View Full Version : Thanks Tom for the Level 10 bolt

10-30-2003, 01:56 PM
For the first time in 3 years, I went through 5 set of games without a single break on my new Emag with Lvl X bolt. I have shot Spyder, Tippmann, Palmer Typhoon, and Minimag in the past. I use decent paints too, PMI Premium and Big Ball mostly. It must be how I pull the trigger or just plain bad luck. I always have a couple breaks everytime I play, whereas my buddies who use the same type of guns don't the same number of breaks I do.

I can't express how much my game improved knowing the I don't have to worry about chopping and of course with my Emag, I have doubled my kills this weekend. Now, the squeegee is a thing of the past. I told my buddies, I don't be needing it anymore thanks to the Level 10 bolt.