View Full Version : Hyperframe

10-28-2003, 05:53 PM
I've seen some Mags with a Hyperframe Trigger. Man oh man after playing with one of those I want one for myself. Does anyone know where I can find one and accuire technical info on one for a Mag? Do they even sell them? I didn't ask the owner much about it.

Also, if you have any opinions about the Hyperframe on a Mag please post your thoughts, I'd like to hear.


10-28-2003, 05:57 PM
Well your best bet is to ask around these forums. I got mine for approx. $150. If you are really serious about getting one, you could call centerflag directly and order a new one.

If you have any questions about how nice a hyperframe can be, just do a search for Kaiser Bob's thread. He has some video footage of his...very sexy.

10-28-2003, 06:00 PM
Thanks, I have numerous questions about it.

I'll be sure to call them up.

10-28-2003, 06:29 PM
Here is a link to the technical information I compiled. Hyperframe FAQ (http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=79328)

10-28-2003, 06:33 PM
Thank you again for helping me out with this.

Much appreciation.

10-29-2003, 04:01 PM
Dennis Ashley, the owner of Center Flag (CF), played X-Ball with his at the 'Cup. He let me toy with it a little and let me tell you...The new boards and the ULT have given new life to the Hyperframe. The thing just rips! With the new ones you can adjust the dwell and power to the selinoid. Put the power at the lowest level that will fire with a ULT in it and Dennis says the batteries last a real long time. It is such a good combo, he was sending Hyperframe owners over to the AGD booth to buy ULTs!
I love mine and as soon as I get my X-mag, my wife will inherit(sp?) my Hyper so she can shoot 'Mag goodness! :)

10-29-2003, 06:56 PM
^^^ New Board?
Will centerflag be selling hyperframes with these upgrades?
The cost?
Where can i find them seperatley?

10-30-2003, 11:18 AM
new hyperframes will come with the new board, but not ULT. ULT is an AGD upgrade.

10-30-2003, 11:27 AM
Man, I've been thinking about trading my HF for a Retro valve....but now after hearing you guys talk about the new board/ULT combo, I wonder if I should keep it. I mean, the classic valve is good up to what, 16 bps?

hmmmmmmmm what to do.:(

10-30-2003, 01:41 PM
good question..

I am thinking the same thing

I currently got a x-valve and i-frame and it rips, but Do you think a hyper frame and ULT would be better?

I was looking to go elctro, could this be the way to go?

Shuold I sell my x-valve and get a standard if i were to get hyperframe, i dont exactly have money laying around..


10-30-2003, 01:54 PM
I ran into Dennis at the field the other week. I tried his Hypermag and Uprising cocker. Both of them rip. Later that day I was on the receiving end of the Uprising. Just let me say, after that I put a Hyperframe on my Rt-Pro.

10-30-2003, 02:23 PM
one of the things i love about the hyper frame is the simplicity of it:

all of you that are interested in a hyperframe, this is a link to my for sale thread:

i still have an upgraded custome hyperframe and LX Retro valve for sale

Here are a couple of thing i did to my hyperframe:
Custom roller trigger w/polished trigger

I also put a lightend micro switch in there (similar to the WAS switch) this is the original thread showing how to do the trigger job:

there are a few other things i did to it, but i would highly recomend the trigger job, and if you couple that with the ULT trigger, everyone else better watch out :)

this shows the roller trigger (which is VERY cool) and the H-D 9volt clip

It almost makes me want to put down my Xmag and build the hypermag back up....almost :)

10-30-2003, 02:52 PM
Kev...you got an xmag??????

Cool! I was wondering why you were selling all your hypermag parts.

Man...I'm just so torn I don't think I can swing both a HF and RT valve. I would need to trade one to get the other.

I may just stick with my classic valve and try to get the HF board upgrade.

OH, the TCMK trigger job DOES work. I got my trigger so sensitive that I could blow on it and it would fire. I had to back it off from there though. That just isn't practical.

10-30-2003, 07:10 PM
yeah man, got a Xmag #13 :)
got it about a month and a half ago