View Full Version : Which powered hopper for my Cocker?

11-03-2003, 10:01 PM
Hey there.
I have a 2002 vertical feed auto cocker with an ANS front block, Custom Delrin bolt (its designed after the bonebrake bolt), Hinge trigger, Air america nitrogen system, and a few other things.
I am looking at getting a powered hopper so I can stop borrowing them or having to do the rattle shake with my non powered one. I have used the 12 volt revy and the new evolution 2 egg loader. I like the evolution 2 but some people told me you get problems with balls getting pinched and having to worry if the batteries run low. Should I stick with those or are the rickochets or halos worth using?

Thanks for the help, Im sure I can find it in search but i wanted to check to make sure the hopper would work well with my marker. thanks.

11-03-2003, 10:06 PM
i am a hardcore evo II fan but that is just one mans opinion.

11-03-2003, 10:16 PM
evo 2 with zboard

11-03-2003, 10:31 PM
i like revies

11-03-2003, 10:31 PM
ya, zboard on a cocker, defineitly useful:rolleyes:

11-03-2003, 10:56 PM
Since it's mech, you should just stick to a 12V revolution. If you're planning on getting something faster in the future, you could think about the HALO or Egg2 w/Zboard.

11-03-2003, 10:59 PM
empire reloader

11-03-2003, 11:21 PM
Myself im a fan of richochetes. The Ak especialy. Its cheap, and it keeps uf with my hyperframed mag(i think about 10 BPS). also i dont know much about cockers but isnt it really hard to pull the BPS that would warent a halo or an egg. i dunno.

11-04-2003, 02:33 AM
I just started reading reviews on the new empire loaders. They look pretty nice and a good price as well. I know some people who have their barrel systems and love them.
How does the loader compare to a 12 volt revy?

11-04-2003, 02:36 AM
SInce it's mechanical I would recommend either a Revi or Empire Reloader.

The Evo II w/ Z board or the Halo B would be overkill.

11-04-2003, 03:45 AM
I run an Empire Reloader on my '03 cocker with good results. I have only been able to outshoot it during really long strings at whatever my max bps is. Plus, you gotta like the price, I picked up a brand new one on ebay for like $40.

11-04-2003, 07:34 AM
I was using a ricochet on my cocker and was outshooting it, and then used a Xboard revy for awhile and had the same problem. I bought a EvoII , before the Y-boards were put in them and had no problems.

I wold recommend a EvoII.


11-04-2003, 05:43 PM
Mechanical or not...the feed rate of the hopper isn't the issue...having a ball ready to be fire IS the issue, go with a Halo, I have both a Halo and Evo II with Z board and I have found I still got gaps in the string with the Evo II but then regardless of what board is installed it is still a gravity fed hopper, it does have a pulse after it senses a ball (Z-board) that could be construed as a tensioning of the ball stack, but it will always be and remain a gravity fed hopper the Halo IS force feed and with the Bolt arrangement of a 'cocker then double feeding will not be a problem.

11-04-2003, 06:01 PM
get either the reloader or the revi. the reloader is a better buy since it is a sound activated loader so that you always have a ball load when ever you shoot:) but if you can afford to get an egg definatly get it:D

11-04-2003, 06:02 PM
Originally posted by MarkM
Mechanical or not...the feed rate of the hopper isn't the issue...having a ball ready to be fire IS the issue, go with a Halo, I have both a Halo and Evo II with Z board and I have found I still got gaps in the string with the Evo II but then regardless of what board is installed it is still a gravity fed hopper, it does have a pulse after it senses a ball (Z-board) that could be construed as a tensioning of the ball stack, but it will always be and remain a gravity fed hopper the Halo IS force feed and with the Bolt arrangement of a 'cocker then double feeding will not be a problem.

I second that, and agree totally.

11-04-2003, 10:52 PM
Hey there,
I was almost set on the Empire loader for 45 dollars but I cant get it at the store where Im getting my other stuff. Which means Im spending an extra 8 dollars on shipping to get it. I cant get the stuff at a different store because im buying a pod holder very cheap that I cant find anywhere else. sooo.

After I take that price difference into consideration. The Halo TSA is in effect only 7 dollars more since it lets me buy products at one store. The halo LCD would be 15 more due to free shipping over 100. Are those Halos worth the money or should i just buy from seperate stores?
Price on Empire loader is 45
Halo TSA 60
Halo TSA LCD 75
I dont mind spending an extra 20 dollars upfront to get something that will last and work good. I mean 20 dollars is like a half a day of paint. Its not too much money. I just want to make sure what Im getting is worth the money.

11-05-2003, 11:55 PM
nobody can stand up for one of the loaders, not even if i invlude the evo 2?

11-06-2003, 12:16 AM
Get a Halo B not the TSA or whatever cheaper one's they offer...you may find it works for you well enough for now but when you start to fiddle with your 'cocker and eventually put an electro frame on it then you will really see the benifit of a Halo B...you will still benifit now but it is a longer term investment. I had one of the first generation electro hoppers on a Sterling pump and to some peoples way of thinking an electro hopper is not needed on a pump...wrong! but then I want to be sure I have a ball there ready to be fired plus on the few occasions I have tried to save money it has never worked out as I still found I had to add this piece or another to get what I needed.

11-07-2003, 12:49 AM
Well I just ordered the Evo 2.
I got it because I found a website selling a Rase 4 pod turtle pack for 17 dollars on closeout which is normally 50. I got the clear one and hope it gets here soon. Thanks for all of the advice.

11-11-2003, 01:17 PM
either the egg or the halo b.

11-11-2003, 01:34 PM
I'd go for the 12volt revvy. You probably won't be hitting anything over 13bps on that cocker so the revvy should keep your cocker happy. Plus, revvys are cheaper, don't look as goofy, and from my experiece they have less to go wrong. I could also say that revvys are lighter but I think this point is stupid considering you won't really be able to tell the difference when both hoppers are full.

11-11-2003, 01:43 PM
Nice setup with no motorized hopper... I recomend a halo b. Who cares if its a mech cocker? Why not get the best.

11-11-2003, 01:47 PM
Originally posted by -=Squid=-
Nice setup with no motorized hopper... I recomend a halo b. Who cares if its a mech cocker? Why not get the best.

i don't think a halo b is necessary. it's mechanical. it's a lot more expensive than a reloader or revvy, and is pretty much a waiste. I don't think he's gonna be able to out shoot a revvy with a mechanical cocker. they are fast, but not that fast. i would go for the reloader or revvy first. if you plan on upgrading the frame to an e-blade, THEN maybe a halo is necessary.

11-11-2003, 01:59 PM
I'm using a Revvy with my E-Blade, so a Revvy should suit you just fine.

Note: I can shoot much faster than the Revvy, I use it for size only, Halo gets in the way when I play front

11-11-2003, 02:18 PM
I got an Egg II that works wonders (especially considering it's got the older Y-board and still has the adjustable feed rate). Looks ugly as hell (on my mag anyways) and it's huge, but it works great. Surprising durable as well. Plus loading is the easiest thing ever, I sear to God. Pods, bag, it doesn't matter, it all just freaking loads so easily I'm usually done while others are still trying to make sure that no paint spills on the ground.

And I'm going to put up one mark also for the Rico AK and Halo TSA. Both work quite nicely when I tested them, kept up easily.

11-11-2003, 03:19 PM
Originally posted by PolishSausage
I'm using a Revvy with my E-Blade, so a Revvy should suit you just fine.

Note: I can shoot much faster than the Revvy, I use it for size only, Halo gets in the way when I play front

HALO and the Revvy are pretty much the same size. How does the HALO get in your way?

There is a picture somewhere around here that shows 3 hoppers together, and they are all about the same size.

11-11-2003, 03:25 PM
Here they are.

Taken from this thread (http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=49616&highlight=hopper+comparision).


11-11-2003, 03:49 PM
As far as the weight issue goes, I have a 3.5 pound autococker with a 5 pound Air America Apocalypse tank. Add in a hopper and I have a 10 pound package. (that sounds dirty)
Im also 6-6 and 190 pounds so im not much of a front player. Weight isnt much of an issue. But it dosent matter much anymore because I already ordered the evo 2. My thinking was that since I was ordering over 100 dollars and got free shipping it was only an extra 15 dollars to get the evo 2 after all was said and done. If I end up not liking it I can sell it for proably over 50 and then get a revvy for no extra money. I have used the evolution before but it was the older version with the push button on switch. It worked great and always kept up with the model 98 with response trigger.

The hopper is supposed to get here thursday and I can go play on sunday, Ill let you know how it turns out.

11-11-2003, 05:24 PM
Remember a Halo B and Evo II filled with paint weigh the same. But you are shy like 20 balls in the Halo B.

So for those of you that those balls matter go with the Evo II but weight should not be an issue.

My friend picked me up 2 Z Boards in Miami for my back up hoppers (Evo II) so i'll see how they compare to my Halo Bs.

From someone whos has played with both the Halo B and Evo II Z board on his Timmy this is what he tells me.

"The Halo B is still faster. If you don't have either hopper get a Halo but if you already have an Evo II get the Z Board upgrade."

11-11-2003, 07:17 PM
eggs have to many things to go wrong (when the shell break that is the worst) and a halo is way to fast and expensive. you will not be going over 13 bps with your mech cocker so i would say a revvy with x-board would do fine.

11-11-2003, 07:30 PM
What is Z board. Im pretty sure the one Im getting has Y board.

11-11-2003, 07:40 PM
COLOR=darkblue]halo b wit a rip drive dude this way if u decide 2 go electronic u will never have 2 worry about out shooting = D.[/COLOR]

11-11-2003, 07:48 PM
Originally posted by pito189

HALO and the Revvy are pretty much the same size. How does the HALO get in your way?

There is a picture somewhere around here that shows 3 hoppers together, and they are all about the same size.

Do you honestly need to know, will it affect you in any way? I happen to prefer the Revvy to the Halo, for whatever reason I'm more comfortable with it and its none of your concern...

11-11-2003, 07:51 PM
Originally posted by PolishSausage

Do you honestly need to know, will it affect you in any way? I happen to prefer the Revvy to the Halo, for whatever reason I'm more comfortable with it and its none of your concern...

Honestly no I don't, and I no longer care now because of your response. :rolleyes:

11-11-2003, 08:04 PM
Originally posted by m20power
What is Z board. Im pretty sure the one Im getting has Y board.

Z Board is the newest board for the Evo II. It came out at World Cup. Supposedly it feeds the Evo II at 22 bps (yea right)

I use a Revy X Board on my mechanical and a Halo on my E Blade. You really don't need a crazy hopper for a mechanical cocker.