View Full Version : Essay

11-04-2003, 01:17 AM
I'm writing an essay; wondering if anyone would help me out. I'll add more as I get further, this is just the introduction.

In The Merchant of Venice , by William Shakespeare, a recurring theme of miscommunication occurs between the majority of the characters, markedly the lovers Bassanio and Portia. Throughout the play Bassanio wishes to court Portia, yet he is not wealthy enough, therefore he beseeches his opulent merchant friend Antonio. Unfortunately, Antonio’s funds are wrapped up in ships, which will later crash, causing them to take a loan from Shylock the Jew who wishes Antonio dead. Going to all of this length in order to procure money so that he may court Portia would lead some to believe that Bassanio’s love is true, but in reality, neither Portia nor Bassanio’s affection is pure, rather a fire kindled by miscommunications.

e mag
11-04-2003, 02:16 AM
It's been awhile since i've read the book but it sounds good, just watch your comma usage.