View Full Version : Its that time again... help me decide

paint magnet
10-28-2003, 04:18 PM
Well, its time for a new gun. Again.
First of all, here's what I'm shooting now:
2002 WDP Apollo CnC LCD Angel
twin Twister volumizers
Twister lowrise
Dye v/a
Kapp breech knob
Vortex Diamond series barrel
Dye SS barrel
unknown drop
PMI Pure Energy 68/3000 steel tank :eek:
12 v. Revvy w/ xboard

.68 Automag, 2 stars left out of 3
cut down and semi-polished pfhl steel automag body
raw mag rail
chrome v/a
makeshift foregrip
old school Crown Point barrel
Taso 9" barrel
Benchmark 2x frame with Dye Sticky grips
same tank as above

PMI Trracer pump by ACI (bone stock)

...and here's what I want to get:
Warped Sportz WDP Angel Speed Demon (undecided as to color)
New Designz Speed Equalizer delrin bolt
Mac Dev '03 Conquest, either 45/45 or 68/45
Dye Rhino tank cover
Matching Evil pipe kit, 12 or 14"
Matching Custom Products Micro drop
Viewloader eVLution II with Z board or Halo TSA (frontman)

The only problem is lack of funds. At any rate, whatever I decide to do, it will be after SC AO II and will likely involve a lot of time not playing.

Here's what I need help with-
1) How much do you think I could get for selling everything I listed above (the stuff I have now, everything but the Trracer)

2) Any suggestions on my setup? (The Speed is THE ONLY marker I'm looking at, so please don't start with the Matrix/Timmies are better stuff)


adam shannon
10-28-2003, 04:50 PM
if your set on an angel and your in SC your near TAG. get ahold of the angel guy and see what he can put together for you. hand crafted with love by a craftsman beats flash in the pan stock bling bling any day.

paint magnet
10-28-2003, 05:58 PM
Is there any way to get Dark Angels/ Speed Demons through TAG?

adam shannon
10-28-2003, 06:27 PM
not sure, couldnt hurt to ask him. is the performance on those ones any better, or is it just looks?

paint magnet
10-29-2003, 03:16 PM
Well, you get the looks plus a Warped back plate, Maximizer to make it run sub 200 psi input, a snatch grip and some other small stuff. And the lifetime warranty, all for less than you can buy that stuff at MSRP.

10-29-2003, 03:58 PM
The Speed Demons look awesome. just had to say that. lol

10-29-2003, 04:30 PM
no you cant get a warped marker from TAG

your 2k1 angel and all the stuff listed will sell for 700-800 something like that

the mag, i have no idea what its worth

the speed demon will set you back $1050

dont get a new designs bolt, dont get a conquest

get a maxflow, firstcall has them for 325, pretty good deal for a kick butt tank

or you could just keep your tank and sell the marker for something like 700 or so

you are using a 12v now, are you having problems with it? if not you probably dont NEED an egg and even if you get an egg you probably dont need the brand new z board, just make sure whereever you buy the egg from gets them with y boards and not th original boards.

10-29-2003, 06:28 PM
i agree with cliff on how much the angel and stuff would sell for, but i will have to disagree on his disliking of the conquest. ohhhhh, dont get me started, oh well, it is 2lbs, incrediable consistency, smaller reg than maxxy, tank is smaller than maxxy, and plus, everyone is boycotting smart parts... right? anyways, the speed deamon is an excellent choice, i sort of wish for one now that i think of it:rolleyes: . but im sure that you could get something like 180-200 for the mag, which will put you up to about the 1000 range. then comes christmas, ahhh, the best time of the year. i would ask for the conquest for xmas, then just buy all the other stuff once you get the cash. you can just borrow my tippy on your down time:D . oh, and while your in the market, why dont you take a look at the new matrices...hehe, jk;) . oh yea, and before i forget it, you should get ur angel looked over and maybe get a silver service from TAG as AO SC day, that would increase the value a bit.

paint magnet
10-30-2003, 11:22 AM
Originally posted by Cliffio
no you cant get a warped marker from TAG

your 2k1 angel and all the stuff listed will sell for 700-800 something like that

the mag, i have no idea what its worth

you are using a 12v now, are you having problems with it? if not you probably dont NEED an egg and even if you get an egg you probably dont need the brand new z board, just make sure whereever you buy the egg from gets them with y boards and not th original boards.

Well, it's a 2k2 actually, and as for the 12 v. revvy thing I don't have problems when I set the MROF to 11 but when I set it to 20 and start ripping on the trigger I chop a lot since the loader can't keep up.

10-30-2003, 12:07 PM
actually no it isnt, there is no such thing as a 2k2 milling style for the lcd's despite what action village says

just because you bought it in 2002 doesnt make it a 2002 model only IR3's were 2k2 models

paint magnet
10-30-2003, 02:58 PM
1. I bought it in September of 2002
2. I didn't buy it from Action Village
3. I have seen others with the same gun with the exact same milling, and they all said theirs was a 2002 as well.
So yes, it is a 2002 CnC LCD with Apollo milling.

10-30-2003, 04:03 PM
yea, again, i am agreeing with paint magnet. you may be thinking of the butterknife milling pattern, which action villiage still shows as the 2k2 angels, which, in fact, they are not. this is what action village is saying are the 2k2s http://store6.yimg.com/I/actionvillage_1761_87675608, but as i said, these are 2k1's(some people also say that they also can be early 2k2's), and this is what the 2k2 apollo milling looks like http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=32115&perpage=30&pagenumber=9(its the first one). hope this cleared up a few things!

10-30-2003, 06:25 PM
im sorry, but that is incorrect

just because you bought a gun a certain time means nothing, if i buy a 1987 Labaron tomorrow, does that mean its a 2004? no

but you make the same mistake as many many other angel users make, which is fine, but im going to explain how it really is:)

WDP does not give their guns years

the lcd was the model that was released in 2000 and 2001, in 2002 only IR3s were released, no actual 2002 milling exists for the LCD, however there are 3 seperate milling styles that were released in late 2000 all the way to mid-late 2001, the butter knife, apollo, and the another version of butter knife were made. so actually since the lcd was realeased there have been 4 different milling styles none of which were released in 2002, if you can get WDP to say that there is such thing as a 2002 lcd i would love to see it. just because a gun is sold be stores in 2003 that does not make that years gun. hell, cobra still has LCDs brand new, does that make those 2003 mambas? i dont think so

2000 was the lines milling and then sometime in september or so they released the first version of the butter knife a few months later april or so (2001) they released the apollo milling, about the same time as chain frames and LPR tool volumizers i believe, maybe not tho i cant remember that part, then they came back with a new butter knife pattern prior to cup. and at cup was when the IR3.

i can not find the tread at the moment but TAG has also said this, and this is why you will not see makers like cobra, warped, and impact with dates on their LCDs

10-30-2003, 06:35 PM
and here ya go found it

Originally posted by TheAngelGuy.com
I discussed this in great detail with my sales rep at WDP just before the IR3 was released.

It seems we are the ones that give angels DATE names. Such as 98,99,2000 etc. THe latest milling on the LCD is the last milling on what we would consider a 2001 gun. When the gun actually changes its design then it becomes a new model and we give it a new "date" name. So.....if this is all true then the IR3 would actually be the 2002 angel. The milling that is displayed on most sites and called 2002's by most people is still a 2001 model gun with new milling.

Like I said on my site before the IR3 was released....we would definately know when there is a new angel....and I think we do now.

Did that help....because it confused me.:D

Originally posted by TheAngelGuy.com
The milling that everyone is discussing is on a gun that was produced originally in 2001...actually several months before 2001 was over. As a matter of fact I saw the new stock milling in September of last year while I was in England

so....call it what you like.....but these guns are the last milling design of an Angel model that was produced in late 2000 and all of 2001...this came from my sales rep at WDP at the end of 2001.

Sorry if I was not a bit more clear in my original post;)

so...not to change the subject (or maybe to change the subject) but what do you think about the new "Cut Through" milling on the IR3 ? I am talking about how the milling actually cuts completely through the body.

this is the original thread, i started it for just this reason if you read the entire thread you will understand.



10-30-2003, 09:47 PM
dude, ok, we accept that you are right, after taking up half the thread arguing about it. jees:rolleyes:

10-30-2003, 11:14 PM
oh come on, now you too can spread the word

if you woulda just agreed in the first place it wouldnt been a big deal:)

but seriously, didnt mean to cause any harm, its like 4 posts and well, thats not so bad.


10-31-2003, 11:50 AM
ahhh, now i see, it was all a deception so that you could get to 5000 posts:D . i just argued because i have heard sooooo much that there actually were 2k2 angels, but thanks for clearing that up for me cliff, and thus expanding my vast knowledge on paintball:rolleyes: . anyways, come on, some other people have to have some comments on what mr.magnet should get here. to the top!!!

10-31-2003, 12:27 PM
thats exactly right, now i have over 5000:)

but anyways, i still think you should go with a maxflow:)

paint magnet
10-31-2003, 03:10 PM
Originally posted by barberjohn
mr.magnet should get here. to the top!!!

Mr. Magnet? lol :cool:

I seem to go through this every week or so, you know the feeling where you don't really need anything new but you want a new gun soooo badly?

Anyways I guess I'll wait til AO day and try out some more stuff before dropping a grand on a Speed Demon.