View Full Version : Freestyle Skateboarding

11-01-2003, 11:54 PM
Does anywhere he skate freestyle, or even know what it is? Ya know, with tricks like 50-50's (board upside down, with your back foot on the back truck and your front foot under the board propping the board up), railstands (primos), and all that stuff. Im just curious cause I have a pro freestyle skater who lives in my town (has his own pro model deck and everything) and Im going to skate with him tommorow. Peace!

11-02-2003, 02:10 PM
Well, I'm not quite sure what the question is, but do that 50-50. It'll be sure to impress...

Nick O time
11-02-2003, 02:28 PM
yeah a 50 50 is when you grind with both trucks down a rail. both trucks are flat on the rail and the rail is in the middle part of the two trucks. kinda hard to explain but yeah that is what a 50 50 is. i think you might be talking about a dark slide or sumtin. but those were names of tricks for street style, i am not sure about free style. i stopped skateing about 2 or 3 years ago cuz i sucked.:p

11-02-2003, 02:46 PM
i remember freestyle. rodney mullin was the guy back in the day. chris chaput from abec11 wheels was a freestyler among other things. hes big into downhill and slalom.

freestyle boards are what led to the popsickle sticks you kids call skateboards now.

freestyle is cool though. faded in the 80's but a revival is taking place in all old forms of skating. hell i remember when street and aggro were new and vert was the big thing. funny how some of my old boards are being reissued now.

i lack the balance and grace for freestyle. this is what im riding now:

11-02-2003, 07:51 PM
Rodney Mullen is still the man!!!

He's the godfather of street skating. If you can dig up some video's of him online,and your jaw will drop.

The dude will skate and kick his board and it wills pin about 4 times and he'll land on the trucks, then he'll kick it again and land on it like normal. The dude is insane.

Tony Hawk and Rodney Mullin probably revolutionalized Street and Vert skating!