View Full Version : looking for a sponsor for next year...

11-07-2003, 03:01 PM
hi our name is INSOLENCE of roughly green bay wisconsin we currently have been playing mostly 5-man and 3-man tourneys but have enough good players to man a 7-man team ... this year is our first full year playing tourneys .. and if you would like to look into us we have run downs on all of the tourneys we have participated in this year ... (points finishing positions stuff to this matter) so if neone is interested please e-mail me at [email protected] thank you and i hope to hear form some of you

11-07-2003, 04:04 PM
This isn't the way to get sponsored. Type up a proposal about how you can increase business for a company. Make it look nice. Give it out to local shops, mail it to companies, email them to companies. Get a website up. Posting on a message board begging for something doesn't work, 99.9% of the time.

11-07-2003, 04:10 PM
Play 3 nppl events next year and place in the top 5 and I will think about it :)

11-07-2003, 04:50 PM
do you have a list of nppl events yet ?

11-07-2003, 06:24 PM
Originally posted by shockerfreak
looking for a sponsor for next year...

you and 1000 other newbies

11-07-2003, 06:26 PM
I wonder if all those in-depth threads we made about Sponsorships are still on the server…. I will look for you….

11-07-2003, 06:40 PM
Here you go...





And there may be more, but those should get you going in the right direction.

11-07-2003, 07:04 PM
thanx for the help guys ... i have pics but none to host them .. and if i should i could post all our info tourney history we have never been to a tourney and not made the finals... and out of the last i believe 13 tourneys 9 have been 3rd or higher .... if you would like the team info i could get it we have had a small sponsorship for discounted eq and practice paint prices from cross fire paintball of green bay wi, and we greatly appreate that http://www.commandopaintballsports.com/main.htm
thank you again for all your consturctive ctirisizim (note one thig i can;t spell well)

11-07-2003, 07:14 PM
without bothering to read the other threads posted by Shartley. Theres a few things that you should do before you go around begging.

1. Have a list of events that you will be participating in for the duration of the desired contract.

2. Have a solid team that is capable of playing EVERY ONE of those events. (IE DEDICATED TEAMATES)

3. It HELPS to have prior winning experience as a team in order to get $$. (IE go take some local tournies so you have a WINNING RECORD)

4. Get a well thought out proposal of EXACTLY what you would like for your team (and be reasonable).

5. Have something to offer the sponsor in return (theres no free lunch in this world, you are doing SOMETHING to earn what you get)

FOR EXAMPLE: I was at one point in time working on getting a sponsorship from the local Hooters resteraunt in Bloomington, IL while I played for IL State's Paintball Team.

1. We had a set schedule of NCPA events.

2. We had 3 teams worth of people who where going to almost EVERYTHING.

3. During two Semesters before I had even talked to Hooters ISU was one of the TOP 5 teams in the NCPA, and the semester I DID talk to them we ended up taking 2nd at Nationals and 3rd overall.

4. My proposal to them was quite simple: either entry fees for our squads for ONE tournament or $200 starting (which would go to the TEAM account).A substantial but NOT GIGANTIC amount of money to ask for with the condition that this was a STARTING figure and could increase if the company saw fit to continue sponsorship.

5. This is where we probably had a huge advantage. The college league was one of the fastest growing leagues in the country, with a very strong foundation. Also the Hooters being located near a Collage could EASILY benifit from being able to use the Club to advertise ON CAMPUS for them. I had many specific ideas planned concerning benifits to them (like have them CATER the annual tournament ISU hosted).

In the end, we ended up NOT getting sponsored since we couldnt even get ourselves specific meeting time with the manager set because of ENOURMOUS scheduling conflicts with Spring MICT, NATIONALS, FINALS, EASTER, work, and Semester projects all happening within the same 4 week period. Ya win some, ya lose some I suppose. :rolleyes: