View Full Version : A painful expierence

11-02-2003, 10:51 PM
Well friday i was in metal shop, were making handles for our tinner's hammer, mmkay, anyways so i take my 10 inch peice of metal off the lathe to turn it around so i could cut the part that was covered by the drive dog, i put it all back together and forgot to tighten part of it down, so i get it spinning, then i hear this "twack" noise, followed by the sound of metal clanking, Then i realise my head hurts and i start swearing, I got a concussion from it woo, i learned a lesson too

that was my stupid event for the day

11-02-2003, 10:53 PM
lol, if only we wore paintball masks all the time.

11-02-2003, 10:55 PM
i know, I did have safety glasses on though, not many people in the class wear them, they are always taking them off, they'll learn one day though