View Full Version : Ten hits, one elimination

11-02-2003, 08:03 PM
Ok... I was playing tournament today (and in defense of everyone involved it was raining and spraying paint was the order of the day) and I got hit ten times in a single game.

First hit
Player makes bunker move on me, gets hit on the way by his own player in the back, finishes the move anyways (never saw him coming). Refs call him out, call it a non-obvious hit and pull only him, wiping the hit on me.

Hits Two to Eight
Im playing front - can't hit anything. I'm on the left tape and one of their back players manages to work up the right tape, to behind me - he takes out both my back players. I turn and see him there, two bunkers away (in front of me on the tape line) is another one of there players. I start pounding the bunker and moving to bunker him - btw I learn from him later that this pounding just lets him know Im coming, he's reloading and drops half his pod. He comes out the side of his bunker when I'm halfway there - and hits me several times.

Hits 9 and ten
I'm lit up... I know it, I raise my hand, lower my marker and angle away from his bunker... and he hits me two more times (later apologizing) - at this point I'm wet, cold, and losing. I manage to not say anything other then "hey", cover my barrel, turn around and walk away. Its not until later that I discover how lit up I was.

Edit: I should have clarified, all of these were breaks, I do not know how many bounced on me that time - but I do know I was hit more that game than the rest of the tournament combined.

11-02-2003, 08:15 PM
Happens to all of us from time to time. The best thing you can do is learn from it (which you obviously did) and just get out there and keep on playing! Also, he was a good player for apologizing later and you were a sportsman for not yelling and cursing and flipping out. I hate seeing these kinds of situations end badly.

11-02-2003, 08:18 PM
how did you do in the tourny?=)

11-02-2003, 08:38 PM
Yeh... umm... well... we sucked

First game they needed to fill in the open division (giving each open team one more game) so they gave each team from the rookie division a no score game where the score would only count towards the open team and not towards us. We (obviously) got slaugthered by the open team - I think it took them thirty or forty seconds.

Second game - playing a rookie team (one of whom had never played paintball) - I move to the head of the snake and dive in - now its like 40 degrees and raining, I crawl through the mud to the first knuckle, have still not been shot at. I crawl to the center of the snake and begin eliminating players - we win, I was never even shot at we score 80/80 points. However, I am now cold, wet, and muddy

Third game - I get laned - it bounces. Im an idiot, walk past my intended bunker (not calling out) when the ref looks at me and says "it bounced" WTF, should have bunkered in cause now Im in the open and diving for the closest bunker. A poor bunker I fail to make a good move and get pinched out of that bunker - we score 5/80 points. Now I'm cold, wet, and needing to do well in order to make finals.

Fourth game - I get hit ten times and eliminated (see above). We score 5/80 points because one of the other team managed to shoot his own teammate. At this point I'm cold, wet, and losing.

Fifth game - we are so out of it. So we decide that two of us (its a three man) are charging the center. I get there - the flag hangs about a foot away from my bunker - I reach for it and get hit four times - at least once by all their players. Im guessing they REALLY did not want me to get the flag pull. I look to where my backup is supposed to be and he dove into a bunker on the way. We score 0/80. I'm cold, wet, mathematically eliminated, and my ego is bruised. At this point I no longer care about the tournament and am thinking how nice a hot bath sounds.

Coincidentally I am not going through much paint at all, two of these are hopper hits, which break five balls (or more) in my hopper. I do not learn this until the end of the day.

Sixth game - ahh, the rain has let up - I charge the center, stop halfway there to lane a player going for the snake - why the... my mags chopping paint, blowing broken paint out of the end of the barrel. I stand there outside of the bunker confused... and promptly eliminated. We score 5/80. I'm still cold - very cold, very wet, and wondering why I did not drive a car with a good heater in it.

Must be water... I refill my hopper never bothering to look in it.

Seventh game - refs say ready I say yes, I have taken two practice shots that went wild - I grab my teammates squeegie as we break. My poor mid player can't understand why I stop in the back stand up and don't fire. My shots are going really really wild. I'm standing there, just staring at my gun, taking off the barrel and looking down it... not accomplishing anything (I should have been calling positions). They manage to take the flag pull, then the snake, then eliminate me. My teammates pull this off and hang the flag... we score 45/80 or so. I'm now cold, wet, and just glad to be done for the day.

After tournament. I open my hopper and actually look (I have played two games with it and there are still five broken balls in it and paint all over, Kickin Triple XXX Nasty fill none the less). I dump the paint in the garbage - say goodbye to my team and my thanks to the promoter, and leave. I then spend an hour and a half cleaning equipment - after my hot bath.

We have done better... I made a lot of mistakes at this tournament that may have cost us, I made a couple at last tournament. But we had a lot of fun, and we intend to be better by next year.

11-02-2003, 09:30 PM
i had a stuation like that in recball(no identifying armbands or anything) i'm working up the left tape and i see one of my frontplayers turn and pop two off at me i jump behind a bunker and start yelling at him that i'm on his team(i guess he didn't believe me) paint stops pounding the bunker, i start to move forward again and he turns around and lights me up, that sucked.

11-02-2003, 09:42 PM
thats happend to me before with one of my freinds, i went to bunker him and he saw me coming popped over hsi bunker and shot me about 7 times from 6 or 7 feet away. he must of been shooting hot to cause it ripped a few holes in my shirt :mad:

11-02-2003, 09:53 PM
Originally posted by spyxtra
thats happend to me before with one of my freinds, i went to bunker him and he saw me coming popped over hsi bunker and shot me about 7 times from 6 or 7 feet away. he must of been shooting hot to cause it ripped a few holes in my shirt :mad: ow......

11-02-2003, 11:03 PM
i was hit 37 times in 2 games :eek:

11-03-2003, 12:13 AM
Sounds like your back players werent doing their jobs. Hers how they should be set up.
Your back players should be crossing up their lines of fire at all times. This prevents the other team from moving up. They should post this way, and stay that way the entire game. Tell your back players to always look that way, otherwise, you will get waxed. If the other team is doing this, you should try to distract one of the back players, with a man, or just fire on him. Lets say you distract the back left player on the other team (presuming they are crosssed up) You can do this by running a bunker attemp on him, to get him to uncross his fire. Running a man up the left, while pushing on the right at the same time does this well. The point isnt to actually get him out, just to get him to turn away(if you get him out, good for you, one less player to worry about). The second he turns, run a guy up the right tape(if he isnt already running), bunker all the front and mid players,(you may have to run multiple people up the right tape to do this) until you get to the back players, and wax them. You see, if you run up the right tape, the back right player wont be able to see it coming, because he is looking toward your back left. Simple, and highly effective.

11-03-2003, 12:33 AM
well one time in every game the team that i was won. I always eliminated a guy (that is a ref from the field) but that day he was playing in every game and in one game i shot him like ten times and hit him like 5-6 times from 10-15 feet. He was very frustraded cuz i always eliminated him and he was *****in cuz i was overshootin and supposedly i had my gun to high. He checked the velocity of my gun it was 275 he couldnt believe it and another ref told him that in the NPPL theres no over shootin so stop *****in. Even though at the end of the day he was bleedin from my shots and it was fun cuz he is an a$$hole. But that wasnt my reason for shootin him like 10 times cuz i didnt knew him that well in that time before.:p

11-03-2003, 01:55 PM
Hey Lohman sorry to hear you guys didn't have such a great tournament. That game that you got lit up we had two guns down. The fellow that was running the left snake for us had a malfunctioning autcocker, and the guy that tried to bunker you had a fubared egg. He was only getting 3 to 4 shots in a burst. I ended up shooting your back left player from my back standup. I never remember hitting your back right guy, but both of my teamates both claim to not have a kill. Shooting my own guy that was trying to bunker you has caught me a crap load of flack. We just didn't have good enough communication. I was trying to shoot you out, and snapped out of my bunker already firing. He unknown to me had decided to bunker you and rather then go inside chose to run in between me and you. I hit him in the pack on the way. As for the bunker move I apologize for the one after you were already out. I know I sent a string as you started running but I didn't stay out long enough to see whether or not any hit. I popped back out after half a second and shot one before I fully comprehended that you were callinng yourself. BTW that was some of the nastiest conditions I have ever played in. We came with four teams to the tournament and everybody had problems.

I had a richochet go fubar and had to snag an egg.
As I was walking out on the field before one game, I turned my viking on, and for some reason it was only booting in programming mode. Ran and snagged a buddies matrix. The matrix was good for about one ball every 10-15 seconds. If I shot anymore then that the ball wouldn't even leave the barrel.
Later his matrix shucked an oring and went down for the day.
Another fellow was having a horrible time with his e-bladed orracle. It just didn't want to function right. Another ebladed cocker was having severe problems. We had an egg that mysteriously stopped working right. One of my teamates had Timmy problems and we had to fix that.
I went ahead and cleaned up the viking pretty good and the programming mode problem went away. With so many guns down the viking got shot by pretty much everybody. It was a nasty miserable day.

11-03-2003, 06:26 PM
It was, cold, wet, muddy and nasty - you have all of those right - for those of you who don't live in West Michigan thats 40 degrees or so, raining all day, and playing in clay. And in all honesty I was as upset about my performance that day as anything else - I could not seem to get things to go right all day. As noted - it was raining, spraying paint and a series of hits was inevitable considering the conditions. Also.. the extra I took was on my own call, well before either of the refs had reacted to my call of out and there are no armbands to pull that day - it is highly likely that I would have had those shots in late as well.

Most of my late day problems were my own fault - not cleaning out a hopper, not bothering to look.

Unfortunately I let my teams performance get to me - the reason is simple. I cannot ask for more from my backplayers then I get. I make all calls going in on how we are going to play, what bunkers I want them to nail, and what kind of movement I want from them. They have, always, followed through on exactly what I have asked for them. Our memorable errors are almost always mine. I should not have charged the bunker (I was chopping paint like mad) - I should have made a mad dash for the flag and prayed to hang before getting pounded. I made a series of errors that day on back of two profound errors at Woodland - one point I dropped into the wrong bunker and basically forced us into a poor position. One point I failed to drop quick enough getting to the center and walked into a lane. When the team succeeds it is because of the team... when it fails it has been on my errors - my goal on this tournament had been to free myself from some of those errors.

However, in the end I had fun... a bad day of paintball still beats a good day of work.