View Full Version : downloaded music probs

10-30-2003, 06:14 PM
Tell me if any of you have had this same problem:

Whenever I d/l some of the new popular songs, like outkast or thirce, for example, the song will get about 20 seconds in, and then the song will turn to some of the most obnoxious static I've ever heard.

Have any of you had this, or know what the duece is gonig on and how to fix it? Thanks, and if the RIAA is reading this, PISS OFF.

10-30-2003, 06:47 PM
Yeah. When I hear bands like outkast and thrice, It's just like noise pollution. I think most people who listen to them just got used to it.

10-30-2003, 06:52 PM
that happens with almost every song now on kazza, I got rid of it and downloaded winmx.

10-30-2003, 06:53 PM
Yeah. When I hear bands like outkast and thrice, It's just like noise pollution. I think most people who listen to them just got used to it.

Thanks for that clever response, sweetheart! I'm gonna have to write that one down and tell it to the special education class. If you don't like my tastes in pop music, you can choke on it. Chances are I know more about more different kinds of music than you ever will, and if you wanna get on PM's and see who's is bigger be my guest.

10-30-2003, 06:58 PM
ya, most songs, particuarly the newer popular songs have that in order to stop the downloading of music, when u do a search for song, try not to download the song with the most hits and go for the second most

10-30-2003, 07:03 PM
Ok, I thought the RIAA might have been behind this. I usually add "(real)" or "(CD rip)" to my searches and I'll get the right one within a couple of tries. Thanks, guys, I just wanted to know if it was my comp doing it.

10-30-2003, 07:45 PM
yah RIAA put messed up songs in their to bother people like you.

RT pRo AuToMaG
10-30-2003, 09:18 PM
I haven't had that problem with kazaa lite k++, of course I download mostly **** like NOFX, the exploited, the unseen, etc.

Sharing is caring, **** the RIAA

Eric Cartman
10-30-2003, 09:36 PM
You can always go to Napster, Itunes or in Canada Puretracks and download the tunes legally for a samll fee and get quality downloads (no static or viruses) with no hassles from the RIAA. You might even help save a job or two doing that.

It's just a thought, flame if you must.

RT pRo AuToMaG
10-30-2003, 10:15 PM
Originally posted by Eric Cartman
You can always go to Napster, Itunes or in Canada Puretracks and download the tunes legally for a samll fee and get quality downloads (no static or viruses) with no hassles from the RIAA. You might even help save a job or two doing that.

It's just a thought, flame if you must.

that's the thing, we don't wanna pay. by buying that POOF, WE aren't saving jobs. If the record company CEO's took a tiny sliver off their bonus, the employees would get paid. period, don't argue, i won't listen. It's those greedy POOF that take the money.

Any more cussing and your looking at a 3 day vacation

10-30-2003, 11:41 PM
Isn't that static just painful to the ears? Yep, Its evil music just waiting for you to download. You'll also notice your bitrate jumping up and down.

The best solution is to start downloading 10 times more than you used to just to have that warm fuzzy feeling that your doing exactly the opposite of what the RIAA wants.

10-30-2003, 11:42 PM
Originally posted by RT pRo AuToMaG

that's the thing, we don't wanna pay. by buying that POOF, WE aren't saving jobs. If the record company CEO's took a tiny sliver off their bonus, the employees would get paid. period, don't argue, i won't listen. It's those greedy POOF that take the money.

ok so youd rather steal music than legitimitley own the song?..s youd rather steal music, im sorry its not sinking in, your stealing music... ok one more time youd rather steal music?is that right? than pay 99cents or whatever to legitematley own the song and not have any chance of getting in trouble?

dude its 99cents:rolleyes:

10-31-2003, 05:10 AM
yeah, its 99 cents... Now multiply that by how many songs you want, and it adds up REAL quick. Lemme see... Adding up both my computers, thats about 7000 songs.

Thats a decent truck right there :eek: :eek:

Without downloading files, I think i'd probably just listen to the radio all the time.

10-31-2003, 09:07 AM
yes so youd rather steal 7000 dollars worth of music than own it? thats a felony bud, why do you belive that music should be free? musicians spend money on getting their music out there and you want to take it away? there is cheap alternitives now, how would you feel if i came opver and just took your milk? or your paint, and ill be like but everyones doin it so i dont care if i gte caught adur dur dur:rolleyes:

10-31-2003, 10:10 AM
Originally posted by einhander619
Ok, I thought the RIAA might have been behind this. I usually add "(real)" or "(CD rip)" to my searches and I'll get the right one within a couple of tries. Thanks, guys, I just wanted to know if it was my comp doing it.
The RIAA itself is not responsible for it, the individual companies are. Some of the companies do it well, like taking one song and editing in a 10 second "commercial" for the album in the middle of it. Some insert static every 20-30 seconds,which can get annoying.

Eric Cartman
10-31-2003, 10:40 AM
that's the thing, we don't wanna pay. by buying that POOF, WE aren't saving jobs. If the record company CEO's took a tiny sliver off their bonus, the employees would get paid. period, don't argue, i won't listen. It's those greedy POOF that take the money.

You're right of course, how silly of me. My company just canned 900 people (including a few VPs) and there will most likely be a second round of cuts in February, Warner Canada got rid of their entire distribution operation last year, Sony's laying off 20,000 (admittedly that's mostly not music people) and rumours abound that EMI's about to announce major cuts. None of this has anything at all to do with rampant illegal downloading. It's all the fault of the CEOs:rolleyes:

Sleep well tonight, you haven't contributed to anybody's misery. Theft is just fine.
I wish you could have been a fly on the wall to see the tears and the gloom in this place two weeks ago when the axe fell. You're very sure of yourself now, and you know all the answers, but that might have made you rethink things a bit.