View Full Version : dont sent my dad anything!!

10-29-2003, 12:30 PM
thats right, dont send that bastard a damn thing.

he picks up, leaves the family and stiffs me on money owed.. so, when you are thinking whether you want to send out cocker parts for the holidays, or cookies/mashed fruit cake to cookie/cracker form, think about this.

you dont have to send my dad a damn thing. its the easiest gift to not get a person.. nothing! doesnt cost you a dime to get, and its even cheaper to ship.


10-29-2003, 12:41 PM

10-29-2003, 12:51 PM
I'm srry that u don't have a dad for us to send things to like squid. :(

10-29-2003, 01:16 PM
worst. thread. ever.

10-29-2003, 01:29 PM
im deleting the other thread, dont worry about sending him anything. I decided if I got 2 flames I would delete it and forget about it.

EDIT: Im no beggar, and this is slightly different than me asking for people to gimme free stuff. If you dont get it fine, but its been forgotten. Im not even going to bother. Hope your happy, and I hope you delete this thread.

10-29-2003, 01:38 PM
Your over reacting Kiddo...

10-29-2003, 01:43 PM
Im not over reacting and you know it.

EDIT: I sure learned my lesson.

Nice things = teh suxxor

EDIT AGAIN: Ok, I KNOW riotz was just to flat out be a jerk ... but im not so sure about this one. If you didnt mean to offend me etc, joey d, its fine, but riotz, im not stupid.

10-29-2003, 01:44 PM
Originally posted by -=Squid=-
Im not over reacting and you know it.

EDIT: I sure learned my lesson.

Nice things = teh suxxor

I in fact think you are...

10-29-2003, 01:45 PM
read my next edit, but you know as well as I riotz was just trying to be mean.

10-29-2003, 01:50 PM
Originally posted by -=Squid=-
read my next edit, but you know as well as I riotz was just trying to be mean.

Well perhaps but then again knowing that you then overracted. If he wanted to get to you then you sure served it up on a silver platter...

Why do I think he did it? I would guess he was trying to say that he was not really in agreement with people using this site for gaining things for free. He wanted to express his displeasure in a tounge in cheek sort of way. And I think he has every right to do so. And I bet there are others that feel the same way.

However I noted that there were members that believed you and honestly wanted to help you. So I let yours run too.

Its only fair that both sides get an expression.

10-29-2003, 01:51 PM
What the hell is this all about?!

10-29-2003, 01:55 PM
He called me a mean jerk. Dang. Talk about getting flammed.

10-29-2003, 01:56 PM
Originally posted by cphilip

Well perhaps but then again knowing that you then overracted. If he wanted to get to you then you sure served it up on a silver platter...

Why do I think he did it? I would guess he was trying to say that he was not really in agreement with people using this site for gaining things for free. He wanted to express his displeasure in a tounge in cheek sort of way. And I think he has every right to do so. And I bet there are others that feel the same way.

However I noted that there were members that believed you and honestly wanted to help you. So I let yours run too.

Its only fair that both sides get an expression. Whatever man, not much more I can say to you because your apparently not processing how I Feel. Im not getting ANYTHING. I turned down a free dye slider, 2 drops, 2 on /off's , madd man springs, a datapimp drop, and a jersey from the tunamart just because I Dont want people thinking im a beggar, or simply asking for free loot for myself. You are obviously not on my side with this, and if you feel that those threads should stay, fine. I seem to be having a reasonable conversation with riotz in the OTHER thread flaming what I was doing. FYI, I have already sent out PMs to sam, datapimp, and tunaman telling them to PLEASE not send anything. Bah, I feel like crap now.

10-29-2003, 02:01 PM
Originally posted by -=Squid=-
Whatever man, not much more I can say to you because your apparently not processing how I Feel. Im not getting ANYTHING. I turned down a free dye slider, 2 drops, 2 on /off's , madd man springs, a datapimp drop, and a jersey from the tunamart just because I Dont want people thinking im a beggar, or simply asking for free loot for myself. You are obviously not on my side with this, and if you feel that those threads should stay, fine. I seem to be having a reasonable conversation with riotz in the OTHER thread flaming what I was doing. FYI, I have already sent out PMs to sam, datapimp, and tunaman telling them to PLEASE not send anything. Bah, I feel like crap now.

I am not on anyone side about this. But you did ask for things to benefit yourself. Even if you heart was in the right place. No one else benefitted from this except you and your family. Many may not know your situation and feel that they are giving to a truely needy cause. I mean its not evident that we would be. I allowed you to go ahead with it. But in order to keep the middle ground I am not going to side with you against people who rightfully feel used by this kind of thread. Thats "Moderation" and thats what I am charged with doing.

10-29-2003, 02:01 PM
Squid, you are really overreacting

10-29-2003, 02:04 PM
I got a question... joey d, did you think I was serious about the cookies? :p

10-29-2003, 02:06 PM
Originally posted by cphilip

I am not on anyone side about this. But you did ask for things to benefit yourself. Even if you heart was in the right place. No one else benefitted from this except you and your family. Many may not know your situation and feel that they are giving to a truely needy cause. I mean its not evident that we would be. I allowed you to go ahead with it. But in order to keep the middle ground I am not going to side with you against people who rightfully feel used by this kind of thread. Thats "Moderation" and thats what I am charged with doing. I wouldnt benefit from anything at all. Not one bit. It would go to him, but its not. I was going to delete it anyways because I fealt slightly guilty, I Dont know why I Did, but I Did. NOBODY thought it was going to a needy cause, and I made it clear were not poor, disabled, under attack, or anything. It was just something to help get him into PB. Nothing more, nothing less. Im not kidding, im feeling crappier by the second here, because now you just shoved in my mind that people thought they were giving to a needy cause etc... I didnt want to mislead anybody, and hope I didnt... :( I guess im overreacting, because its been on my mind for days, and how I feel like what I did was right, and something to be nice, but I couldnt shake the feeling that what I was doing was wrong. My god. This frekaing sucks. Good thing I did what I did NOW.

10-29-2003, 02:09 PM
read my other comment on the other thread.

You learned that if it feels like its wrong it most likely is. I got a real good feeling about you now. The fact you felt guilt is a sign to me that you have character and morals. Thats something that is redeamable about you.

But you Dad is truely blessed to had you as a Son. I feel that is the case.

10-29-2003, 02:14 PM
Well im sorry. I just was trying to do the right thing, and now know it was a mistake. There is a more thorough apology in the other thread. I must thank anybody who was wanting to throw in to the AO carebasket I Was going to give him. I would have done the same, it makes me feel good to give. I guess that was how the problem got started.

10-29-2003, 02:18 PM
People would not have offered if they did not mean to give it to you for your Dad. None of the people I saw offering were stupid. They knew what they were doing.

10-29-2003, 02:21 PM
Originally posted by -=Squid=-
Im not over reacting and you know it.

EDIT: I sure learned my lesson.

Nice things = teh suxxor

EDIT AGAIN: Ok, I KNOW riotz was just to flat out be a jerk ... but im not so sure about this one. If you didnt mean to offend me etc, joey d, its fine, but riotz, im not stupid.

squid, no man, I wasnt trying to be a jerk to you. I saw riotz thread and thought about this. I figured he was just goofing on you, i intern goofed on him and you. sorry if it bothered you, I didnt want you to delete your thread because of it.

in the instance of any people wondering, yes, my dad jumped ship, yes, hes a dick, no, I didnt make this thread because im upset the bastad left me and the family and left me high and dry on money owed. I could care less how hes doing, ive already expressed to him that hes not my father anymore. i also didnt make this thread because I was upset peoples dads were getting stuff and mine wasnt. I just wanted to be clear that the deadbeat bastard doesnt deserve it. :)

im not bitter, not one bit.

squid, if I had cocker parts, id give em to you.

riotz, my mom makes teh awesome homemate choco chip cookies. ill see what I can do about getting you some for your old man.

everyone else, youre own your own for getting your dad stuff for the holidays.


also, phil, I dont mind that he start the thread about getting stuff for free. if I had some extra stuff kicking around, i would prolly send it. otherwise, my way of not approving of it, is not sending anything/reading the thread ;)

on a last note. squid, I do have an extra jersey lying around. I can send that over. and as it gets closer to the holiday season (sometime after thanksgiving) ask me about a pair of PB Junkies Antron pants that I have, that I can send you. no charge (this only applies to squids dad.. everyone else, go buy your own, or mine... :))

10-29-2003, 04:28 PM
In a way, im slightly glad this happened. It seemed way to weird to accept anything like that from strangers. Cris just said to go for it and post it, and I Did. Positive reactions, yes, but I fealt way to ackward. I just cant/couldnt do it and this just pushed me over the line to not do it. For this I thank you.

EDIT: COMPLETELY read joeys thread. No thanks, im not accepting anything, and made sure to tell the 3 people who were gonna give him something NOT to. Its just to ackward... However, riotz, PLEASE pm me your mailing address. You wont regret it.

10-29-2003, 05:17 PM
squid pm me your mailing addy ill mail you some used silly string its all hard and crusty mmmmmmm crusty

10-29-2003, 05:33 PM
Originally posted by dansim
squid pm me your mailing addy ill mail you some used silly string its all hard and crusty mmmmmmm crusty LOL:D

10-29-2003, 06:13 PM
wtf is this thread about?!?!?!?!

10-29-2003, 06:19 PM
If you dont know, please dont worry about it.

10-29-2003, 06:21 PM
Well then why are you wasting a thread about it??? Why not keep personal business to PMs?

10-29-2003, 06:22 PM
Originally posted by -=Squid=-
If you dont know, please dont worry about it.

phil I dont want to tell you how to do your job, or upset you, but this has little to do with mags. Can we move it to another forum like the Friendly corner or my fav the recycle bin?:cool:

10-29-2003, 06:26 PM
I like the idea of recycle bin :cool:

10-29-2003, 06:28 PM

10-29-2003, 06:52 PM
Originally posted by gtrsi

phil I dont want to tell you how to do your job, or upset you, but this has little to do with mags. Can we move it to another forum like the Friendly corner or my fav the recycle bin?:cool:

haha, I was waiting for someone to pick up on this!

i purposely posted this here as riotz did the same with his cookies. :p

10-29-2003, 06:54 PM
I say dont give up on it kid. Your intentions and thoughtfulness seemed mighty genuine to me. Dont let people stop you from doing a good deed. Everyone gets a chance in life to do the right thing and I believe that you were(are) doing just that. I dont even know you, but I admire your thoughts on making your Dad happy. Any Dad I know would be pickled to death to get a package like you are trying to put together for him. I also realize that if you had the cash yourself you would probably spend your last dime on your Dad...I know I would. Keep up the good work kid. It is attitudes like yours that keep us Dads going. It is a good thing you are attempting to do. Dont stop now....or for the rest of your life.;)

10-29-2003, 06:57 PM
you got pm tuna... Im feeling so ackward right now :(

10-29-2003, 09:27 PM
Originally posted by gtrsi

phil I dont want to tell you how to do your job, or upset you, but this has little to do with mags. Can we move it to another forum like the Friendly corner or my fav the recycle bin?:cool:

Actually... I understand were your coming from but... its intent was to do some teaching to a member here and it had a purpose that in the long run I hope will limit this kind of thing. Thats its reason for its existence.

And it was a part of a group of them that sprung out of a "Paintball topic". Which by the way this ISthe proper place for those topics. You for some reason think its just "Mags" that would qualify for posting here? I am certain you know better. I guess you forget that Paintball is the only main defining thing that determines threads in Paintball talk? So good thing your not telling me how to do my job! ;) Cause you would have that part wrong.

Ok Ok... I not gonna beat a dead horse no longer... and the point you ment to make is not lost on me. Yes... I think this thread and its sister threads have served their purpose. So I will just close it. Fair enough? :D

But also note that sometimes things are left for a time to serve a greater good. In the long run. And sometimes it takes time for enough people to get on and read them. So sometimes they are kept alive a bit longer than YOU need for them to. But we serving the whole mass here. Not just your tastes. So be patient and let me do what I think is the best in the time frame I think is good enough to get maximum effect. Deal? ;)