View Full Version : Another LX question.... about velocity.

11-02-2003, 08:42 PM
Ok i finaly got air for my new x valve... i think i have it all set up with the 1.5 carrier and one shim...
i have no idea how fast its shooting... i just screwed in the velocity knob til it started shooting...

when i go chrono for indoors... do you have to change carriers and if not, do you just adjust the velocity or do you have to do other things too?


11-02-2003, 08:52 PM
I've never shot under 260 w/ mine, so I'm interested to see if anyone else has some solutions. You didn't mention which spring you were using? I use the middle one and I would think that going to larger springs may help. Changing carriers won't help slow you down. All that said, hopefully you can just adjust your velocity on the back and get it where you need it, Good Luck!

11-02-2003, 08:58 PM
see i dunno what spring im using... im using the one that came on the x valve...

thats another question... do the springs go in order of size? because people often refer to the middle spring... but im not sure wich one that is.
i have a small one
a red one
and a large one...
some people also refer to the spring with the coil cut off...
all mine have all the coils.
i think the red one would be the middle one...
but who knows

11-02-2003, 09:55 PM
Gold is short
Red is middle
Grey is long

And no. You don't mess with the carrier to adjust velocity. Do it normally on the gun. If you can't get where you need to be, turn the gun down, put in the next shorter spring. (Mid to short)

11-02-2003, 10:02 PM
Originally posted by Dayspring
put in the next shorter spring. (Mid to short)
That does make more since, shorter for slower not stiffer/longer. There musta been something in that koolaid earlier! Also the cut-off springs people refer to are earlier middle springs, AGD updated it w/ the red one.