View Full Version : Mr. Tom Kaye I need your opinion in this please.

10-26-2003, 07:34 PM
Hey guys here it is my sort of plan for a electro-pneumatic mag. It will have the same grip frame, board and sear like any other E-mag it even has he switch to change it for electro, manual and hybrid. The A.I.R. valve or RT valve will work the same but maybe the power tube will need to be redesign.

As you can see in the drawing of my design is nearly the same as a electro-pneumatic. Instead of the automag bolt a RAM in which it will be recocked same as any other Automag with the spring.

The thing that im not sure of is the air passage maybe you guys can advice me on this part.

Just in Case if what it is said in the Key isn't readable:

the lilte black square that apears- air passage
1- delrin bolt
2- RAM
3- field-strip screw
4- on/off valve

I think maybe my design you can make a electro pneumatic mag with lvl 10. That would be nice.

10-26-2003, 07:37 PM
I dunno why i cant post the picture of the plan is only 70 kb. :confused:

10-26-2003, 07:43 PM
AO's having some weird problem right now, no new files can be attached at all. Sorry!!
If you wanna e-mail it to me I can host it and then link it here... [email protected]

10-26-2003, 07:46 PM
Originally posted by Athius
I dunno why i cant post the picture of the plan is only 70 kb. :confused:

Free uploading, no signing up needed. I'm intersted in seeing your idea.

10-26-2003, 07:57 PM
Originally posted by Grasshopper
Wow, I've found a new best friend!! :eek:

10-26-2003, 07:58 PM
i hope it works but thanks anyway Grasshopper



10-26-2003, 08:22 PM
Don't forget to put the image tags around it or it will automatically put URL tags around it...

10-26-2003, 08:28 PM
It might be easier to just buy an Impulse.:D

But at least your thinking.

Good luck.


10-26-2003, 08:32 PM
Originally posted by RRfireblade
It might be easier to just buy an Impulse.:D

But at least your thinking.

Good luck.


i got a bushy jejeeje

i just came up with this cuz i love both my bushy and my mag.

10-26-2003, 08:36 PM
I know where your coming from,I have a Rat and an Xmag.:D


10-26-2003, 10:08 PM

Can't really tell what you mean in that drawing. In general you will have a hard time changing th basic function of the gun.


10-26-2003, 11:10 PM
Originally posted by AGD

Can't really tell what you mean in that drawing. In general you will have a hard time changing th basic function of the gun.


Thanks for the feedback Tom!

I was thinkin that instead of the lvl 7 bolt put a ram which will work same as the bolt but in this case it will move the delrin bolt and what will cock it back is the spring used in automag valves.

Never knew that no one has thought about this before.

It is just an idea i dont really think making it becuase first i dont know nothing about airsmithin and sencond i am no machinist i dont even know what does a machinist do other than doin stuff with machines and metals. Hell I dont even know nothing about pre-calculus my major is literature.

And another reason i dont have the money and time.

10-27-2003, 06:54 AM
you turned it ionto a spyder, congats(stacked tube thingy) i belive the single tube is what makes mags stand out its like a trademark:p

10-27-2003, 03:36 PM
Originally posted by dansim
you turned it ionto a spyder, congats(stacked tube thingy) i belive the single tube is what makes mags stand out its like a trademark:p

I know I sort of turned it into a spyder but i think with my idea it could maybe create a great electro-pneumatic marker.

10-27-2003, 03:48 PM
I can see what you are trying to do, and with lots of work, you MIGHT be able to get it to fire a paintball, and that is a BIG might. Too be honest, you would be better off using the theory that Punisher used in building his cockerfied mag and just use an electronic frame and 'noid. The other option is to do what nicad di. Though I am not real sure of what is inside that Angel grip, but I have a pretty good idea (and am VERY interested if I am right).

10-27-2003, 03:56 PM
With your mastery of the english language, I'm surprised by your major. ;)

"I don't even know nothing."


Originally posted by Athius

It is just an idea i dont really think making it becuase first i dont know nothing about airsmithin and sencond i am no machinist i dont even know what does a machinist do other than doin stuff with machines and metals. Hell I dont even know nothing about pre-calculus my major is literature.

And another reason i dont have the money and time.

10-27-2003, 04:44 PM
Originally posted by Dayspring
With your mastery of the english language, I'm surprised by your major. ;)

"I don't even know nothing."


Too much Mark Twain ;)

10-27-2003, 05:37 PM
from what I can see, you turned it into a BKO/EM1. ram based poppet valve with a return spring instead of a three-way noid. I dont see how any part (other than the body) of the mag would be used.