View Full Version : Stupidest Stuff You've Done During A Paintball Game

11-02-2003, 10:03 PM
Post the stupidest crap you've done during a paintball game.


Well, we were playing rec-ball and I was behind a bunker and I reach out to look and my tank was already loose but I took my arm and basically unscrewed it and sent Co2 spraying in about a 5ft. diameter and all over my leg, I throw my marker to get it away from me and sit there staring at it just basically letting all my air get wasted and my friend (hockaloogey)'s cousin (dick) came running up and finally unscrewed the thing. Now, my leg was frozen, the grass was frozen, my tank was frozen, and dick's hands were frozen. I laugh at it now but I was REALLY embarassed at my stupidity the rest of the day and I have apologized to dick like 500 times since then.

11-02-2003, 10:09 PM
spyxtra and tippihater will fully agree when i say:

one time it was 2v2 recball, and my partner got out. leaving my friend phil, and my brother against me. they are both on each side, and i decide not to reload because i figured they would be coming up soon to bunker me.

too bad though, i probably would have had the time to reload a little. nevertheless, all of a sudden i hear a bunch of shots being fired, which i instantly thought ":D im gonna get BUNKERED!!"

so, so i dont lose my pride... and not to go out like a "total" loser, i decide to get up, and run out of my bunker spraying madly whereever the hell my gun was pointing :D

'tis a shame i took 7 hits, but at least i can say i wasn't bunkered ;)

we also happen to record this, and everytime we all agree that "dave, that was the dumbest thing i've ever seen in paintball" :)

11-02-2003, 10:11 PM
playing woodsball (woods field, but smaller and with bunkers) i cleaned my cocker, took the bolt out and all, then i lay back and relaxed for a few minutes.

11-02-2003, 10:15 PM
lol that reminds me the one time my friend was asking for cover fire but i was busy popping altoids into my mouth

lol :D

11-02-2003, 11:04 PM
Once I ran to the 50 on the break...with my barrel condom on and my air turned off. It was just my luck tht my friend on the other team ran to the 50 also. I got out.

And other small dumb things I've done is dive and get dirt clogging up my barrel. Which resulted in a swift bunkering. And...I can't think of any more.

This isn't very stupid but in tourneys I have a tendancy to shoot the refs. Sometimes on purpose sometimes not. Depends on if they are reffing good. Once in my first tourney I was running and I ran past a ref and accidentaly shot him square in the back. I was kinda embarrassed because that time I didn't mean to shoot him. So I apologized to him and asked if he was ok..then some dude bunkered me. Damnit

11-02-2003, 11:07 PM
ok theres a few i have personally did and a few i witnessed...

-completely took apart my mag and almost lost my screws and other parts

BEST silly thing i have done
-anyone remember starwars a new hope when han solo runs after the storm troopers and runs into a room full and they chase him instead. well i did that but i am not as fit as han solo! and i didnt get shot either!!!!!

ive seen a guy eat a candy bar out on the field.

by far the best though is me and a few others did a hodown dance in the middle of a field near the flag


11-02-2003, 11:08 PM
i didn't do this but while i was reffing i watched this occur.

We were playing rec-ball on a semi-speedball course and a guy (mid-40's, one of those guys who prides himself on his pimped out tippy and bdu's) goes for a bunker move(a 't' shaped bunker made out of the ends of two spools) and not being able to come to a stop promtly knocks it over, then trying not to get hit scrambles under(not to the bunker 10 feet away, no that would be too easy) and promptly gets lit up.

That same day there was this new kid there who had just purchased a brand new stock '03 cocker and was quite proud of it. About thirty seconds into the game he supermans into a bunker and doesn't come out, i see the other ref rush over to him, about a minute later i see the ref come up holding the guys hopper and tank(i'm thinking holy crap). When the kid had dived into the bunker he slamed his guninto it and ripped the grip frame off, bent the cocking rod and messed up the pneus(how he did this, i dunno) anyway, they are standing off to the side of the feild and this guy i'm standing behind starts lightly the ref up, i pop up to tell the guy that the person he is unloading on is a ref, but at the time i feel to large stinging sores on the top of my head (i'm thinking ow, getting lit up, seek cover) so i fall over to avoid being hit, the problem is i fall over to the left of the bunker and keep getting hit, it took me only about two seconds to roll back into the bunker though. Man that was a bad game.

11-02-2003, 11:13 PM
I do alot of stuff at promised land its all newbs i pretty much take off my arm band then i just walk grab the object and then succeed one time i took off my armband blue team was defending the nuke i said blue team give me cover im gona to hid by the nuke in this case i pressed the button winning the game.:D

11-02-2003, 11:19 PM
Originally posted by ramennoodles
i didn't do this but while i was reffing i watched this occur.

We were playing rec-ball on a semi-speedball course and a guy (mid-40's, one of those guys who prides himself on his pimped out tippy and bdu's) goes for a bunker move(a 't' shaped bunker made out of the ends of two spools) and not being able to come to a stop promtly knocks it over, then trying not to get hit scrambles under(not to the bunker 10 feet away, no that would be too easy) and promptly gets lit up.

That same day there was this new kid there who had just purchased a brand new stock '03 cocker and was quite proud of it. About thirty seconds into the game he supermans into a bunker and doesn't come out, i see the other ref rush over to him, about a minute later i see the ref come up holding the guys hopper and tank(i'm thinking holy crap). When the kid had dived into the bunker he slamed his guninto it and ripped the grip frame off, bent the cocking rod and messed up the pneus(how he did this, i dunno) anyway, they are standing off to the side of the feild and this guy i'm standing behind starts lightly the ref up, i pop up to tell the guy that the person he is unloading on is a ref, but at the time i feel to large stinging sores on the top of my head (i'm thinking ow, getting lit up, seek cover) so i fall over to avoid being hit, the problem is i fall over to the left of the bunker and keep getting hit, it took me only about two seconds to roll back into the bunker though. Man that was a bad game. Man, I have alot of respect for refs! They take ALOT of crap.

11-02-2003, 11:22 PM
One time I left my condom on and fired 2 shots before I realized it was still on.

Then another time I was playing 2vs2 w/ a newb on my team who refused to move, so I was yelling at him to move as soon as I said go. So I fired a few cover shots, and pointed at the bunker right in front of him, and right when I did that, I took on in the hand I was pointing with.

11-02-2003, 11:37 PM
The stupidest was when I dove into the snake and disconnected it. It defleted and wrapped around me as I rolled around franticly before being bunkered amidst a torrential downpour of laughter.

Second might have been when I dove and sunk about 6 inches of my barrel into mud with out realizing before going to bunker somebody and spraying mud all over their face. I just wish I could have seen it.

11-02-2003, 11:55 PM
i was playing a tourney and i was putting this guy in and my two buddies went and bunkered him. we sat there talking to the other team and its like wtf the refs never came and chronied us. so we just sat there and the air horn blew. i was like **** we forgot to hang the flag.

the other one was we were playing the msts and it was our final game i think and my buddy said screw it im running the field. so i lained my guy out and my buddy took out the other 4 on his run and on his way he grabbed the flag. well i get up there and im checking him and whap he got shot right in the head. i was like wtf happened and this other little kid that was playing on our team had shot him. we still dont know what he was thinking but it was really stupid

11-03-2003, 12:51 AM
I was playing a 4v4 speedball game in a small indoor field. I had already played 4 or more games, and had not filled air (2600 psi only)
Start of game and I have about 5 good shot's, then I cannot shoot across the field. people on the side's were looking at me with the "what the hell is going on" look. It was now 2 on 2 and I was bumping up the center right. my right tape man did a 1 for 1 and now it is a younger player (in the start station) and I, With NO AIR!!!!!!
I open my hopper and start throwing paint and yelling to him "Man you better give up now, I am soo close that I am throwing paint at you. This is really going to hurt" The people on the side lines could not beleive what I was doing. and not too long later, I got a surrender:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

11-03-2003, 01:30 AM
My stupidest thing happened this last saturday. Here I am playin some rec ball 10 on 10. It was my friend Chris and me left on 5 people. I had forgotten my best friend matt was on the other team and I see him and I'm calling him over to me to come help out. Then I relazize that he isn't on my team at the last second and unload like 10 shots and take off (ends up getting out from chris). But i felt really dumb and i was cracking up so loud. But me and chris ended up winning the game.

Were usually on teams so i got confused. lol :D

11-03-2003, 09:49 AM
stupidiest ive done was getting to a bunker going to shot and nothing. forgot to turn the gun on. get that on go to shot again. only a click. also had forgot to turn on the air. by that time i look and see 3 of my 5 man team are out. good thing was the other team had no clue where i was so i was able to get some out. atleast it was only a practice not a tourny. that was one of those days.

11-03-2003, 10:28 AM
There was the time I played my first Air Ball and I was pinned in three on one. And I decided to make a Suicide charge. I stepped out firing widly at the three positons and took off. Screaming at the top of my lungs. But....Failed to notice the air pipe and tripped over it and fell flat on my face losing my mask and my hopper in the process and skinning my elbow and knocking the breath out of me when I landed on my tank. Then got lit up by every kid left on the other side while the refs were trying to get to me and I layed there covering my face.

Very embarrasing.

Several times forgetting to turn my hopper on only to chop on the break.

I certain I have done many other things that I have regressed! :D

11-03-2003, 11:53 AM
was at a 3-man tournament a couple weeks ago and this team shot out all three opponents, grabbed the flag and walked back to their base. They basically captured the flag for the other team, and the game ended up a 50 point tie.

Wasn't me personally though, just some random team.

11-03-2003, 12:25 PM
Well mine was when i didnt have a cup so i put a couple of boxers down there in my special spot. Well when walking to my starting location, all my padding came out and fell onto the feild. Instead of my team mates shooting the opposite team they were having too much fun hitting my favorite boxers.

Oh and also i remeber having a egg 2 and the thing pissed me off soo much so i started reasoning with it. I told it that if it copped on more attitidue wiht me i would sell to someone who had the pateince. Soo naturly it copped one right off the bat. Soo i curesed at it and the feild owner was naturly looking at me talking to my equipment. I still dont know if he thinks im crazy or not. But i did get things straitened up with me and my egg. I sent him off to sopme one who had the pateince.

11-03-2003, 01:52 PM
This didnt happen to me, but I was at a fairly large tourney in holden MO, and I was watching this team play. The field has two snakes, and are mirrored. A guy on this one guys team yells to him that there is a guy in the snake. The guy procedes to BUNKER the player in HIS snake, and not the other, and shoots his own player. Everybody laughs, hes super embarrasses. Sucked for him.

11-03-2003, 02:12 PM
Over the years I have done and seen soom silly stuff....

1) Shot my teammate square in the butcheeks about 5 times. As I pour fire to keep a man in his bunker I dint hear that my teammate is going to run up... so by the time I see him moving its too late.....

2)Shot myself out. With a very hair triggered angel I brought the barrel down to come to the other side of a bunker... and blap... shoot myself right in the foot.

3)One of the funnyer things I have seen.... I was reffing a game and the guy right in front of me (Shooting a mag btw ;) ) gets hit 3 times right in the mommy dady button... all three bounce but of course he still drops like a promdress. I walk up and go dude... you are clean.. what are you doing laying down?? So he gets back up and charges the other side with the gun in on hand and the other on his crotch.... I was laughing so hard I almost wet myself.

4)The stupid thing I tend to do is skip from one bunker to the next. Odd thing about this is that I have never been hit doing it. Always gets lots of laughter from the sidelines however.

11-03-2003, 03:36 PM
I went to bunker the last player on the oposing team, but I did the wrong bunker and was shot in the back. My backs were yelling at me the whole time, but I didn't here them.

11-03-2003, 03:46 PM
Boy, they're so many to choose from. :p

One of the best (that is dumbest) things I've done is play a tourny game and forget to reload my tubes from the previous game.

An empty harness sucks when the games only been going on for about 1 min. :D

11-03-2003, 03:57 PM
a friend and i were the last ones left during a game in a tourney, yet we still outnumbered the last guy on the other team. so, my friend asked me for cover, then proceeded to bunker the guy. he comes around the bunker, and starts to shoot, just the only ball that comes out casually rolls out of the barrel, and he gets lit up by the guy he was trying to bunker. we later find out(after winning the game) that his tank had been unscrewed just like one fourth of a turn, which really sucked, because if my friend had gotten this guy out, we would have gone into the playoffs, which we were only one point away from doing:( , oh, and to make matters worse, it was my first tourney.

11-03-2003, 04:10 PM

I tend to run out of air during games...sadly...gotta love that chuf chuff..... but...better than that..... I used to be reallllllly bad about pod to hopper paint tranfers, when it takes more then 5 seconds to get a half pod of paint in a hopper thers something roung...

also not tighting various feednecks before play and haveing your hopper spin atop your marker as your shooting...only to fly into a bunker as you slide to an abrupt stop...bad stuff...

ofcorse I tend to forget to turn hopper back on too...a lot

but really stupid things is what you want.....

low batteries in the warp, tourney pratice, 2 center back vs 4 I thought there were two left *cough whipers cough*
anyway it wasnt feeding and I was haveing to tilt to feed all the way into my breach.... I pop out,stumble...pop off one shot, get a bounce off his legs, after I turned to pop the others, well I shot all air..and caught about 15 balls between the lot of em from 20feet away or so....suxed


I still say someone needs to whip up a batch of " Turn on Your hopper STUPID!" hopper stickers....

11-03-2003, 04:39 PM
I was playing woods ball and my team was dominating and we flanked both sides and we got to there base(I got shot out by this time) and we just watched our own team shoot at eachother for 7 minutes till the time ran out....we didnt say anything just because it was so damn funny

11-03-2003, 04:43 PM
Not an actual playing story, but a story none the less. The day I got my first cocker, I aired it up and rested it on my leg for a second. SO I'm messing around with it, and i get the bright idea to pull the trigger while it's still resting on my leg, the back block took a huge bloody chunk of my leg:eek: Lol, also the day i realized I was def. not running any kind of low pressure gun:D

11-03-2003, 05:26 PM
Stupiest thing I have done....

Well were in a 3 man tourney, We lost one off the break. I hit the left tape. Well I throw down 3 pods. I go to pull my last and I lose the whole pod behind me. They start to push so its either go out like a loser or make a hell of a move. So I decided to break for the 50 and get the pull. I'm at about the 20, I'm also about 300 pounds. So I make my run. Well lets just say when I get moveing that fast nothing is stopping me. The center 50 is one of the big hyperball pipes probably 15 feet high. Well I hit it full force. It starts to fall, I'm trying to pull the flag out and its trying to fall. Well it wins. While all this is going on, all three feilds have stopped to watch. Well when it falls everyone on the other team is pointed at me. I see it, fall to me knees and put my gun up and get hammered. Wasn't funny then, but it is now.

11-03-2003, 05:39 PM
Originally posted by painball
Once I ran to the 50 on the break...with my barrel condom on and my air turned off. It was just my luck tht my friend on the other team ran to the 50 also. I got out.

And other small dumb things I've done is dive and get dirt clogging up my barrel. Which resulted in a swift bunkering. And...I can't think of any more.

This isn't very stupid but in tourneys I have a tendancy to shoot the refs. Sometimes on purpose sometimes not. Depends on if they are reffing good. Once in my first tourney I was running and I ran past a ref and accidentaly shot him square in the back. I was kinda embarrassed because that time I didn't mean to shoot him. So I apologized to him and asked if he was ok..then some dude bunkered me. Damnit

same thing, had my bag on as well with my safety, and then I had no air and my hopper was not on. ok well I had about 500 pounds of air so it was close. While all of this I ran to the 50 off the break and I realized what happened so I fix everything and then I ended up tripping on my way to bunker someone, so of course I get 4in. of dirt in my barrel, I am the luckiest person because the person I was bunkering did not see me so i just went behind a bunker at his 10 and I cleaqned my barrel, and then I was set up to get everyone on their team because I was behind them.

Ps. I went to buker them almost off the break because I had no air. So that is my stupid time of paintball.

11-03-2003, 05:42 PM
stupidest thing i did...

drop someones 1000+ dollar gun:(

11-03-2003, 05:51 PM
Originally posted by bryceeden
I went to bunker the last player on the oposing team, but I did the wrong bunker and was shot in the back. My backs were yelling at me the whole time, but I didn't here them.

Did this as well, bt it wasnt my fault because it was friday noght play under the light that we just put up so they were not in the right angles and it was al screwed up. anyways It was me and two of my friend verse the manager who is awsome and a regular that played am that is crazy good and our other teamate that played 5 with them. So we got our arses kicked every single game and then I took two off the break and the am player (jake) took out on of ours off the break then my other teamate that was still in tried to bunker him but he got shot first and this was at a laydown can. so I thought that I should bunker him becaue he thought I was at a back dorito and I was at his 45. anyways I I go to bunker him finding out that he had moved as well so he just took one shot and I was so confued on what happened and then I found a mark on his pod and so we did not know when that was from so my crapy team could or could not have beaten them.

11-03-2003, 05:59 PM
my best friend was doing this 2 vs 2 and he made a half-crouched run towards the otherside's 40 along the right tape. Unfortunatly for him, a guy was there with a timmy. The kid unloaded on him, and he still kept running with his head down so the top was exposed to the timmy, he got hit, and the kid kept on shooting, and finally he couldn't take the pain anymore and stopped

11-03-2003, 06:02 PM
I was playing recball against my own team in the woods. I was standing behind a bunker, resting my gun on top of it, taunting one of the opponents (who is normally my back player in tournaments). The brush is pretty heavy, no big deal I don't expect he can get through it. So after like three minutes of taunting he has dropped four pods and is now shooting a whole lot slower. I'm laughing, having fired three or four times just to keep him from moving up when POP right between my eyes he sneaks one through...

At a three man tournament Im rushing the center. I see one of there players sneak through the lanes and is running for a strong bunker. I stop about halfway between the bunker behind me and the bunker in front of me at about the 40 and start laning - I get him but his back players just light me up.

Reffing I watched a player get to one on one - he runs out of paint. Looking down he grabs a single paintball from the ground in front of the bunker, discards it, grabs another, cleans it off, aims one shot and WINS.

11-03-2003, 06:12 PM
yeah.. ive shot myself in the foot a couple of times :)

but the stupidest thing is probably ran right up to a bunker with an opposing player in it.. hell if i ever saw him.

I like to do little dances sometimes as well :)

11-03-2003, 06:16 PM
Originally posted by TheDoveDecends
yeah.. ive shot myself in the foot a couple of times :)

but the stupidest thing is probably ran right up to a bunker with an opposing player in it.. hell if i ever saw him.

I like to do little dances sometimes as well :)

like bunkering

11-03-2003, 06:40 PM
i was going to bunker someone and i went in and reloaded and then i ran and he wasnt there he was already out. so i kept running and got tagged. it was not a tourny so thats good. :cool:

11-03-2003, 06:53 PM
I had my emag set up to be an insanely light, short trigger pull (one magnet and an oring)... well

One rec game was a ~10 on ~10 hyperball field against mostly walk-ons, with a few tourney players thrown in.

On the break, I run flat out to the 40 left tape, which sidelines the field (where a bunch of people were watching)
diving under a stream of paint and sliding beautifully on my back right into the bunker.

right into the bunker... slightly bumping my ridiculously light trigger.

Yeah, I shot myself in the thigh... made worse by the beautiful move that preceeded it.

oh well.


11-03-2003, 08:08 PM
here is a good one that happened to my team in a 3 man turni, i was playin back and got two of the other guys then was shot while looking to see if the guy wasout, then the other man on the other team walked out due to gun probs. My two other team mates did not realize everyone was gone and proceeded to cover for each other and call out positions of the other team while making their way up the field. It was halious watching them do this.

11-03-2003, 08:10 PM
I'd have to say the stupidest thing my fat arse has ever done at a paintball game was when I volunteered to be a medic at Shatner.

I almost had a heart attack just thinking about running around. I was so tired, I had to take a nap.

11-03-2003, 08:30 PM
ii've seen a lot of funny stuff playing against my newbie friends at my friend's homemade feild.

One time i was playing a 2vs1 (i like being outnumbered, keeps me on my toes) and i shot out my friend elliot. Then i moved up to a bunker closer to the 50 and checked out where the last guy was. He bolted to a bunker about 10 feet from me and right as i went to bunker him, he tipped his bunker over and roled on the ground in a panic. Naturally i stood up and lit him up.

Next we did a 2vs2 and my friend dave and i went to bunker the same kid from the first story. We went from 2 sides so he panicked and literally started spinning in a circle firing widly. Naturally we lit him up.

SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
11-03-2003, 08:50 PM
lets see...

1. I caught fire
2. Got shot in the neck by team aftershock
3. bunkered a guy without a gun
4. used paintball boxes for pillows
5. went out at 12am to the field with a few refs to do a blair witch video.
6. slipped and fell in mud
7. got stuck on a steep cliff
8. electrical taped a stuffed doggy to my ballz
9. shot a ref
10. used a ref as a hostage
11. used a ref as a sheild
12. shot myself
13. shot myself again
14. got my cell phone shot
15. played as a one man team against 2 teams of 20 players
16. offered to get shot for 10 paintballs
17. got shot to get 10 paintballs
18. ate paintballs
19. started up paintball eating contests to win free drinks
20. dove for a paintball box and landed face first into the gravel

the list goes on...

11-03-2003, 09:46 PM
lmao that is good I dont feel as bad

11-03-2003, 10:12 PM
Originally posted by robertjuric
One time I left my condom on and fired 2 shots before I realized it was still on.Hmm ... I'm perverted.

The stupidest thing I've ever done in a paintball game is get shot.

11-03-2003, 10:16 PM
Originally posted by SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
8. electrical taped a stuffed doggy to my ballz
LOL, I tape a random stuffed animal to mine everytime we play for protection, hey it's more comfortable than wearing a cup.

SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
11-03-2003, 10:21 PM
saved me from about 5 paintballs :)

11-03-2003, 10:25 PM
Originally posted by SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
saved me from about 5 paintballs :) So far, it hasn't saved me from anything but when I need it it will be there :)

11-03-2003, 10:26 PM
This one time.... at band camp.... err.... I mean... watching a game a freind had borrowed another freinds very nice carter autococker. Anyhow off the break some Nube shoots him right in the funny bone.... and out flys his arm and away flys this autococker in the air about... ohhh 10 ft. It was one of those things that just had to be seen.... it was like he lost control of his arm and hucked the marker. Needless to say he was very embarased and appologised repeatedly

SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
11-03-2003, 10:29 PM
o and you can't forget the 5 star "HELP I GOT MY FINGER STUCK IN MY BARREL!" thread lol :p

11-03-2003, 10:32 PM
Originally posted by SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
o and you can't forget the 5 star "HELP I GOT MY FINGER STUCK IN MY BARREL!" thread lol :p Lol that was so funny.

11-03-2003, 10:48 PM
see? you people are why I don't lend my gun :p

My stupidest thing was to bunker a guy while I had no air, it worked on the noob but I walked past a guy and got shot in the back... ouch lmao

Nick O time
11-04-2003, 01:41 AM
Funniest thing that has ever happened to me was that
At this years Big Game at Paintball Sams, we lit up our own team mate, Snoogans, Me, and 2 other guys. We saw him and we are like what color are you and he is like I am not red or sumtin with red and we are blue but he said it in this mumbled voice so all 4 of us unload on him from about 4ft away. Only about 10 seconds later do we find out he is on our team. Also durring that same game some guy on the other team was calling for a medic and Snoogans didn't bring his gun out his gun (since he said he was a medic and didnt want it cuz it was just a pgp and i tried to convince him for aboug 10 minutes before that game started to bring it) so we are just like yeah we are comin hold on and we play this for like 3 minutes or so then we just run like hell.:p

Another thing that happened didn't happen to me personally but this one kid who thought he was all cool and good and stuff was playing back. It was 2vs 2 and my team mate gets eliminated, so i figure its either i get bunkered 2 people or i run and bunker out their back guy. I reloaded while i was runing from the 50 to his back stand up and he saw me coming ever since i started my run. well i get up to the bunker and bunker him and he falls over backwards right on his butt:p lmao. then i run to the 50 and have no idea where the other guy was and ran out of paint and then get tagged in one of my open pod flaps.:rolleyes: still that is one of the funniest things that has ever happened.

11-04-2003, 05:17 PM
Lol, these are great.

11-04-2003, 08:34 PM
Trying to dead mans walk against a team of old school players

11-04-2003, 10:23 PM
raise your hand if you ever forgot to put your bolt in your gun before a game...

::raises hand::

:( :eek:

SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
11-04-2003, 10:28 PM
my bolt was upside down...does that count?