View Full Version : Touted Efficiency Upgrade

11-06-2003, 07:57 AM
This piggy-backs from another thread, but I think it deserves its own...

I recall, shortly after the Level 10 (or was it the ULE Trigger?) came out, the talk turned to an upgrade that would improve the efficiency of the mag.

Well, in the last tournament I played, mid-October, I shot my 68/4500 flatline tank DRY on 6 PODS! I didn't even get to finish off the last pod. :D

Now I play front, so I don't carry more than 5 pods/game, but I'd still like to know that if I need to "borrow" an extra pod, I'll be able to shoot it. ;) Yeah..."borrow"

I shoot an X-Mag with a 68/4500 Flatline. My level 10 was set with the longest spring, 1.5 carrier and was shooting ~ 285-290.

Suggestions? Comments? Am I an idoit? Is there an upgrade on the way?

Thanks ~ Dave

GA Devil
11-06-2003, 08:05 AM
I do know that the longer the spring the less efficiency you will get. The longer springs take more to move the bolt. I use the short spring and still get close to the same I got before the level 10 switch. Im shooting around 280 fps and can go up so that isnt a problem.

11-06-2003, 11:34 AM
Switch to the short spring.

I have a 68/4.5K FL that I can get 7 pods + a HALO off of and still have air to spare. That's while using a 16" Ti Boomstick.

11-06-2003, 01:14 PM
Little off topic,
If AGD could get close to a case on a fill I would buy an xmag today.

on topic,
I was under the impression that you can get better eff going back the the lvl7 setup?

11-06-2003, 01:17 PM
i have the middle spring in my xmag
68/45 flatline input is about 900psi

i can get 8 pods and an evo2 off but i as seriously low on air at that point

11-06-2003, 01:43 PM
With my level 10 eMag with the longest spring I can get MORE than a revvy and 4 pods (probably 5 or 6) on a 68/3000 with the input pressure around 700psi. That is shooting at 280 with the stock (large bore) barrel. Something sounds wrong. It might be the carrier is too tight. Or really small paint. Or...

11-06-2003, 02:14 PM
id be interested in seeng the efficiency results on a Xmag with a level 7 superbolt setup installed in place of LX. In reallity it should work fine, with ACE and all. Im pissed I never tried this while I had my X-mag and superbolt.

Oh well, but somebody has to be able to try it.

I know on my old emagnum I could shoot 6 pods and a hopper on a 68/3000 with LX with the med spring and a tight carrier. I never really tried to see what I could get out of my old X-mag, but I know I regualrly shot 5 pods and a halo on 68/3k or less fills from a scuba tank.

I mean, my shocker is supposed to be a gas hog, but I get 7 pods off on a 68/4500 fill. Id like to know I can get 10 though

11-06-2003, 02:54 PM
no, your shocker is not supposed to be a gas hog, (your sig implies that yours is a 2k3) the origional shockers (pre 2k3) are supposed to be the gas hogs

11-06-2003, 03:21 PM
Originally posted by 68magOwner
no, your shocker is not supposed to be a gas hog, (your sig implies that yours is a 2k3) the origional shockers (pre 2k3) are supposed to be the gas hogs

The new shockers are gas hogs as well, just as bad as the mag in my opinion. I have always used a 68/3k on my emag/sfl emag and with short spring i got maybe 50 more shots then i do with a longer spring but it was still 700-750 shots per fill. I now have a 68/4.5k and I would expect to get around 1k -1100 shots per fill I hope, we shall see though.

I guess by todays "standards" 7pods from a 68/4.5k is not good :)

11-06-2003, 03:39 PM
Since you have an X,set up the L10 with the shortest spring,drop the op pressure and use your ACE.Mine works excellently with V.3.2 and is as fast or faster than an L10 pinch.
