View Full Version : Putting on a Private game for my work

11-04-2003, 10:08 PM
I'm thinking of putting together a private game for the people at my work. 95% of them have never played. So I'm looking for suggestions, do's and don'ts, personal experiences, things like that.

11-04-2003, 10:17 PM
I organize this once a year for my work. owner of the companies pay for it all.

some things to make sure of:

headcount. get a definite headcount of those that want to go.

whos paying?: make sure you make clear that the company is paying or they are on their own. I was hard pressed to get anyone to come unless the company paid for it.

offer an incentive: last time I went, i brought lunchmeats and powerade with me for everyone. (maybe you can get HR/Management to go half on this with you?)

waiver: someone gets hurt here, they are screwed. grab a waiver from your local field and modify it to spefify your company.

go from there, and have fun!

11-04-2003, 10:39 PM
Sell concept to management that it builds teamwork, communication, releases stress and is good "clean" fun to get funding.
Warn co-workers to wear dark/ black clothing that is not their Sunday best, more like their yard duty outfits and items should consist of long sleeves, long pants... Abrasions and bleeding welts won't garner favor for you at work on the Monday after if your people show up in their favorite Polo T's and Gucci shorts.
Have them wear high top boots or sneakers to prevent sprains or just plain sneakers.
Explain concept, formats and that the game is open to all ages, sizes, body conditions and that playing style for the most part will be dictated by those conditions. Explain back players, mid and front player roles.
Explain game day schedule: time to arrive, what to bring (cash for food, paint, air, admission, rental jumpsuits, etc.) what papers to fill out, what ID is required, anticipated total cost, anticipated number of games to play, type of fields available, anticipated time to leave.
Get a commitment, have them sign their name to a list, have them give you a deposit regardless of whether or not the company pays. People tend to forget "commitments" when they have nothing to lose. I have called people from the field, only to wake them from their slumber... and my field is 1.5 hours out of the city.

Hope this gets you started. Organized dozens of trips, but never tried to list out the who, what, when's before. Good luck.

11-04-2003, 10:55 PM
My first recommendation comes from experience.

Play with the same level of markers your co-workers will. I.E. If everyone is stuck with a rental spyder type, then follow suit. Everyone will have more fun and there will not be the intimidation factory of having a 'never-played-before' player looking at a regular gear up.

Also, besure the field you intend to play at has nice rentals for the same reason.

Lastly, if you're going to work on team building and have fun, do just that. Give everyone some mini scenario's. "OK, team B, your objective along with hanging the flag is to prevent Bob from getting eliminated!" Stuff like that.

Play to have fun, not to show them how much you know about paintball! ...and they WILL want to do it again!


11-04-2003, 11:40 PM
seems like you're gonna be doing it at SC, right? if so, gimme a PM, i've hosted several parties there with complete noob friends/co-workers.