View Full Version : My grades :(.

10-28-2003, 01:07 PM
Man I don't know what I've been doing in school lately. I have turned in all my homework all year so far, but when it comes to test I get like D's and F's. It really freaking sucks.

Chemistry I have like a 68.
Spanish I have a 69.3.
And World History I have like a 67.

Grades go out this Friday :(.

All high D's. I'm not dumb or anything...., but when It comes to test I seem to forget everything and do bad. I haven't missed any HW so far this year.

What should I start doing that will help? Besides just to "Study". I try to study, but I forget everything when the test is on my desk. I really want to go to college and all, but my GPA is only at 2.6. I'm really nervious about all this stuff... :(.

10-28-2003, 01:13 PM
I look to AO for good advice.

By the way: My sister did great in Highschool and I'm not doing to well as you can see. It really sucks.

10-28-2003, 01:23 PM
try to make correlations between things you are learning and things you know/will remember.

kind of like how they did it in road trip, only i suppose you can use something like paintball as opposed to wrestling. just have to find somethat that you can relate to in the subject.

(:sigh: i know im making sense to myself.. whether or not i make it to everyone else is more important)

10-28-2003, 01:34 PM
I used to have stupid things to remember things by. Cannot really think of any examples. WHen I used to Caddy I could never remember which clubs were whose, so I made stupid things, like this bag looks gay, and his shirt it gay because... and thats how I remembered whose stuff was whose. Found some feature bewteen the bag and the guy. Did the same thing for tests, like part of the name of a word I would link to somthing else somhow, and it ended up working quite well. I never did homework (but I had ways of making the teachers think I did), and I studied about a hlaf hour or each test, and pulled low 90's, so I think my method works :)

10-28-2003, 03:05 PM
686-8-69's r high D'S!!!!????
that's failign for my school

10-28-2003, 03:20 PM
65 is usually failing isn't it?

10-28-2003, 04:38 PM
Yeah, relating things to something else is the way to do it. For instance, I remembered that I had a test over the names and locations for every county in Arkansas. We hadn't done any of it in school,(this is Arkansas history, so all year long it will sure be nice to know where things are). I memorized like 78 counties in 30 minutes, just by doing stuff like that. See if you can find any websites the specialize in memorization, we even did a study on that in GT, and it's made me a better student. Just be sure not to study the hard things too much and not study the easy ones at all-then you'll feel like an idiot when you get the tests back.

10-28-2003, 04:40 PM
Originally posted by PyRo
65 is usually failing isn't it?

Anything lower than a 70 is at my school...

10-28-2003, 04:56 PM
50 is failing in our school. :) Good thing my grades arent below 80s anyways. :)

10-28-2003, 05:11 PM
50 is failing in our school. Good thing my grades arent below 80s anyways. 50 is failing at Special Ed at my school too.;)

10-28-2003, 05:24 PM
Originally posted by AcemanPB

Anything lower than a 70 is at my school...
Wow, sucks ot be at your school. 59% is failing over here.

10-28-2003, 06:21 PM
Just try not to worry so much about your tests, you forget things when u freak out. Dont beat yourself up, just remember u start out with all a;s this quarter keep them that way. Good luck.

10-28-2003, 06:25 PM
Try this once... it may or may not work (it worked for me, I was a slacker and pulled high 90s).

Learn to skim read, catching details fully and only half-reading the rest of the text (I know this sounds odd but cut your reading time down, read your textbooks like you would a paintball magazine). Try this for a chapter, then check the questions at the back of the chapter (assuming they are still there) - can you answer them... if you can you've gained what you should have from the text.

This has always helped me spend less time studying and helped me to do better... people get freaked out when they try to study, some people have to, but don't always think studying harder is the way to do it, study better - try different methods and see what works best for you.

10-28-2003, 07:03 PM
Originally posted by gamarada717
Yeah, relating things to something else is the way to do it. For instance, I remembered that I had a test over the names and locations for every county in Arkansas. We hadn't done any of it in school,(this is Arkansas history, so all year long it will sure be nice to know where things are). I memorized like 78 counties in 30 minutes, just by doing stuff like that.

Arkansas, what is that? Who cares :)

10-28-2003, 07:07 PM
Skim-reading is the way to go. If you're bad at taking notes, or just CAN'T make yourself take notes at him (I am like that), you MUST force yourself to pay attention in class and write down everything important. Writing things is almost a guarentee for memorization, much moreso than just reading... although ACTIVE reading is important too!!

10-28-2003, 07:25 PM
welcome to my world of hell:(

RT pRo AuToMaG
10-28-2003, 07:30 PM
damn, 69 is failing at my school.

10-28-2003, 07:46 PM
Originally posted by RT pRo AuToMaG
damn, 69 is failing at my school.
Same here, you guys are lucky!

I usually do something like pyro does if I cant remember

i like tictacs
10-28-2003, 08:00 PM
Originally posted by bunkermaster10
Man I don't know what I've been doing in school lately. I have turned in all my homework all year so far, but when it comes to test I get like D's and F's. It really freaking sucks.

Chemistry I have like a 68.
Spanish I have a 69.3.
And World History I have like a 67.

Grades go out this Friday :(.

All high D's. I'm not dumb or anything...., but when It comes to test I seem to forget everything and do bad. I haven't missed any HW so far this year.

What should I start doing that will help? Besides just to "Study". I try to study, but I forget everything when the test is on my desk. I really want to go to college and all, but my GPA is only at 2.6. I'm really nervious about all this stuff... :(.

man, i hate to be a dickhead, but it's high school. it really isn't that difficult. if you say your studying, which for some reason i doubt, there wouldnt be a problem. and if you really are studying and doing your homework, then you might have a mental issue.just pay attention in class, and give an extra 20 minutes a night to each one of those subjects...i used to do poor in HS, i even failed math freshman yaer, but now i am on honor roll all the time, just because i put more time into it.

10-28-2003, 08:09 PM
I got 2 a's, 1 b and 2 c's, which kinda sucks for me, but I do all the work, and understand everything, once test time comes I suck big time, in english I had like tons of 100's then on 2 tests I failed and that brought me down to an 84. I study for hours and not in front of the t.v. and I still do terrible on tests, and I pay attention during class, and look over my notes everyday, I just suck at life I guess:(

10-28-2003, 08:10 PM
Sorry, I can't help you BUT I can tell yo uwhat a friend does... She makes a cheer out of it, lol I know it's stupid but make a song with all the facts for the test.

10-28-2003, 08:15 PM
i think paying attention in class is far better than taking notes, but its different for different people i guess.

anyway you are lucky, 69 is failing at my school, and something isn't an A unless its a 95.


10-28-2003, 08:18 PM
i recommend accualy tutoring someone as you go along my brother wasnt exactly a stellar high schooler himself but his grades were alot better when he was teaching his girlfriend stuff and helping her study(no not that knda studying ew)

10-28-2003, 10:11 PM
how the *heck* can they say that 70 is failing!!! everywhere I know in canada below 50 is failing at my school 69 is a C+. but the average is suposed to be 75 and some evil teachers use that freaking curve to make sure it is. I'm guessing the average at your school is supposed to be in the 80's then.

10-28-2003, 10:14 PM
75 is the general avg and we have our brilliant students who bring it down into the 80's probably.

i dont know im ranked 44th in a class of 111 and my gpa is (i dont know i think its a 3.6 or 3.7) and i have a 92.968 or something like that avg.

i wish i would have tried earlier on. oh well its too late now, might as well enjoy the slacking :)


10-28-2003, 10:17 PM
If you're really good with a pen and a magifying glass, you can change those D's into B's. If you have a really good copymachine, you can practice. What kind of paper do they use in those progress reports?

P.S Can you intercept the mail before your parents get to it?

10-28-2003, 10:36 PM
That may work to get your parents off your back, but when it comes time for him to apply for college he won't be able to pull that. It sounds more like he is asking for actual help rather than ways to make it look like he is doing well. I did horrible my first two years of high school, I really wish I tried harder those first two years.
Good luck, hope you do well.

10-29-2003, 12:06 AM
Dude. It's high school. Who cares. I didn't do a thing in high school. I had half decent grades, and I had a great time. I'm in a half decent school now (RPI), and it sucks. I wish I was back in high school. The grading here is usually scaled, depending on the class. I've been in classes where I got a 45 on a test, and that was an A.

If I were you, I'd talk one on one with each of your teachers and tell them what's up. They'll see that you care about school. They'll appreciate that because it's not to common in high school. Maybe talk to your guidance councelor as well. It's important to have at least one person your friendly with, so you can have them write college recomendations for you.

10-29-2003, 12:07 AM
Trust me, do good in high school, it counts trying to get into college. It does matter!

10-29-2003, 12:24 AM
I hate grades. But I have motivation to do well. I live in middle of nowhere Kansas and hate nearly everyone in my school.

Thus good grades = good education which = gettin the hell outta Kansas. :)

10-29-2003, 12:35 AM
At least you guys have D's!

Anything below 70 here is failing :(

10-29-2003, 01:08 AM
some people are naturally not good test takers. I suggest talking to your parents and/or your guidance councselor and seeing what they can do. They can get you to see a doctor to try and see if you have some sort of LD. Its not a bad thing, it just is A thing. It happens.

10-29-2003, 01:22 AM
Well freshman your I was on Honor Roll. Now its just been going down hill (Junior now). My school's F's are 59% and below. The school I go to now is one of the hardest DODDS school, so if you do good here it looks good when you apply for college.

I have a test today in WH if I do good my grade will be a C so wish me luck. I studied a little bit last night. But I will study more for it before the class, because I basically have a free period before.

10-29-2003, 02:27 AM
hmmmm....maybe less AO posting updates and more studing WH? pppsshhh...naaaahhhh

10-29-2003, 03:18 AM
I do not have the best grades either.

I'm a Senior with an overall weighted GPA of 1.67 (I know, thats REAL crappy)

Although I have yet to fail a class and not make it up, I still get by with low grades.

Now, my problem isn't I find the work difficult or anything, I just don't do homework, period. Thats my down fall. I get 90's on test, most of the material I take I easily understand (especially English) I just can't do homework. Theres something within me that prevents me from doing it. If I sit down and try to do some, my hands start to crap, I get insanely uncomfortable, and/or I just simply fall asleep.

Now, I know I really screwed up my upcoming education since I planned on getting a four year degree at least relating to Criminal Justice in some way or form. But now I get to go to a Community College and re-take pretty much of ALL of my high school classes just because I got low scores.

So, my word of advice is do your work, especially since your in your Sophmore year. (assumed that since you said you had World history, although kind of surprised your taking Chemistry...So I'm not sure what you are, class wise) But once you screw up junior year its too late. You have destined yourself to at least 2 more years of schooling just to fix what you screwed up.

If I could go back I would. But I can't, and now have to work harder just to get where I could have been sooner if I only did my homework.

10-29-2003, 03:26 AM
I screwed up half my Junior year and everything before it and got away with it. Go Criminal Justice, thats what I think i'm doing too.

10-29-2003, 04:51 AM
It has been proven you remember 25% from reading or listening, 78% from writing it down, 87% from teaching it to someone else, and the more you teach it the more you will remember of it...

In other words listen and read, write it down, than useing a study buddy teach it to them and let them teach it to you. Also dont stress out on test day.

The numbers may change slightly from person to person those numbers are the avg.

10-29-2003, 10:13 AM
I'm a junior. Lol I'm in US history, not WH history srry.

Ok just found out that I got a 78% in Alegbra 2. I was really wanting a B, but o well. A in video pro, B in Drivers ED. Those are the only ones I know so far.

10-29-2003, 05:02 PM
Lol, sorry about the assumption. In my highschool, US history is Junior year as well, same with Chemistry.

As I stand right now, I have an "A" in PE, an "B" in Computer Apps, a "B" in Government, a "F" in Digital art (I hate that class, should just be called art, so far it has nothing to do with computers), a "A" for office TA, and finally a "D" in English (only because I yet to turn in one of twenty current events, eh homework thing again)

I'm doing better than my previous years, but I still need to do some work.

From your grades you seem to be doing alright, just keep it up.

10-29-2003, 06:46 PM
in my school, its 90-100 A, 80-90 B, 70-80 C, 60-70 D, and below 60 is f

10-29-2003, 08:46 PM
Ugh, My highschool takes the prize for the worst failing grade. Anything below a 75 is failing. Freshman year was a breeze. Now in sophmore year, a brick wall hit me. I slacked off studying and homeworks and such, so i am at like an ~87 average (i usually do about 94) I am deciding to pick my arse up off the ground and work.

I find that direct reading is boring as hell. My greatest strength is my skimming skills. I can skim over a section in a book, retain most of it, then do the review questions. Anything I get wrong in the review questions, I read the paragraphs on that topic. If my mother is it a good mood, she will quiz me.

Good luck with the studying!

10-29-2003, 08:52 PM
worrying about grades is sad, go ahead, live the life...

What's the fing point in stressing the best years of our life while all you really need to know is how to kiss ***.

10-29-2003, 08:57 PM
Well, some of us would like to go to a good college. Why do crappy now, not get to go to a decent college? Why not do good now and go to a great college, then have some fun? Yes, kissing up is nice, but most people could see right through the kiss ups.

10-29-2003, 09:01 PM
He's from Canada. Its the way they think, my brother was that way when he lived there for like 8 years

its the difference between socialism and capitalism


10-29-2003, 09:03 PM
Originally posted by xrancid_milkx
Lol, sorry about the assumption. In my highschool, US history is Junior year as well, same with Chemistry.

As I stand right now, I have an "A" in PE, an "B" in Computer Apps, a "B" in Government, a "F" in Digital art (I hate that class, should just be called art, so far it has nothing to do with computers), a "A" for office TA, and finally a "D" in English (only because I yet to turn in one of twenty current events, eh homework thing again)

ok i have a pretty similar shedule (cept i have comp apps 2 and had comp apps 1 last year) and have to ask you how on earth do you have a b in that class? thats must be one of the easiest classes i have ever taken besides house design and health.

10-29-2003, 09:33 PM
talk to your teachers or somebody else about what you should do to do better. maybe get a tutor for your classes you cant bring up. lucky kid 69 is failing here. i dont understand you kids that have 50 as failing. thats so amazing

10-29-2003, 09:44 PM
High school cumulative GPA: 3.8
College cumulative GPA 3.5(junior year, major: econ)
all while partyin' and snowboarding like it's my job.

for the rest of yall:

here (http://www.mcdonalds.com)

sorry, but college is the most difficult thing I've ever done, and I'm kinda proud of it.

10-30-2003, 10:24 AM
Originally posted by FutureMagOwner and have to ask you how on earth do you have a b in that class? thats must be one of the easiest classes i have ever taken besides house design and health. [/B]

Homework, simply I don't do homework.

Your right, that class is so easy I don't even want to do the work. Sma ething happened to me when I took "Teen Survival" in Sophmore year. The work was so incredibly easy I didn't even want to touch it. I ended up with a D I think in that class....

10-30-2003, 10:55 AM
i have a 43.2% in english :eek:

i hate school... half of the crap i dont even need for what i plan to do in the future... prolly a software engineer or something

10-30-2003, 11:10 AM
Ok just found out I have exactly a 70% in Spanish! Which is a C.

10-30-2003, 12:25 PM
Dam.. A 70 should never be a C. Anywhere. But...

My kids school is also on the variations of 7 points not 10 points like some of you. So a 69 would be failing now. Its in gradients of 7 points and is so for , I think, a lot of places now.

Back in the dark ages when I went to school it was 10 points between each grade. however those extra points were to compensate us for having to walk 10 miles to school... in five foot of snow... uphill...both ways... :D

10-30-2003, 01:41 PM
I'm glad to see tougher standards, really. I'm sick of seeing frankly stupid people get into college and gobble up resources, then flunk out regardless. I think that if you're not willing to bust your butt in high school, you have no business being there, taking attention away from the kids who want to make something of themselves. Honestly, what's the point of high school if you're not going on to college?

11-04-2003, 02:12 PM
Hey I would like to say that I didn't get any D's after all and I almost got on the honor roll (3.0GPA).

11-04-2003, 04:57 PM
Originally posted by cphilip
Dam.. A 70 should never be a C. Anywhere. But...

My kids school is also on the variations of 7 points not 10 points like some of you. So a 69 would be failing now. Its in gradients of 7 points and is so for , I think, a lot of places now.

Back in the dark ages when I went to school it was 10 points between each grade. however those extra points were to compensate us for having to walk 10 miles to school... in five foot of snow... uphill...both ways... :D

uphill...both ways...:eek:

Meh, Im a pretty big slacker and have an 86 average, good enough for second honors, if I really tried and took notes I probably would be in the 90's but I don't really care that much. Plus, my dad is a Vice Channcelor at UIC, so that's where I'm going...

11-05-2003, 12:28 AM
I think it seems stupid for the schools to change to a 7 point scale. For the schools to do this, there must be to many kids getting good grades, and not doing much work. Instead of making the grading system harder, they should teach harder material. The curriculum is probably the same as it was 10 years ago. Or at least close to it. With exception to computer classes and technology stuff. Seems like kids are getting smarter. Instead of judging the kids harder, teach them more stuff!

11-05-2003, 01:06 AM
I'm a junior in HS right now, and I'm doing pretty well in my classes. All except for Physics atleast. I can do fine in every class but that one for some odd reason, I'm struggling really hard just not to fail it. Plus the teacher is a wanker, but I wouldn't get the subject material either way.