View Full Version : And You Thought The Miata Was a Chick Car?

10-28-2003, 10:26 PM


Yeah, can you say affordable Ashton Martin...sorta. Finally an import 4 banging coupe worth looking at in the near future. Everything was getting too angluar or angry looking. Wedge Celica, bug-eyed RSX, Pontiac Eclipse or how bout a mini van Civic Si? I think Mazda hit it right on with their new stuff either the new 3, 6, and RX8.

10-28-2003, 10:30 PM
omfg it took me like 10 minutes to realize that tony hawk thing was just a stupid ad, and that you DIDN'T mis-link...

bout the car: schweeet... :)

10-28-2003, 11:08 PM
I'm definately liking the styling of it. Not as girly as most miatas. I really like where mazda is going with their cars especially with the Rx8's, those things are so awsome. I think it's about time I toss on some nice clothes and head down to the stearlership to take a test drive in one:D :p :D

10-28-2003, 11:11 PM
Can you believe I tried that at the Ferrari/Mazirattie Dealership in town and they told my I couldn't test drive one :(

10-28-2003, 11:31 PM
Originally posted by PyRo
Can you believe I tried that at the Ferrari/Mazirattie Dealership in town and they told my I couldn't test drive one :(

Hehe, what do you expect, it's a friggen ferrari dealership. Unless you roll up in a sick car or can easily pull off being totally rich you're not gonna get anywhere at one of those places. The seattle ferrari dealsership is the first dealership i've been to where not one salesman even came up to me and asked if i had any questions.

They musta figured out that I had no plans of buying.:D

10-28-2003, 11:51 PM
I did wear a suit... ;)

10-28-2003, 11:52 PM
My weekend car is a miata......



You guys need to actually drive one to know just how sweet they are. BTW this topic, coupe, has been beat to death on www.miata.net

10-29-2003, 12:06 AM
Chevy and Mopar 4 life :)

10-29-2003, 12:10 AM
Wow... It kinda looks like S2k + RX8 + porsche had a baby. I kinda like it in some ways, and in others I still think its a miata. While I know for a fact that miata's handle insanly well... I just cant get over the fact that the are incredibly ugly and serve very little purpose...

10-29-2003, 12:36 AM
Thats much better looking then the current miatas

10-29-2003, 01:49 AM
On the list of cars I cant drive... the miata... no seriously I cant.... I don't have enough leg room to get the clutch to fully disengage. lol. BTW.... its only got 1 cyl per wheel and no power adder... its still a chick car :p

So far as the test drive a ferari thing.... DONT GO IN A SUIT.... nobody goes to test drive a car in a suit... especialy not rich bastards. Dress nice,,, clubwear something like that .. Remember every ferari or other nice car dealer has folks try that one on them all the time. Its proboly best to roll in in a nice ride as well..

Oh.... and doing all of that still wont get you a test drive of a ferari.... they actualy want proof that you can afford it before they will let you test drive it. Way back when I was a dot comunist they made me bring in my bank statement before handing the keys over. All in all knowing where the economy is now I'm glad I got the vette over that. Loosing a $50k ride to my ex-wife is far preferable to a $125k one. ;)

10-29-2003, 01:51 AM
$125k Ferrari? The were asking 4 million for the one I was asking about.

10-29-2003, 01:54 AM
Ohh.... and GTRSi ... blue car + clouds always makes for an awesome shot. :)


10-29-2003, 02:00 AM
Originally posted by PyRo
$125k Ferrari? The were asking 4 million for the one I was asking about.

Ummmm... did they gold plate it?:confused: Ether that or they were yanking your leg bad.... even the Enzo is only 6-700k and thats a very limited run car.

I was looking at a 360... although IMHO the 550s are about the most drop dead sexy car in recent history.

10-29-2003, 05:06 AM
Some tips from a guy who used to sell cars...(really :( ):

The best thing you can do is pull up in a really nice vehicle--it's that whole "first impression" thing. That's the first thing that a salesperson notices. Nice car = $$.
You don't have to dress flashy, (business casual, club threads) but a few expensive (or expensive-looking) accessories help a lot. Also, carry yourself like you know what you're doing.
The MOST important thing to remember: Don't get excited! Remain calm, cool, and collected. Don't beat around the bush with details about the car, and DON'T ask if you can take it for a test drive--tell the salesperson that this is the one that you'd like to drive.
Don't talk a lot--be sort of vague about what you do--make it sound as if you come from money, rather than make money. Also, during the test drive, the salesperson shouldn't, as a rule, engage you in a lot of conversation. This is because they want you to explore the car and its features. They will point out some stuff and make small talk. But if you really want to ensure that the salesperson stays quiet, then you stay quiet. The best thing you can do as an "up" is to keep control of the situation, and the salesperson. The less a salesperson talks, the less control he has of you--and that's a good thing (for you!)

Now, I don't know if this will work on a Ferrari or Maserati, but it should get you into 350Zs, RX-8s, Rousch Mustangs, BMWs, and Mercedes Kompressors.

Good Luck! ;)

P.S.--I know you're wondering... I sold KIAs...:eek:

tg ur 1t
10-29-2003, 05:46 AM
Nice Vette Officer!
There is no replacement for displacement!:D

10-29-2003, 05:52 AM
Originally posted by tg ur 1t
There is no replacement for displacement!:D

Sure there is...it's called the RB26DETT.

10-29-2003, 06:19 AM
Originally posted by phazeshifter
Some tips from a guy who used to sell cars...(really :( ):

The best thing you can do is pull up in a really nice vehicle--it's that whole "first impression" thing. That's the first thing that a salesperson notices. Nice car = $$.
You don't have to dress flashy, (business casual, club threads) but a few expensive (or expensive-looking) accessories help a lot. Also, carry yourself like you know what you're doing.
The MOST important thing to remember: Don't get excited! Remain calm, cool, and collected. Don't beat around the bush with details about the car, and DON'T ask if you can take it for a test drive--tell the salesperson that this is the one that you'd like to drive.
Don't talk a lot--be sort of vague about what you do--make it sound as if you come from money, rather than make money. Also, during the test drive, the salesperson shouldn't, as a rule, engage you in a lot of conversation. This is because they want you to explore the car and its features. They will point out some stuff and make small talk. But if you really want to ensure that the salesperson stays quiet, then you stay quiet. The best thing you can do as an "up" is to keep control of the situation, and the salesperson. The less a salesperson talks, the less control he has of you--and that's a good thing (for you!)

Now, I don't know if this will work on a Ferrari or Maserati, but it should get you into 350Zs, RX-8s, Rousch Mustangs, BMWs, and Mercedes Kompressors.

Good Luck! ;)

P.S.--I know you're wondering... I sold KIAs...:eek:
Good advice.

Also the little things tell a lot too. How you talk, what you have on your feet (shoes say a lot to the trained eye), jewelry if any (classy, not gaudy), etc. Everything makes a complete package for the trained salesperson. As a police officer I used to have to pay attention to all the same things….. and they come in handy in the business world. :D

Now, as for the Miata being a “girls car”……. I guess I have always run in the wrong circles, because I have never heard that before, nor thought it. I always thought it was a cute (not in a bad way) quick car. Good for zipping around in.

But then again, I tend to love all kinds of cars… and each for what they are, not as compared to something else.

tg ur 1t
10-29-2003, 07:01 AM
phazeshifter... from JBcar

A compression ratio of 8.5:1, twin T28 Garrett turbochargers and a large front-mounted intercooler help the RB26DETT produce 280hp at 6800rpm and 360Nm (260lb-ft) of torque at 4400rpm.

I wonder what those chargers could do for my LT1?

10-29-2003, 07:48 AM
id still rather have a YUGO, but thats just my opinion

10-29-2003, 08:43 AM
Originally posted by tg ur 1t
phazeshifter... from JBcar

A compression ratio of 8.5:1, twin T28 Garrett turbochargers and a large front-mounted intercooler help the RB26DETT produce 280hp at 6800rpm and 360Nm (260lb-ft) of torque at 4400rpm.

I wonder what those chargers could do for my LT1?

I am not going to get into why the Skyline is what it is and how powerful it really is. I know very few people that race truly "stock" cars. If you at anytime in your life have a chance to run a skyline, do yourself a favor and leave quitely.

You guys can start a doemstic v. Import thread if you like, but it aint gonna bew pretty. Needless to say the only domestic auto I will ever drive is a truck. I just dont think americans can build a great car anymore.:(


e mag
10-29-2003, 11:01 AM
Originally posted by PyRo
$125k Ferrari? The were asking 4 million for the one I was asking about.
What were you trying to test drive? The most expensive Ferrari i've heard of besides their F1 car, which you can't buy anyway, is the F50 GT which is 1.8 million, and i'm not even sure if you can buy that.

10-29-2003, 11:14 AM
I saw a Miata with a Ford 5.0 Liter V-8 squeezed into it at Road America racetrack (in WI) a few years back. But...we ended up passing it on the track in the Testarossa we were riding in. :D

10-29-2003, 01:06 PM
I have seen the V8 Miatas run low 10s.... its pretty funny to see a car like that beat *** down the track. It would definantly put the smack down on a Testarosa.

I tend to cloun on miatas a good bit mainly due to the fact my ex-wife now drives one. They are great handling little cars. Definantly to be respected when in the right hands at the autocross. :)

Little cars like that are fun... I used to own a 79 Fiat 124. That car was a hoot to drive.... weird thing was that it ran awesome so long as you beat on it... if you were carefull with it thats when it would break...:confused: :confused:

tg ur 1t
10-30-2003, 04:49 AM
Originally posted by gtrsi

I am not going to get into why the Skyline is what it is and how powerful it really is. I know very few people that race truly "stock" cars. If you at anytime in your life have a chance to run a skyline, do yourself a favor and leave quitely.

You guys can start a doemstic v. Import thread if you like, but it aint gonna bew pretty. Needless to say the only domestic auto I will ever drive is a truck. I just dont think americans can build a great car anymore.:(


Uh..... what did I say?:confused:
If I have the chance to run a skyline... I will. I hope you don't think that I should save my self confidence and shy away from one. I know about racing and I wouldn't have any reason to not accept the challenge.
I have nothing against import cars. I never said otherwise.
Lighten up JB. Everything is not an attack on you, and everything a general motors product owning individual says isn't meant to trash imports.

10-30-2003, 06:35 AM
I wasn't trying to start a "domestic vs. import" war either. I just get tired of always hearing about "displacement, displacement, displacement"--but then again, I DO live in Arkansas, where everyone owns a truck and a 4-wheeler...

10-30-2003, 03:27 PM
A mans car in my book would be a Ram 1500 4 Door, or a new Ford-F150, or a really pimp car.

The chick car that I really hate is the eclipse, the mans car from that company is a 3000 GT.

10-30-2003, 04:43 PM
Originally posted by BobTheCow63
omfg it took me like 10 minutes to realize that tony hawk thing was just a stupid ad, and that you DIDN'T mis-link...

same thing but mine was a marijuana leaf not tony hawk....and it took me like 30 seconds not 10 minutes...:eek:

10-30-2003, 07:17 PM
Originally posted by tg ur 1t

Uh..... what did I say?:confused:
If I have the chance to run a skyline... I will. I hope you don't think that I should save my self confidence and shy away from one. I know about racing and I wouldn't have any reason to not accept the challenge.
I have nothing against import cars. I never said otherwise.
Lighten up JB. Everything is not an attack on you, and everything a general motors product owning individual says isn't meant to trash imports.

O' trust me bud there is alot more nasty waiting for you in this corner!:) :cool:

RT pRo AuToMaG
10-30-2003, 10:11 PM
they only made 4 F50 GT's. I believe they are all owned by the original owners except for one, which was owned by Jim Spiro and then sold to some guys in Australia for $1.1mil. Right now, Jim has a $6.5 million dollar 1962 250 TRI/LM Testarossa. It's a beautiful car, only one made. They have some Ferrari's that are worth $10 million I believe. ANYWAY, back to what I was intending to post, to test drive a Ferrari, you have to put a preorder on a car (it's $10,000 to get on the list for a new one, and usually a 2-3 year wait, sometimes it's only one, depending on how high the demand is). Right now they have a few Ferrari F1 cars floating around at some dealers, not sure exactly where. An Enzo cost about $1.3 million to people who didn't preorder(to preorder an Enzo, you have to be a previous buyer of brand new ferraris, they only have 399 in the WORLD, $750k on the preorder list). Also, don't think they even care how you are dressed at a Ferrari dealer or any exotic used car dealer. The owner of the $6million ferrari wears a tshirt and jeans everywhere. He doesn't even have silverware in his apartment.\

I know, that probably made no sense at all...oh well, it took too long to type it so here we go.

RT pRo AuToMaG
10-30-2003, 10:12 PM
Oh yeah, I forgot to add, stock skylines are ****! they aren't really that fast and pretty heavy imo.

10-30-2003, 10:31 PM
Originally posted by RT pRo AuToMaG
you have to put a preorder on a car

You can pickup a 360 out of a dealer's lot here in houston. No preorder just walk in sign the paperwork and walk out.

they aren't really that fast and pretty heavy imo.

stock they run 13's. The catch is unlike supras they can hook with 1k+ hp :eek:

10-31-2003, 01:27 AM
Originally posted by gtrsi
stock they run 13's. The catch is unlike supras they can hook with 1k+ hp :eek:

A stock RB26DETT engine has had 2k hp measured at the wheels before it blew. :eek:

10-31-2003, 08:09 AM
Originally posted by phazeshifter

A stock RB26DETT engine has had 2k hp measured at the wheels before it blew. :eek:

my point was that modified it is very common to find some very high.

Perosnally if the motor blows does it really matter how much power it makes if it cant keep itself togther? got a dyno?

10-31-2003, 08:13 AM
Originally posted by gtrsi

my point was that modified it is very common to find some very high.

Perosnally if the motor blows does it really matter how much power it makes if it cant keep itself togther? got a dyno?
I agree….. What is the HP of an engine capable of doing 2K HP, after it blows? ;) My mountain bike has more HP than that when I am peddling it. :D

10-31-2003, 01:38 PM
Just curious, what does a used 308 go for these days?

When I was a kid I walk past one in a parking lot and thought that was the coolest looking car I had ever seen. I didn't know anything about it, but was determined to get one when I grew up. Guess I had good taste as a kid. ;)