View Full Version : New X-valve question.

10-28-2003, 06:52 PM
OK i just got my x-valve today and was wondering about setting it up. I dont have any air or an air source so i cant try it out but, does the x-valve come ready to go... or do you have to set up the level ten? ive looked in the power tube and it looks to me as if there is a carrier and a shim... will this work or is it gun specific... just curious as to what to do when i get to the feild in two weeks

10-28-2003, 07:11 PM
you need air, you WILL have a small leak b/c the oring has to break in, oil it a lil and you should be good to go for a little bit, more than likely a little down the road you will have to adjust your lx

10-28-2003, 08:30 PM
Ok new question... I cant get the x-valve into the mag! the little brass on off part sticks out and hits the main body. it fits if i turn it upside down and press down on the brass thing, but then i cant get the pin to slide threw the groves on the rail, not to mention that i havent even put the elbow on it.... im not sure what to do?!?

10-28-2003, 08:47 PM
HAHA never mind..... i have heard this somewhere and didnt know what it meant at the time...

use the screw to push it in...

yeah so you just push the brass thing in with the feild strip screw...duh its kind of obvious... :D