View Full Version : On My Way To The Ultimate Evil 5 Man In O.c....

11-02-2003, 07:59 PM
This weekend, Oct. 31, Nov 1-2, in Ocean City Maryland was the Ultimate Evil indoor 5 man Tournament. I didn't play, nor did my team, but some of us went up on Sunday the 2nd to watch and give support for a couple of other teams we know. On our way down to the event, the seven of us, (in three vehicles) we driving down Rt. 1 south in O.C. If you have ever driven down the "Main Drag" you know it is a long straight 3 lane road with nothing but shops and stores and people for miles. The board walk is right there too. Well, I am running point vehicle with my friends behind me as I got behind a red Dodge Durango in the far right lane. After about 1/2 mile or so of being behind this Durango and my buddy in the passenger front seat says, "Hey, those guys just shot at those people from that truck!" I sort of dismissed it as he is a bit of a goof, but sure enough as we passed another large group of pedestrians on our right paintballs just flew out of the rear right window of that red Durango! It looked like a few of the people got hit as some dove to the ground or turned there backs abruptly. Now I was hot. Got the cell phone out and hit 911.

As I am tailing the Durango I am on the phone giving locations and descriptions of the truck as they fire at even more people. Now the people in the Durango see me on my phone and are waving at me, the nerve. They try and ditch me by quickly turning into a strip mall, but I was on them like stink on ... stuff. At this point I totally forgot about my other friends behind me. As the Durango pulls into the mall, they slam on the brakes and I almost drive right through them in my 2002 Ram 1500 quad cab 4+4... big truck. My buddy in his Explorer comes within inches of redecorating his grill and my tailgate. They, (my friends behind me,) have no Idea that I am chasing these people, and they are just following me as they didn't know the way!

So, the Durango takes off into an alley behind this mall and I jump back on the main road and go to cut them off at the next right turn. I almost run right into that Durango! They squeeze by me and my friends Explorer. I am now trying to make a U-turn to get back on there bumper when an OCPD truck comes screaming from the alley to a screeching stop in front on my friends Explorer, his gun drawn! I yell to the cop, "Not them, the red Durango!!!" He burns out of there and we followed. My buddys in the Explorer are freaking out now. In a car chase they didn't know they were in and then they have a gun drawn on them... they need new boxer shorts...

Only 2-3 blocks down was the convention center were the Ultimate Evil tourney is being held. I didn't see the cop or the Durango on the road ahead so I pull into the convention center and pull around front only to see 3 cop cars, one unmarked, one regular Crown Vic and the one SUV that was in pursuit. My one friend didn't see me turn into the mall with the Durango, and kept going to the convention center not knowing what was unfolding. Funny enough though, the Durango is parked in a spot almost next to him and his girlfriend! He got a good look at the guys too.

After giving the cops all the info they needed, we went inside and looked for the guys. The one cop had a good idea after running the tags on the truck to cross reference the owner of the vehicle with the team rosters for the event. At this point the announcer over the P.A. system calls for the owner of a red Durango to come to the main table. They stopped the tournament until the people were caught. I went outside about 30 minutes later to see that the Durango was gone.

I hope they nailed these guys so I get some satisfaction in knowing I possibly helped save some innocent pedestrian from getting hurt. As for the unfortunate people that did or came close to getting hit, I hope they are OK and uninjured. I applaud the OCPD for the fast response and quick actions, they were fast. I also thank the event organizers for assisting in any way they could to catch these people.

PS The event was really fun to watch too! A must attend next year!

Rob B.

11-02-2003, 08:04 PM
Paragraphs are your friend

11-02-2003, 08:11 PM
Happy now?