View Full Version : The "Ouch" thread, paintball injuries

11-07-2003, 04:02 AM
While filming the "Slide and Dive" shows, I did something REALLY bad to myself. Specifically, my wrist. Not quite a break this time, but man, it hurts like heck. I think I both bruised the bone, AND hyperfelxed the tendons (whatever the real term is...) and sretched my muscles too far.

Then I got to thinking of it, and I think I've thrown my body around a LOT and done a lot of damage to myself over the years playing PAINTBALL. Broken ankle, locked vertebrea, stitches from a bad gash.... Not to mention the scrapes and cuts....


So, umm, Top that? Can you do better than locking your L3 to your L4 vertebrea at about 15 or 20 degrees (Hint : Spines don't BEND that radically normally...)? If I could scan the x-ray, I would...

:p :rolleyes: :eek:


11-07-2003, 06:39 AM

11-07-2003, 07:10 AM
not mine, but a bad injury none the less:



11-07-2003, 08:01 AM
Tyger's had this thread elsewhere before...I can't top him injury wise, but I can come close:

February, 2000...I was living in Oklahoma at the time, and me, Jeremy Garrett (Jackal Machine) and his dad Terry (G3 Paintball) were at a local indoor field playing. The field's surface was carpet remnants. Apparently during the course of play, I caught my toe on an edge, and during the course of a full on Tyger-style faceplant, dislocated my right knee, which in turn tore the ACL, the meniscus cartilage, and put a nice dent in the end of my femur. To add insult to injury, Jeremy shot me several times while I was laying on the ground screaming! The upshot was an ACL reconstruction, the beginning of my writing career (Paintball magazine published a fiction story that I wrote while I was on the groovy painkillers), and some of the funniest FB Radio shows I've ever recorded (I sound funny when I'm on the groovy painkillers). It was late March before I had the surgery, so I spent roughly a month in a big 'ol brace so that I could walk, albeit badly. By May I was playing again, although the refs had to help me out to my bunker and I didn't move. By late in that year I was playing competitively again.

Right now I'm down because of a broken pinky toe on my right foot...but I didn't do that playing...did that getting out of a hotel bed in Orlando while I was COVERING World Cup!

11-07-2003, 10:52 AM
Last years World Cup I did a full tilt run to the 50 on the Smart Parts field, superman sliding to the barricade...timed it so wrong that I was still sliding when I hit the barricade and my left arm went over my head and the shoulder dislocated, by moving to get my body sorted out it reset, but due to the pain I couldn't use the arm. So there I was on the 50 being totally ignored by the opposing team, watching them fill the snake to my right etc and as I was fast running out of paint (even though no -one was returning fire at me??) I couldn't reload due to pain so I went to mug the only guy who I knew was on the other side...got to the front of his barricade before anyone noticed I was there and annoyingly I hit him cleanly a couple of times but due to all the paint now dripping from me (5-6 players turned on me) he was wiped down and put back in. The shoulder still hurts now over a year later.

11-07-2003, 12:04 PM
Didn't happen to me, but before a tourney everyone was walking the fields and a kid stepped wrong and dislocated his knee. Luckily, everyone there was a great help and an ambulance got there right away. He came back that day. He couldn't play but he watched his team play that day.

11-07-2003, 01:45 PM
Ive posted this before, but here it is again. ;)

edit** link to picture, incase you didnt wanna see it ;)

Main Center: The nice T-scar is the result of me jumping a bunker and stepping in a small hole at full sprint, breaking my wrist in 3 places and requring a 5 inch long plate and 6 screws to repair. OW! ;)
To top it off, the opposing team lit me up as I was struggling to get off the field with a arm that was completely limp due to nerve's being pinched.

This was just 6-7 weeks ago back in September. Right now Im at about 60% movement and slowly getting strength back, but it will definately be 3 more months atleast before I can hold my marker in my left hand.

I'd also like to add that during my triple roll bone cracker move my marker never touched the ground! Hah!


11-07-2003, 02:04 PM
about 2 months ago broke ankle foot had to screws put in ankle repaired tendons and ligs all because of a stupid rabbit hole but i saved the mag from being damaged

11-07-2003, 02:23 PM
Once, when I was still into woods play, I was about to close down the first game of the day by running the right tape and flanking the last few players from behind. As I reached the far end of the field, I had drawn some unexpected fire from the opposite tape, so I was hurrying to get cover. I came to a large wire spool and as I turned to stop, I placed my right foot (accidentally, of course) on a large, loose rock. I rolled my ankle hard and went down. It hurt so bad I couldn't make the effort to get back up.
After the game ended, I was helped into the staging area where I was left to watch a football game that had so much static I couldn't tell who was playing.
This upset me because I had just paid like 80 bucks to play, but I only got in one game.
So I stood up on my right foot until it was numb from pain, and returned to the field to play (with a limp...) for the remainder of the day.
Later, as I took my shoe off, you could literally watch my ankle and foot as they changed color to a deep purple and grew substantially larger than normal.
for 4 weeks, I couldn't bear to put any weight on it. The Doc said it was just a couple of torn ligaments, although it felt much worse. In anycase, in the mornings when I get out of bed, I can pop it and it sounds like someones popping their back!:eek:

I also supermanned into a tree root. resulting in a pinky finger that is still a little crooked... I prolly should have seen the Doc on that one...:confused: :rolleyes:

11-07-2003, 02:56 PM
well it isn;t that bad as a bone break but it hurts like hell to do .. the day before a big tourney where we ended up takeing 2nd durring our run thru i some how slide into a stone in our practice feild cracking my knee cap witch is pretty bad but to add insult to injury i end up favoring that leg as i hobble off the feild and catch a opot hole and twist my other knee to sprain my mcl and tear my miniskus so with two bum legs i am begining to think i shouldn;t play and to top it all off i have a lose disk in my lower back as i am bending over off my stool to put my eq away at the end of the day i slip the disk .. i would say i am in really rough sshape at the age of 19 but i love the sport and my team is on a huge winning season ... so i pop a couple vict's and i play all day at back man so not much movement at all ... but yeah if neone is looking to sponsor a 3-man 5-man or 7-man or all of the above team insolence of green bay wisconsin .. we have all our tourney standings and points and would be more then happy to send them to you ... lol i know that doen;t belong on this thread but i thought it would be worth a try

11-07-2003, 03:00 PM
My teamate shot me point blank in my left testicle.

11-07-2003, 03:03 PM
Originally posted by Branchvillian
My teamate shot me point blank in my left testicle.

It seems the simplest response is the one that hurts the most...:confused:

I'd venture a guess that he is no longer your teamate...:p

11-07-2003, 03:08 PM
Originally posted by Cryer

It seems the simplest response is the one that hurts the most...:confused:

I'd venture a guess that he is no longer your teamate...:p
Matter of fact he's still the only front man I can stand to play back with, he's amazing, and one of my best friends. Him and me work awsome together. He felt incredibly horrible when he did it.

11-07-2003, 03:09 PM
this isnt realy an injury that happend in one game but over the coarse of playing paintball and all teh roots ive accently slide into and knelt on (im a rec player) my right knee cap got messed up so when im in a bunker and try to sit on my heels my knee cap will pop outa the socket then pop back in whne i get back up:( it hurts like hell when ur not thinking and u sit back while kneeling

11-07-2003, 03:24 PM
i know what your talking about for real man does your knee cap sometimes stick too like you can;t straighten it i have the same problem but what i found works great is wearing like a wrestling cushy knee pad .. it like helps you not flex i dont; know but it works for me to not pop

11-07-2003, 03:31 PM
Originally posted by Branchvillian
...He felt incredibly horrible when he did it.

Had he done it to me, I would have made sure of it!:p

LCD Front
11-09-2003, 09:55 PM
i was playing with some friends and we were on an airball field. i broke for the fifty right side where there was a snake with a dorito in the middle of it. i was planning on turning at the doriton and posting on the other team's back left player. i started to slow down, turned the corner and slipped on wet grass. as i slipped past the edge of the dorito, the opposing teams front player who had slid into the dorito but also misjudged due to the wet grass took out my legs, breaking my knee, then as i fell, i landed upside down and broke my collarbone. sounds fun, eh? also messed up my shocker a bit...but gladly, it wasnt my angel.

11-10-2003, 06:42 AM
Way back in the day I was playing backyard ball with some friends. I got blindsided and shot in the side of the head (with the old masks that only covered the front of the face). Well, I took a nasty hit in the side of the head and lost my balance, and managed to roll down a pretty steep hill......................

(That's not all)

.....Into some rusty barbed wire some fool had strung out at the botton of the hill. I broke my ankle, hit my head and got a concussion, and needed to shots at the hopital from all the cuts I got on the barbed wire (and from my efforts, and those of my friends, to remove myself).

11-10-2003, 06:53 AM
This one didn't happen to me, it was a guy at the local proshop. I was in one day to look at a gun, and when he got up I noticed he not only had his left arm in a sling, but one of those huge plastic leg braces on his left leg. Turns out, he did this not playing, but REFFING.

He was marshalling a rec game, wasn't wearing hi-tops, and running alongside a player. Looking at the player (and not where he was going), he slipped and rolled his foot. He's a big guy, and got a level 3 sprain to his ankle. When he reached out to catch himself, he promptly dislocated his elbow. (Which he reset himself, before driving to the ER. *OUCH!*)

11-10-2003, 07:03 AM
I watched a kid fall and impale his hand on a stick... that was pretty.. ahem "interesting" to say the least (and might I add messy)... Frankly im kinda suprised it didnt turn me off to the sport (it was my first time playing at the time)...

My personal worsts are from football not paintball... My first carry as a highschool running back I went to stiffarm a guy and got my fingers caught in his facemask while getting hit by him from the one side and a guy from the other side sandwhiching me... Broke that finger good i did..

My other from football would be when my tiny runningback "butt" (only weighed 155 my senior yr) had to block a 6ft 5in 250lb defensive lineman who happend to be blizting... I ended up just running as fast as I could and basically spearing (illegally diving headfirst into someone, kinda like a takle without arms) him, taking us both out... The worst part is that while i hobbled back to the huddle with my (as i discovered later) concussion, the coach called the same play again :eek: And I got all the fun and joy of spearing that clown AGAIN and knocking myself unconscious in the process...
The sad thing is... if hadnt been taken out of the game, Id have gone and speared him a third time... (assuming I would have been able to find him... I was pretty out of it when I came too):rolleyes: