke.
my skin did tho.

hows this: drunk, no chrono, public park, midnight.

i still have the scar to remind me, never again.
im guessing he shot me at 350fps or maybe more. im
surprised he didnt break a ball in his marker.

anyhoo, how old is your jerzey? how often do you wash it?
is it exposed to sunlight a lot? those can affect the
quality of the material. i believe.

and the whole no-chrono thing. that's gay.
everyone knows that there's always a douchebag
that likes to crank up their velocity.
and if you give them the chance to, they will.

10-25-2003, 07:11 AM
At badlandz, they chrono like 1 game a day, and usually not the first, I think thats pretty stupid, I know people will turn up their velocity

One time a kid couldnt get his gun under 320 when we were chronoing and the ref lets him play with it like that, kinda makes me wonder...

GA Devil
10-25-2003, 01:32 PM
I was hit in the hand from about 15 feet or so away this past weekend and felt awful hot. I asked the guy to re chrony....335. Thank goodness for gloves.

10-25-2003, 03:07 PM
yea, i was playing woods ball, and some kid had turned his velocity all the way up (probably 350 or so) and turned his gun full auto, i had a big bloody line of about 7 welts across my back, still have scars form some of them (i dunno y not all, but watever)

10-25-2003, 04:03 PM
last sunday me and 2 friends of mine were all "protecting the Alamo". and i was shooting at someone, and my friend says "GET DOWN DAVE!!"

so, i take off my left hand so my right can take down my gun, and BOOM!

i get hit at the lower part of my thumb, i scream HIT HIT HIT, and my WHOLE thumb hurts like hell and i cant move it.

about 5 minutes later, i concluded that my friend has no aim at all, and wound up nailing me in the thumb from probably a little less than 3 feet away at about 280fps.

it was one ugly site, and i got a picture of it too [ill post it when i can ;) :D]

10-25-2003, 04:22 PM
Im glad that at pendleton we get chronoed before every set (2 games no break in between).

10-25-2003, 04:38 PM
When my friends and I used to play outlaw, we used to "sight chrono", it's a wonder none of us died. What we'd do is have the "velocity adjustment area" as the target. if it look like it was going too slow, we'd jack it way the heck up. I don't know how fast they where going but i shot a guy from 20 feet away and it left him a huge circular bruise. It also mashed flat the paintball armor he was wearing at the time over it. When we'd finally went to a speedball field, my mag chronoed in at 380 and my friend's bushy, don't ask me how, was in the 450's.

10-25-2003, 04:39 PM
^ OMG, i got shot by something like that, blew strait though a crappy mask I had on. that sucked!

oh and i play at atomix (http://www.pbreview.com/fields/reviews/235/) they check b4 every set too

10-25-2003, 07:09 PM
i went to bunker one of my freinds once and he popped up just as i was running at him and he must ahve been shooting well over 300 ( since we didnt chrono) and he shot me about 5 times all 5 times it ripped thru my shirt

it was kinda funny later cuz i hade these bloody rings on my chest and stomach

but it still hurt extremly bad:(

10-25-2003, 08:34 PM
Get a handheld chrony, and lend it to the ref whenever you think hot shooting occurs. Showing that you won't put up with it from anyone, will show that you want to get your money's worth at SCV. If the ref doesn't want to uphold the rules, then complain LOUDLY to the management. SCV is owned by stand up people, and they will not stand for, nor can afford, injuries that can be prevented.

10-25-2003, 09:37 PM
how can it even be legal to not chrono someone?

SCV or w/e this place is sounds like it's run by morons.. Theres always the typical jerk out there trying to ruin it for everyone so an honer system is the dumbest thing i've ever heard of.. It sounds like there just cheap basterds and don't want to buy a $60 chrono.