View Full Version : World Cup Pics Question

11-03-2003, 08:43 PM
A good friend of mine (also an ex teamate) was there with JUST PAINTBALL playing the 10man rookie and he was the one who broke his ankle playing against Dominion.

In any case... did anyone get any pics of Just Paintball playing, or of the situation he was involved in?

Now that its over (he had Surgery in FL and is now safely back in AZ) I'd like to at least find some pics online of them playing, or what happened so he can laugh at it now or something like that.


Load SM5
11-03-2003, 10:06 PM
I got this in a paintball.com newsletter today. Glad your buddy's doing ok.


11-04-2003, 12:46 AM
anthony is a pretty good guy. digitard: i take it you used to play for kore or you still do?