View Full Version : I Hate Labels

10-31-2003, 04:29 PM
Ok, I'm talking about the kind of labels that people go through in High School, I am what you would call a goth I suppose and I gate stared at by some people and sometimes people whisper about me. I hate labels and I have friends of every label imagiunable as long as i get along w/ them they are my friend and they all accept eachother. Well, today on the bus ride home I overhear two kids taht are in my grade talking about me and how "Freaky" and stupid I am. Now, I can take freaky but I can't take someone insulting my intelligence, now for the record I am an A-B student, I am in the gifted and tallented program, and I used to go to Purdue University for special classes, and this person is judging and saying I am stupid because I look different. So, I turned around and said "Dude, you don't know me, why would you say something like that? It makes no sense to talk about someone you don't know and judge." really calmly. So, i continue to listen to my headphones and I feel something hit my head, I look back and they are flicking paper airplanes in my hair (which is really tall) taht say freak on them, I get up and walk back there and this time (in a slightly loud voice because I hate getting mad at someone, I'm not an angry person and I'm not easily agitated) say "You think this is funny? Well, it isn't. What would you think if I jsut assumed you were stupid because you wear those clothes?" and started to sit down, he yells "Shut the <B>*POOF*</B> up , FREAK!" so, I sit down and shake my head and walk off the bus (like I said, I'm a nice guy and I don't get easily agitated) Anyway, this really hurt me and this was my first encounter w/ labels ever. So, where do you stand on this issue?

<B>*Warning: No Cussing*</B> -Miscue

10-31-2003, 04:43 PM
Originally posted by Torbo
not to be un-simpathetic but.......it sucks, its life, get used to it. I mean what can you do? I realize this, I was just tryinmg to tie in a storie with the main question..... Where do you stand with labels?

Lone Wolf2
10-31-2003, 04:44 PM
Yeah labels do suck,But only certain ones,Im concitered a punk sorta because of the music i listen to and the clothes and the extra caricular things i do,But im also in special classes to.

10-31-2003, 04:48 PM
I'm with Torbo, you live in friggin' Indiana an you go to highschool dressed like Robert Smith and wonder why others pick on you? Wise up kid, alot of common sense will make school alot easier.

10-31-2003, 04:51 PM
Yeah, I know what you mean. A while back, I decided to try and fix it. I looked at the labels that I could be, and in my head basically did a pros and cons list. I came to the conclusion, that humor is the way to go. If you say something funny enough, they can't help but laugh. Just try to make friends with EVERYONE, and you should never have much of a problem again. Now, I'm not saying that you won't have enemies, because that's impossible to get rid of. But, the more friends you have, the more respect you get, the less people will want to mess with you. It's a back up system. It's made life alot easier, and I almost like myself more. I don't think you should have much of a problem....you seem like a perfectly cool person....on here at least.:D

10-31-2003, 04:57 PM
Yeah lables really suck. But I think its part of human nature to subconciously seperate and classify everything into seperate groups. So when I was in your shoes I never got that worked up about it, cause I knew in the superficial world they live in it is all they got.

Think about it this way... In 10 years when your living how you want to and feel the urge to get your oil changed or want some fast food you can visit some of the very same people that singled you out for ridicule. (In school I used to think that was BS also but honestly I see examples of it being true everyday)

10-31-2003, 05:21 PM
I hate Goths.

10-31-2003, 05:39 PM
Originally posted by -Carnifex-
I hate Goths. Wow, could you atleast give some reasons for this? I bet you can't come up with 3 reliable reasons to back yourself up ;)

10-31-2003, 05:57 PM
ok i know this maybe off the subject but KORN RULES!!!! i love them favorite band ever!!!!!! :D

almost the same thing happend to be but i wasnt nice about it and i kicked the little freshmas a$$ the next day in the hall way (i dont mean girl fight push him i mean i kicked the **** out of him broke his nose):D who say fighting doesnt end the problem i look at as if u win it sure as he!! does

10-31-2003, 06:07 PM

I have a real problem with folks labeling people (negatively) for things out of their control (such as race and skin color)…. But when it comes to personal decisions…. LABEL AWAY.

What we wear and the outward appearance we present is a conscious choice we all make (unless you are poor and have to wear whatever you can). You can not blame society for thinking of you in a particular manner, directly linked to how you look, when you KNOW what society thinks before you chose to look that way.

We make a statement about ourselves by the way we choose to adorn ourselves… be it with clothes, makeup, jewelry, tattoos, etc. Don’t be surprised when someone judges you by the signals YOU sent them by the way you look. It is like walking through the mall swearing every other word, but then complaining that folks think you are a punk with no class….. “Hey, it is only the way I talk. I am not a bad person.” Well, it is still the signals you are sending…. Just like the way you look.

10-31-2003, 06:14 PM
Just face it most people in high school are morons. At least in my high school. And about how you said you are a nice guy and not easily agitated. Man thats hard to hold back like that. Just today some short pre-puberty kid punched me in the neck. He was lucky the coach was right behind me and that I dont wanna start a fight because that would lead to paintball being taken away from me. damnit!

10-31-2003, 06:18 PM
Probably not the best action to take, but i would have kicked the <B>*POOF*</B> outta him. I'm just that kind of person, and don't stand for that kind of stuff. I must say though that you knew you would be labeled before buying those clothes and weraing them, so there's not much sympathy I have for you. It was well under your control to not wear those clothes, but you decided to wear them. I'm not condoning judging, but it's school, people are mean, and you got labeled. Happens every day, and there's nothing you can do.

<B>*Warning: No Cussing*</B> -Miscue

Eric Cartman
10-31-2003, 06:41 PM
Yeah this is a phase that most people go through as they grow up. I hated being labeled and I figured that I'd keep my stylin' denim vest with the home made Def Leppard backpatch and my rather large mullet forever.:D I was never cutting my hair (at least not the back of it LOL), and would never require any other pants than those made by Levi Strauss. Lumber jackets and construction boots were cool! Now I find myself laughing my *** off when I see pictures of those days, but back then it actually meant something to me. It's important to realize that as people grow up, the vast majority (although certainly not all) tend to conform to a more regular appearance (probably even you) and all of that ceases to matter. I'm not saying that's a good thing, but that's the way it goes.
I love that commercial where the guy wishes he had all the hair he had in highschool back, and the next thing you see is him in his suit at a meeting with the wicked flock of seagulls 'do. That's the greatest.

One question to ask yourself, are there any people out there that you put labels on? People that you maybe laugh at, even if it's only to yourself? I think we must all be guily of that every now and then despite how open minded we may try to be.

As other have said, just be happy with how you look and who you are and ignore those who can't appreciate you for who you are.

10-31-2003, 06:45 PM
Originally posted by KornKamp02
Wow, could you atleast give some reasons for this? I bet you can't come up with 3 reliable reasons to back yourself up ;)

One: They worship Satan, and though I am not the least bit religious, I believe it to be idiotic.
Two: Generally speaking they're whiney and depressed.
Three: They have some sort of compulsion to lash out against society (Please do not tell me otherwise, I was Gothicish and still hang out with Goths.)

10-31-2003, 06:59 PM
If you are goth, or think you are atleast, then here you go....

Goths are a misnomer. You are not Goth. No one is Goth anymore. Goths were a germanic tribe, much like the Vandals, Visogoths, and to a lesser extent the Vikings(who followed the Goths). They were mostly limited to Southern Scandanavia(Finland and Sweden).

You are not from Western Europe. You have never pillaged a small town and raped the women. You also do not wear pre-victorian cloths. You dress in all black because that's what your friends do and you want to fit in. Gothic clothes are made of patent leather, latex, plastic, cotton, and steel....all materials that did not exsist in the Gothic period. If you are trying to be "different" like they say to me whenever I ask, then wear coveralls to school with pictures of Roman Gods on them. Otherwise, you are not different, you are not new, you are not Goth, you are just lashing out for stupid reasons like you get made fun of for liking Grindcore(which you should be made fun of for).

Rergardless, labels are a part of life....Just like Taxes and Death. If you don't want to be labeled, then buy a shovel....dig a grave, and get started on dying early because frankly, you will be labeled for your entire life based on your opinions, actions, characteristics, and :::gasp::: APPEARANCE!

Sorry to tell ya, but that's how it goes.

land hurricane
10-31-2003, 07:28 PM
i think python about covered it

10-31-2003, 07:48 PM
"I realize this, I was just tryinmg to tie in a storie with the main question..... Where do you stand with labels?"

Perception is reality. If you dress like a fool, you are a fool. Thats life. Get used to it.

10-31-2003, 08:45 PM
Originally posted by Python14
If you are goth, or think you are atleast, then here you go....

Goths are a misnomer. You are not Goth. No one is Goth anymore. Goths were a germanic tribe, much like the Vandals, Visogoths, and to a lesser extent the Vikings(who followed the Goths). They were mostly limited to Southern Scandanavia(Finland and Sweden).

You are not from Western Europe. You have never pillaged a small town and raped the women. You also do not wear pre-victorian cloths. You dress in all black because that's what your friends do and you want to fit in. Gothic clothes are made of patent leather, latex, plastic, cotton, and steel....all materials that did not exsist in the Gothic period. If you are trying to be "different" like they say to me whenever I ask, then wear coveralls to school with pictures of Roman Gods on them. Otherwise, you are not different, you are not new, you are not Goth, you are just lashing out for stupid reasons like you get made fun of for liking Grindcore(which you should be made fun of for).

Rergardless, labels are a part of life....Just like Taxes and Death. If you don't want to be labeled, then buy a shovel....dig a grave, and get started on dying early because frankly, you will be labeled for your entire life based on your opinions, actions, characteristics, and :::gasp::: APPEARANCE!

Sorry to tell ya, but that's how it goes.

It is not a misnomer; it is a colloquial term.

10-31-2003, 09:11 PM
It's stupid, that's what it is.

I'm gonna start a fashion style called "Cockney" where I dress up like a gay pirate everyday and talk about how hard sea-life is.

And then I'll start a culture war with the PsuedoGoths. We(the Cockneys) will win easily because the goths are too scared to come out into the "oppressing" sunlight because it might fade their new black latex Bondage pants they got with a "The voices in my head say listen to Grindcore" T-shirt at HotTopic for $90.

Stupid PsuedoGoths

10-31-2003, 09:23 PM
im not gonna read all this because, well frankly, i dont care

anyways, when i saw this thread, i swore it said i hate liberals, and i thought to myself, well thats gonna be a shat storm

anyways, thats not what this is, just thought i would share, even tho i know it doesnt make all that much sense


10-31-2003, 10:01 PM
I'm sorry but when you wear black lipstick, black fingernail polish, 20 feet of small chainlink stuff attatched to random parts of your clothes and as many saftey pins and shiny metal things you're gonna be called a freak. It's high school. If you want to go without lables wear "normal clothes" and just lay back. Wearing "freaky" stuff is your choice and you can't change what other people think. There's a difference between expressing yourself and just looking as stupid as possible.

BTW, I'm not a big fan of the whole gothic thing or the punk thing, well with punks it's more the arm bands and looking as grungy as possible. They could be the coolest, nicest, most outgoing people in the world but I don't have that much respect for them. Nothing personal just how I feel. I guess I fit in as the preppy jock that dates the cheerleader and plays lots of sports.

10-31-2003, 10:01 PM
One: They worship Satan, and though I am not the least bit religious, I believe it to be idiotic.
Two: Generally speaking they're whiney and depressed.
Three: They have some sort of compulsion to lash out against society (Please do not tell me otherwise, I was Gothicish and still hang out with Goths.)

not all goths worship satan, one of my best friends is goth, and paegan. she doesnt worship the devil and neither does the other 40% of my school which is made up of goths.
Whiny and depressed? yeah some of them are when they get dumped and such, but basically every single one ive seen arent acting all slap happy, but they arent depressed and whiney
Some of them can lash out against society, but not all have a tendancy to, only a few

10-31-2003, 10:10 PM
no one likes labels.

if you don't like it, conform. if you want to keep raging against the machine, deal with it.

i like tictacs
10-31-2003, 11:27 PM
look at what you're wearing, then ask yourself why your getting stared at. believe whatever you want, but for gods sake dress with a little bit of class.

i like tictacs
10-31-2003, 11:27 PM
Originally posted by Rooster
"I realize this, I was just tryinmg to tie in a storie with the main question..... Where do you stand with labels?"

Perception is reality. If you dress like a fool, you are a fool. Thats life. Get used to it.


11-01-2003, 01:51 AM
I'm glad that all my friends got my back when it comes to lables. otherwise i think i'd be in trouble.

11-01-2003, 02:32 AM
The only thing you can do is put up with it until you freak out and shoot everyone, drop out of school, kill yourself, or graduate.

The system is set up to reward and protect the people that do the abuse, so don't even bother trying anything "official" about it.

But if you don't like being sterotpyed as a goth, maybe you shouldn't dress like a goth. We don't have time to get to know everyone we see, and appearances matter. And you wont be dressing like a goth in college, unless you an art major who wants to work at Starbucks the rest of your life.

Good luck.

Oh yeah, I just noticed you're 13. Uh...you'll probably get picked on no matter who you are at least part of the way through jr high and high school, thats the way it works. No one on the administration cares, hell no one who can do anything about it cares at all. Get a close group of friends and screw everyone else.

11-01-2003, 04:55 AM
I know what you mean man, people just wont stop labeling me "The Hot Sex Machine", and it's getting pretty old.

11-01-2003, 05:11 AM
Yeah, if you're only 13 then you better get used to it. I truly have no sympathy for all the people complaining about labels. Heck I was labeled all the time through highschool, I didn't care.I knew that it didn't matter what all the "jocks" and "preps" really thought. Heck half of those people that talked so much crap about all the "stoners" and "punks" are already failing out of college and living off mommy and daddy.

It's all about confidence. If you have the confidence to wear what you're wearing and the image you're putting out about yourself then those labels shouldn't bother you. If they do then I'm afraid to say you're just another hot topic clone that doesn't truly belong in the scene. Sorry for the rant, it's late.

11-01-2003, 01:32 PM
Originally posted by Python14
If you are goth, or think you are atleast, then here you go....

Goths are a misnomer. You are not Goth. No one is Goth anymore. Goths were a germanic tribe, much like the Vandals, Visogoths, and to a lesser extent the Vikings(who followed the Goths). They were mostly limited to Southern Scandanavia(Finland and Sweden).

You are not from Western Europe. You have never pillaged a small town and raped the women. You also do not wear pre-victorian cloths. You dress in all black because that's what your friends do and you want to fit in. Gothic clothes are made of patent leather, latex, plastic, cotton, and steel....all materials that did not exsist in the Gothic period. If you are trying to be "different" like they say to me whenever I ask, then wear coveralls to school with pictures of Roman Gods on them. Otherwise, you are not different, you are not new, you are not Goth, you are just lashing out for stupid reasons like you get made fun of for liking Grindcore(which you should be made fun of for).

Rergardless, labels are a part of life....Just like Taxes and Death. If you don't want to be labeled, then buy a shovel....dig a grave, and get started on dying early because frankly, you will be labeled for your entire life based on your opinions, actions, characteristics, and :::gasp::: APPEARANCE!

Sorry to tell ya, but that's how it goes.

You realize just because they use the same word, dosen't mean that thats what their trying to be. Sure Goth is all that viking raiding stuff you said, but definitions change over tine, and now goth means wearing black, chains, skulls, whatever... Its just a style and sometimes an attitude toward life and society. Usualy goths are people who know they don't fit in with others because they don't care about "Pimpin hos, drankin fotees, rollin in da escalade." and all that superficial stuff. And why are they mad at society, because people are shallow, mean, rude, and stupid. Usualy goths are really cool people, they just have an attitude problem with you if you are a shallow and judgmental person. And no, not all goths "worship the devil" and your ignorant for thinking that(to whoever said that). Sure there are hardcore goths that mess around with black magic and "worship the devil" But you know what, the majority of high school students aren't really into worshipping evil. In a way I've always been goth, always liked chains, midieval looking stuff, spikes, skulls, flames, and I hate most of the people at my school because they are ********, and like to talk **** about people that they don't know. I would be a "goth" if my school didn't have a gay dress code, which means pretty much no chains or spikes, no clothes with logos of any kind, so ya. I'm just a fat guy with long hair that dresses in black.

11-01-2003, 03:16 PM
i hate them just as much as you do, its a pile of crap.

i go to a prep school, but i hang out and party with the kids from my local high school, im always the one 'prep kid' that people talk about, and most of the time im going to people houses whom i dont even know. its uncomfortable, alkward, and the majority of people in the local high school have a certain animosity toward 'prep kids'. im always labeled as a prep kid and i always will be, but i dont even fit the mold of the stuck up jerks who go to my school, i hate it. it makes it hard to meet people. not chicks, some dig it and some dont care, except a few who dont like prep dudes, but the guys HATE us, because most kids from my school are total, for lack of a better word, crapfaces.

i have learned to deal with it by saying really quickly "but dont hold it against me!" after i tell people what school i go to. its kinda rough. i know what its like to be hated and judged by everyone around me, and it sucks. if theres no help for amicability between you and them, cruel jokes are the best answer....

11-01-2003, 03:20 PM
Yeah, I feel bad for this kid at my school. Everyone calls him 'Movie Star' because he taped himself maturbating and gave it to his girlfriend and her mom found it and took to the school. Now whenever we walks past our lunch table some guys yell movie star at him.

11-01-2003, 03:35 PM
Originally posted by -Carnifex-

One: They worship Satan, and though I am not the least bit religious, I believe it to be idiotic.
Two: Generally speaking they're whiney and depressed.
Three: They have some sort of compulsion to lash out against society (Please do not tell me otherwise, I was Gothicish and still hang out with Goths.)

1: No, they don't, you must realize that nowhere in the bible or other religious material does it say taht goths worship satan, I come from a christian family and I (myself) see religion to be the stupidest thing in the world.

2: Umm, no they aren't, I am not whiny or depresed, I don't think taht the world hates me, I love my life and my parents, and I think I have it better than any other.

3: Umm, sorry wrong again, I don't think society hates me, I jsut think some people do, sure I do not approve of alot of the stuff going on in our world right now but who doesn't?

Anyway, I don't judge people by what they wear at all! And if I did I would hit myself because that would totally destroy everything I believe in! Like I said I have friends of every label imaginable, and what they wear doesn't bother me. I don't wear metal everywhere, I have no safety pins, and I wear crap that I got off EBAY because my family can't afford the stuff we get at the mall and ****. I ebjoyed reading this and I hope this becomes a nice discussion.

11-01-2003, 06:38 PM
Originally posted by -Carnifex-
I hate Goths.

i hate the backstreet boys

11-01-2003, 06:40 PM
Originally posted by CoFFeY[NiTrO]
Yeah, I feel bad for this kid at my school. Everyone calls him 'Movie Star' because he taped himself maturbating and gave it to his girlfriend and her mom found it and took to the school. Now whenever we walks past our lunch table some guys yell movie star at him.

i hope your kiddig:eek:

11-01-2003, 07:44 PM
Yeah, labels suck. I've learned (somehow, I havent been in private school sence 4th grade) to kinda sink down and not talk, and not saying stupid things (I do that alot) and people will forget about you :p
They cant make fun of you if they dont know anything about you :p

Oh, and drop the goth crap. Seriousally, I dont know why people do it, it makes them look stupid. Not that I would say anything like that kid did on the bus, he was just a jerk off, but still..

11-01-2003, 10:00 PM
Originally posted by CoFFeY[NiTrO]
Yeah, I feel bad for this kid at my school. Everyone calls him 'Movie Star' because he taped himself maturbating and gave it to his girlfriend and her mom found it and took to the school. Now whenever we walks past our lunch table some guys yell movie star at him.
Man, that would RUIN your entire school life. Why did her mom take it to the school?

11-01-2003, 10:10 PM
Why would the guy do that? who would EVER want to see a GUY masturbate!?!?:eek:

11-01-2003, 10:26 PM
if they threw planes at me, i would throw fecies at them :p ;)

11-02-2003, 02:36 PM
If you hate labels, then why do you identify with one?

In two years when you're 15, you'll have almost completely different views about almost everything. It's just the way it is.

11-02-2003, 03:01 PM
Originally posted by -Carnifex-

One: They worship Satan, and though I am not the least bit religious, I believe it to be idiotic.
Two: Generally speaking they're whiney and depressed.
Three: They have some sort of compulsion to lash out against society (Please do not tell me otherwise, I was Gothicish and still hang out with Goths.)

I agree with you slightly on just part two. But don't be mad at me ( I luv everyone :)). I'm friends with everybody at school. My black friends, my Jock friends, my stupid cheerleedin friends, and basically everybody else. I try not to hate anyone and I try to tell people to STFU when I can, when they make stupid opionions on things about people being weird or just different. Highschool can be hell for some people and heaven for others.

By the way I'm labeled as a prep. You know the white kids that wear American Eagle and stuff. But I don't care what people say about me....

11-02-2003, 03:17 PM
Originally posted by MagMan5446
If you hate labels, then why do you identify with one?

In two years when you're 15, you'll have almost completely different views about almost everything. It's just the way it is. I said I guess you would define me as "goth" I'm not into labels, I ahte them it's just taht's what people think I am. I think I'm me.

11-02-2003, 03:19 PM
Originally posted by ExtremeODD
One: They worship Satan, and though I am not the least bit religious, I believe it to be idiotic.
Two: Generally speaking they're whiney and depressed.
Three: They have some sort of compulsion to lash out against society (Please do not tell me otherwise, I was Gothicish and still hang out with Goths.)

not all goths worship satan, one of my best friends is goth, and paegan. she doesnt worship the devil and neither does the other 40% of my school which is made up of goths.
Whiny and depressed? yeah some of them are when they get dumped and such, but basically every single one ive seen arent acting all slap happy, but they arent depressed and whiney
Some of them can lash out against society, but not all have a tendancy to, only a few

The only arguable one is number two.

The other two are facets of being a Goth, anyone who doesn't follow those two are poseurs.


I never said The Bible said people who worship Satan are Goths, but that is the truth, if you don't you're either a pagan or a poseur.

Being Gothic is a counter-culture.

11-02-2003, 03:20 PM
Originally posted by personman

Oh, and drop the goth crap. Seriousally, I dont know why people do it, it makes them look stupid. Not that I would say anything like that kid did on the bus, he was just a jerk off, but still.. WTF? I never said that i thought I was one! I wear black because it's my favorite color, it has been since the second grade! I listen to metal and punk rock BECAUSE I LIKE IT! I jsut said that is what you would classify me as if you were to label me! You people are taking this whole thread the wrong way.

11-02-2003, 03:26 PM
yea go to hartford highschool home of the Wiggers i cant stand them i hate rap and i hate poeple who think there ghetto YOUR WHITE SHUT UP AND ACT LIKE IT if you wanna act black go to milwaukee its overthrown our school...by the way ne of you knotice at kohls they sell BUFU (aka FUBU) there now what the hell is this world comming to???? :confused:

11-02-2003, 03:33 PM
Farmers used to buy us.

11-02-2003, 03:38 PM
exactly there is another one but i better not say it

11-02-2003, 03:46 PM
i shop at khols. i cant afford ambercrombie or american eagle

11-02-2003, 05:28 PM
I am tempted to post the link to Maddox's article about goths....but I think I might get in trouble.

Lone Wolf2
11-02-2003, 05:39 PM
abercrombie is stupid

11-02-2003, 05:58 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Brak

i go to a prep school, but i hang out and party with the kids from my local high school[/QUOTE
Just wondering but what high school are you talking about?

11-02-2003, 06:14 PM
I was always labeled as part of the "fat kids" cause I was fat. But I hung out with pretty much everyone cause I got along with them all. My highschool was a small catholic one, my entire high school was only 358 students, my senior class was only 86 students. And we all pretty much got along fine. Weird??

11-02-2003, 06:44 PM
Originally posted by KornKamp02
WTF? I never said that i thought I was one! I wear black because it's my favorite color, it has been since the second grade! I listen to metal and punk rock BECAUSE I LIKE IT! I jsut said that is what you would classify me as if you were to label me! You people are taking this whole thread the wrong way.
I'm sorry, I must have misunderstood you. :(

11-02-2003, 06:46 PM
Originally posted by gamarada717
I am tempted to post the link to Maddox's article about goths....but I think I might get in trouble.

can u pm me the website? i forgot what his url was...:(

11-02-2003, 08:29 PM
Originally posted by personman

I'm sorry, I must have misunderstood you. :( It's cool man! ;) Oh, and I'm 245lbs. So, i'm fat although it doesn't look like it 'cause I'm 5'10 but I think being fat kicks ***.

RT pRo AuToMaG
11-02-2003, 08:43 PM
Originally posted by KornKamp02
It's cool man! ;) Oh, and I'm 245lbs. So, i'm fat although it doesn't look like it 'cause I'm 5'10 but I think being fat kicks ***.

...I'm 5'11" and 215lbs and I look fat. I think someone is in denial.:rolleyes:

2: Umm, no they aren't, I am not whiny or depresed, I don't think taht the world hates me, I love my life and my parents, and I think I have it better than any other.

not whiny? you are whining right now about bein labled...:p

Anyway, if you don't want to be made fun of, don't dress, act, and/or act like a <B>*POOF*</B> freak. If you keep your current 'styles' then yes, people will make fun of you. If you can't deal with it, change your ways. I would feel bad for you if it was something you couldn't help, but face it, you won't be called a goth or freak if you don't look like one.

<B>*Warning: No Cussing*</B> -Miscue

11-02-2003, 09:08 PM
Originally posted by RT pRo AuToMaG

...I'm 5'11" and 215lbs and I look fat. I think someone is in denial.:rolleyes:

not whiny? you are whining right now about bein labled...:p

Anyway, if you don't want to be made fun of, don't dress, act, and/or act like a <B>*POOF*</B> freak. If you keep your current 'styles' then yes, people will make fun of you. If you can't deal with it, change your ways. I would feel bad for you if it was something you couldn't help, but face it, you won't be called a goth or freak if you don't look like one.

<B>*Warning: No Cussing*</B> -Miscue I meant that I don't look like I weight 245 lbs. I look fat just not as much as I should.

I'm not whining, I started a conversation.

I'm not about to "change my ways" so I can be accepted by ONE PERSON like I said, everybody else likes me, and I would never change my whole wardrobe so I can be "cool".

11-02-2003, 09:41 PM
here is one thing that i think people have missed:

In dressing like a "goth" You are still attempting to fit in
Yea thats right. Youre not fitting in with the 'popular' people, the abercrombie, or AE wearing people. Fine. But youre fitting in with the rest of the "goths". all the goths i know of speak of individualism. I see no more indivualism in wearing chains and spikes along with a lot of other poeple, as there is individualism in wearing the same clothing that thousands of ohter people around the world are wearing.

So basically youre fitting right in with that label. If you dont wanna be labeled as a part of any group, you have to do something completely different, something that no one has ever seen before. And thats quite hard to do. Till then, and even probably then, you will always appempt to conform to some sort of larger group, regardless of wether that group is a minority or a huge percentage.

11-02-2003, 10:38 PM
Originally posted by KornKamp02
It's cool man! ;) Oh, and I'm 245lbs. So, i'm fat although it doesn't look like it 'cause I'm 5'10 but I think being fat kicks ***.

That's a great attitude.:rolleyes:

11-02-2003, 11:07 PM
Originally posted by -Carnifex-

That's a great attitude.:rolleyes: well, when bing fat is basically genetic you need to have that kind of attitude, I eat just about as much as my friend who is 50 lbs. and he never get's fat. If you look at both sides of my family you will see that EVERYONE is overweight and there is no skinny person.

11-02-2003, 11:31 PM
Genetics are a contributing factor.

You can change if you want to. But life isn't fair so no point in comparing yourself to the next guy.

11-03-2003, 12:37 AM
Exactly why you should eat differently and exercise.

11-03-2003, 06:43 AM
You have a friend who is 50 lbs? That may also be part of your problem…. You hang out with 4 year olds. ;)

Seriously though, as was stated, weight can be contributed to by genetics, but you are not FORCED to be a certain weight. I find that far too many people use that as a crutch.

But as for wearing all black…. I sometimes wear all black and have never been mistaken for a Goth. Johnny Cash was known as “The Man in Black”, and was never mistaken for a Goth. Get my point? If people think you are a Goth there has to be other reasons besides JUST liking to wear black clothes. Wearing black as a fashion statement in itself does not make someone a Goth, nor even look like a Goth….. Goths act and look like Goths.

RT pRo AuToMaG
11-03-2003, 06:50 PM
how about this, if you don't want to be made fun of, wear a white t shirt and a pair of shorts, white socks, and tennis shoes. As far as weight, genetics are just an excuse. You may be heavy built (I am) so it's harder to lose weight, but it is possible with the right diet and workouts. Even though I'm heavier now, I'm much thinner then I was (probably gained muscle) before I worked out. If you aren't motivated enough, get a trainer. If you can reduce your weight to about 210, and then do weights and turn the rest into muscle, believe me, you will look good.

11-04-2003, 11:04 PM
Just wondering, what does him being fat have to do with anything? Also, sorry, but Carnifex, your posts make you seem like an *******. He is comfortable with how he looks and your telling him thats a bad thing? And your a religious person calling people who don't worship the devil, poseurs. Goth is a style and an attitude, not a religion. I don't try to fit in with anyone, I wear my chains and spikes, and skulls, becuase I like them, thats my style, I've always liked that kinda stuff. I'd rather sit alone wearing what I want to wear than be with people who are judging me because of my appearence. And to those who said that being goth makes you look stupid, my girlfriend just started dressing gothic and she looks hot :D