View Full Version : Attention People- IronMen clinic Jan. 10th and 11th at Hollywood sports in So Cal!

11-01-2003, 08:54 PM
I was in my Rich Telfords new store (opened today) to check it out, his field is great, the shop is really good too. Anyways, when I was in there there was these little flyers, so it was a reflex to pick up any flyer (especially a paintball related one) just to look at. Well, the flyer said that the IronMen are having a training/clinic thingy at Hollywood sports in Bellflower CA (SoCal). The parks phone number is 562-867-9600. www.hollywoodsport.com I would reccomend this clinic to anyone wh is in the area or wants to be in the area:) I watched some of it when it was in Modesto, it is very well run and has good prizes (cough*matrixlcd*cough) plus lunch and dinner with the Iron Men is always good too. The admission is $350.00 which includes a Review of skills with the Iron Men, 2 cases of paint, Certifacation of completion and a t shirt (dye i think:D) It's two days of complete instruction, really good program, I was kinda there one of the days. To register: contact Gina Telford at (209)-571-0210 or [email protected]

11-02-2003, 01:53 AM
all hail the IRONMEN woot:D
too bad they are playing crappy this year oh well they with probly own next season

11-02-2003, 02:37 AM
the ironmen suck. they will always suck. as long as dynasty and aftershock are around they will never win any tournys.

11-02-2003, 09:53 AM
as long as dynastys around, no one will win any tourneys.

11-02-2003, 12:07 PM
Yeah, dynasty is dominating super 7, with all their tough competition:rolleyes:

11-02-2003, 12:27 PM
Originally posted by maglover52
the ironmen suck. they will always suck. as long as dynasty and aftershock are around they will never win any tournys.

They are probably better then you :)

11-02-2003, 07:13 PM
Originally posted by tony3
Yeah, dynasty is dominating super 7, with all their tough competition:rolleyes:

Yea, that and they can't lose considering their major sponsor owns the reffing organization:rolleyes:

11-03-2003, 12:13 AM
Well if I was rich and supported HSP I'd go. But alas I hate HSP and I'm not fond nor really look upto Ironmen enough to have lunch or even talk to them. :rolleyes:

11-03-2003, 12:17 AM
Originally posted by LaW

They are probably better then you :)

o yeah im not saying im better than them but they are nothing compared to dynasty.

11-03-2003, 11:38 AM
Well, it didn't take long for this thread to get off topic. :p

Thanks for the info LPB.

11-03-2003, 12:58 PM
Any time, but yeah, this thread isn't to debate about how good the Iron Men are doing, but Rich Telford's new shop in Modesto California is having their grand opening on the 28th 29th and the 30th with the Iron Men and some Dynasty guys signing autographs there, so if anyone wants to make the trip out, it will be cool. And your first purchase is %15 off I think.

Toxic Dave
11-03-2003, 02:05 PM
Anyone in the area would be foolish to miss this, Rich and the guys on the Ironmen are one of the most skilled teams in the world. If your team could pick up one or two drills from this it'd be worth the fee.

Dave/ Toxic/ GZ

P.S. Dynasty didn't win World Cup did they, in fact Stange beat them twice that week.