View Full Version : Are there any tourney rules issues, with the Emag?

10-31-2003, 12:41 AM
I know you can't have it on auto-fire/burst fire, but can you use it on mechanical mode, or are there rules about the reactive trigger? A couple of friends were talking about it tonight, and they said that reactive triggers were being banned. Is this true, or are they out of it? Thanks!

10-31-2003, 12:51 AM
As I understand it you can have a sweet spot that allows the rt action.

Where it becomes illegal in most tourneys and some fields, is when you touch the trigger and are shooting 20 bps. So long as the chrono judge can't go full reactive at the slightest touch of the trigger you should be ok.


adam shannon
10-31-2003, 12:58 AM
it depends what tourny and who the judge is. at iao they had a guy who could make a pump marker bounce, if he got more than one shot per trigger pull he banned the marker. he was even getting tippmann effects e-bolt 98's to bounce...but then again those guys had thse things so tuned in they were outshooting halos.

the rule supposedly says one trigger pull one ball shot...so technicaly anything beyond that is illegal, but its up to the ref in the long run.