View Full Version : Official Word On V-Force Profilers

11-06-2003, 12:44 AM
Well getting sick of waiting i e-mailed v-force about when the profilers would start shipping, heres what they had to say:

We start shipping end of November. Should be available at your dealer or on on the web on December 1st.

11-06-2003, 12:46 AM
mmm... want one so bad...

Nick O time
11-06-2003, 12:55 AM
i want one of those things sooooo bad. at first i thought they were ugly, but omg they look so nice in person and even if your still having doubts once you try it on you can't say no. it is so comfortable and very light. i will be looking forward to getting one of these as soon as they come out. thanks for the info man.

11-06-2003, 01:03 AM
Not worth the cash

11-06-2003, 01:07 AM
So its okay to spend $1000 on a gun but not $80 on a mask? Bah! Trust me, good field-of-view and comfort helps a lot.

11-06-2003, 01:08 AM
Did they mention MSRP?

11-06-2003, 01:08 AM
Erut why?
i have a morph that i bought way back when they were first released at the mardi gras open back in 00 or 01 and its getting crappy... i had some issues with it but they have all been resolved as per the PROfiler... i would spend 150 if i had to for one...
eyes are the most important part of a controllers body..
(comfort is good too tho.)

i think a lot of people dont care how much they cost because the benifits out weigh the costs.

11-06-2003, 01:10 AM
I thought $80 was the price being mentioned. You cant shoot what you cant see. A good mask is an integral part of your gear, and well worth the money.

11-06-2003, 01:20 AM
i heard that people were picking them up for 70 at the cup, that really doesn't sound bad considering what a paid for my flex 7 a few years ago :(

11-06-2003, 01:30 AM
70 would be event pricing i'm sure and I wouldn't expect them to sell for 70, although anything is possible :)

I bet they are around 85-89 but just basing it off of when the morphs first came out

11-06-2003, 01:56 AM
what was that email address from them because I've got one of the ones sold at cup and I need the upgraded clips when they come out..

11-06-2003, 02:05 AM
here you go db
[email protected]

11-06-2003, 02:18 AM
I have a feeling I will be taking one of these home when Super7 hits vegas :)

I have loved my Flex7 since before I was married to my ex-wife... and I think its time for somethin new.