View Full Version : A crazy e-mail I got about a strange thing

11-06-2003, 07:40 AM
Below is an article I wrote last year sometime for my internet blog

Article (http://proveuswrong.com/Opinion26.html)

And here's the response I got today via e-mail

RE: opinion # 26

Tell me how (safe, unforced) sex is intrinsically harmful minus the social stigma. Tell me how it is fundamentally *harmful* to give a kid an orgasm, or anyone for that matter...

Keep being society's puppet.

Are some people just completely insane?

I'll probably have my retort up by the end of the day on my site, but this kind of e-mail really makes me think I should increase my stock pile of ammo.

11-06-2003, 07:52 AM
uhhh..yeah, lemme know if you need a hand w/ that nutball :x

11-06-2003, 08:12 AM

wow. after reading the article, then reading what this person wrote.. I just have to continue to ask to myself.. "why?"

why would this person try to justify this on any planular level? i am in total agreeance with matts article (im pretty much in agreeance with anything matt has written on proveuswrong).

in the matter of this article (not to get off topic here) i think all accused and guilty should face the same punishment geoghan faced. i showed no remorse for him, and i honesly think i jumped out of my chair and did my own little "touchdown" dance when i heard the news of his death.

thankfully, i have long seperated myself from the (and any) religion that i was brought up in and taught to live. If I were a catholic, id be embarassed to be part of that assembalance of god.


matt, ill lend a hand on this if needed. i'd like nothing more.

11-06-2003, 12:58 PM
Well that is what you get for giving Collegeboy your email address!:p

11-06-2003, 01:02 PM
Originally posted by Albinonewt
I'll probably have my retort up by the end of the day on my site, but this kind of e-mail really makes me think I should increase my stock pile of ammo.

You mean you don't have crates in the basement full?;)

My brother and I argued over this a while ago. He stockpiled his house with water and food while I stockpiled ammo. When we argued over which approach was better, he asked me what my family could do with all that ammo. I told him, take your food and water!:D

11-06-2003, 01:04 PM
Originally posted by 1stdeadeye
Well that is what you get for giving Collegeboy your email address!:p

lol...i saw that one coming a mile away :p

11-06-2003, 02:05 PM
Originally posted by 1stdeadeye
Well that is what you get for giving Collegeboy your email address!:p BAHAH! KIKNSDKFNSF LOL!

Anyways, ya, thats messed up. I read the article, nodding my head through most of it, then read the email. Who would say that?

11-06-2003, 04:40 PM
Originally posted by -=Squid=-
Anyways, ya, thats messed up. I read the article, nodding my head through most of it, then read the email. Who would say that?

Psychos, that's who.

11-06-2003, 04:53 PM
two more years.... two more years..... then I can start to stockpile my own ammo!:D

so that person sending the email defends thier point of view with the "safe, unforced" excuse... I can flame for hours about people like that, but I dont think its worth it here...

eventually those people if not cought in this lifetime, will have to deal with a higher form of justice... atleast thats my point of view...