View Full Version : is lvl 10 a must-have??

10-27-2003, 04:19 PM
well while I am saving up for my b2k3 w/ pds, I will be borrowing my friends classic mag (no powerfeed I dont think) for a while, and it doesn't have lvl 10. I could use some of my savings for lvl 10, but im not sure how well im going to like the mag or how long I will use it.

BTW I have an evo 2

10-27-2003, 05:03 PM
there's some things i dont regret doing in life.
and one of them is getting the Level10.

10-27-2003, 05:16 PM
Hard to believe now, but we played with mags for about 14 years without a level ten. So yes, a mag still works, I know for a lot of us kinda like a switch, the mag stopped upon invent of LX! If you know how to operate the trigger well and are not trying to shoot like superman you will be fine. You will still get a break here and there, that is a mag. So LX mandatory---no, but highly recommended!

10-27-2003, 05:31 PM
If its not your mag I wouldn't put anything into it...

10-27-2003, 07:43 PM
i dont know how i lived without LX... the best 60 bucks you can spend on a mag