View Full Version : Should I buy a Mag???

10-25-2003, 09:47 PM
well right now I have a tippmann 98c with all sorts of goodies.

I could either buy a used mag now, or wait a bit and get a ICD bushmaster 2k3 w/pds.

I will be using this marker for some tournaments and some rec ball. I dont really care about ROF to much right now, It would be nice to shoot faster than my tippmann. I really am looking for ultra-consistancy for a good price. I have never really heard any compliments on the automag's consistancy before, which worries me.

my setup will probally end up like so:
automag 68 powerfeed
some barrel (j%j)
Lvl 10
front grip
huge drop foward
evo 2
68/3000 nitro

would you go for a mag in my position?? I am really confused right now and any sugeestions would help. oh and another possible choice is a palmer blazer

10-25-2003, 09:49 PM
personally, i dont like bushmasters. get a mag, but some money into it, and youll have a sweet *** gun without the hassle of an electric.

10-25-2003, 09:59 PM
but how sweet??

what exactly do you get at the chrono??

how is your gun in terms of accuracy?

10-25-2003, 10:06 PM
buy the electro. exspecialy for the tourney. plus your asking an automags forum if u should get a mag so i had to go against the grain

10-25-2003, 10:07 PM
go for the bushy, very nice gun

10-25-2003, 10:08 PM
god damnit

I really dont want to spend 600 dollars.... oh well. I guess I have to bite the bullet.

10-25-2003, 10:28 PM
then don't spend 600 dollars, buy the mag and upgrade it till it rules, buy like an xvalve, y grip or intelli frame, ule body, ULT, nice barrel and then it will be better then a bushy.....Christmas is coming up.:D

10-25-2003, 10:34 PM
you can get a 2k3 BKO for $255 new, i would suggest it, but im not shure of the website, search on google or something

10-25-2003, 11:03 PM
like ultimatepaintballer said christmas is coming up,
get a mag you will never... ever... regret it!

10-25-2003, 11:05 PM
the only mag i would regret over a bushy would be like a stock 68 classic, if you upgrade it then it will be very nice :D and i can't believe it, christmas is like a month away! hory sh:t!

10-26-2003, 01:15 AM
Go here:

http://www.shootpaint.com/pd-217192656.htm?defaultVariants=search1_EQ_Yes_AND_s earch0_EQ_Black_AND_%7BEOL%7D&categoryId=47

You can get a 2K3 Bushy with PDS for $500.

Throw on an Evo II, micro drop (preference), a tank, and you will be ripping.

Quick Upgrades would be an aftermarket barrel (ultralight, freak) and a upgraded HPR (Sidewinder, 2K4 Gladiator).

Out of the box you will have a paint ripping, almost unchoppable (PDS), gat that will be mad consistant (with the Sidewinder) and will be very easy to maintain.

2K3 Bushy w/ PDS hands down will outshoot, and be much more reliable than any stock mag.

This day and age to build a nice, fast, light, rippin mag costs you about 600-800 new.

Its all preference though... I prefer bushy. ;)

10-26-2003, 01:45 AM
well if i were u i would get a mag with a rt valve. classic valve's are slower that tippmann's. what you are need to have a relly good rec and terniment gun is a rt valve of some sort, a intelliframe, level 10, and a nice nitro tank. i have a tricked out mag and i love it. i may sell it for a e mag with a x valve. i like how fast the e mag shoots but for a good mabey $450 you will get that. and trust me mags are the most easyer gun to clean and upgrade. and they never brake. all you ned is a mag o-ring kit so if a o-ring brakes but other than that they never brake. if i would you get a mag!!!!

i think what you said up is a good starting setup!

10-26-2003, 08:07 AM
the real reason I want a mag though is because they are cheaper than a b2k3, while still being well built.

can be happy with just a plan ole' stock mag?? and later on when I have a job I could upgrade the **** out of it. once again, how consistant are mags? I have heard they get bad effincency. true??

10-26-2003, 09:37 AM
well how much of a budget are you on? Id look in the for sale forums here and i bet you could find an awsome mag for a good price that you definatly wouldent regret buying.... my mag is really consistant of the crono by the way

would somthing like this be in your price range... the bottom one is what id go for http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=106385

10-26-2003, 10:07 AM
more of these damn bush vs. mag threads...

tough decision.

if you want speed, get the bush.
but then again, slap a ult on a mag and you could be flying too.

with the pds its highly unlikely that you will be chopping, and you can still get the SP mod to even further reduce that chance.
yet, mags can have eyes and lx, but i'd just stick with the lx.

b2k bush has cocker threads, and 68 mags do not [right? lol]

so, that means you might have a harder time finding barrels for the mag, but i doubt what i say. yet, for another 150$ you can get the ule which does has cocker threads :\

all in all...
i think that i would buy the bush, or just slowly upgrade the mag depending on monetary status.

but i say BUSHMASTER!! :D :D
if you do buy the bush, id love to see you at www.icd-owners.com :)

10-26-2003, 10:08 AM
your are planning on buying hpa too right? because i forgot to mention its highly recommended with mags and with and RT valve you must have hpa

10-26-2003, 10:11 AM
or he can get a palmer stabilizer if he wants to run the bush or mag on CO2 :)

but then again its 90$... bleh

10-26-2003, 10:37 AM
ya then when he puts co2 on a mag with rt and freeze's the valve thats a problem. but you can use co2 on a classic valve though!!!!!!

10-26-2003, 10:41 AM
you cant run bushies either on co2

unless you have the stabilizer, which makes it co2 friendly.

because the bush will have the same problem of freezing internals... so why would it be any different for a mag?

10-26-2003, 10:47 AM
ohhh i didnt know that about bushy's i was jest saying that for mags but ya dont bushy's use this thing it is kinda like a max-flo ??

10-26-2003, 07:22 PM
for the 500 u would spend on that b2k3 500, u can get a really nice mag with all kinds of goodies that will out do a bushy ne day

10-26-2003, 08:20 PM
whatever, i'll wait a bit until I get a good understanding of booth guns.

and I have hpa btw and a evo 2

10-26-2003, 10:38 PM
if ur not looking to shoot that fast...get a mag with I/Y frame..then just upgrade it slowly..a bushy is nice, but ya said u dont need the extra ROF..so why go electro? ud still be shooting faster then ur tippy anyway..so i say go mag!

hope this helps!

10-26-2003, 11:00 PM
Hey man, Go for the mag there real nice rite outta the box.
and over the chrony mine used to get about +- 3or4 fps.

but if you go for the mag level 10 is a must.


10-27-2003, 12:51 AM
man, you really need a mag with an rt valve, intelliframe, and level 10. nothing flashy, but something that will absolutely rip. plus it has to be cheap. oh wait, i happen to have said gun for sale!!!


10-27-2003, 10:33 AM
Classis slower than a Tippman? Are you crazy? A classic with a good frame can be shot over 10 BPS with a good trigger frame and a mag in good working order (not trying to start a bps debate). I actually prefer the classic over the RT. When I could get +/- 1 at the chrono and have a nice stream during rapid fire, couldn't ask for more.

I would get a used mag, you can get nice ones with upgrades from 200-250. Then go and buy parts kit and replace all the orings. You'll then have a new mag for a low price that can run on CO2 or HPA.