View Full Version : "Lynch says army used me"

11-08-2003, 10:55 AM
Ok... maybe this is not right and I need to preface it. First off I am exceptionally grateful to all the soldiers in Iraq and all the soldiers in America who have ever signed up and taken on the duty of protecting all of us. You have taken on a duty that the country is eternally indebted to you for and given up the very rights you swear to protect in doing it - no amount of of benefits can repay you, and it seems at times that we don't even try (the military pay scale sucks).

Most anything that Lynch does or says is forgiveable, and I will not place blame on her for the media frenzy that would report her every word, thought, deed, or in action. I am sure most of us would not want to live at the center of such a storm.

That being said... does it suprise anyone that the army used a soldier, in any position, to its benefit? Is it wrong for the army to hype up a rescue in order to build morale, for instance taping it? It seems to me that it is the army that did it and had a solid reason for doing it.

BTW - I don't mean for this to be a debate about being in Iraq. Although I personally agree that we should have been there for many reasons I am not getting into that. The army is given an order, and it is the place of the army to carry out that order. Was the treatment of Lynch's rescue out of line?

11-08-2003, 10:57 AM
.. No comment ... (Old School here.... enought said)

11-08-2003, 11:12 AM
Everyone uses everyone else. Its a simple fact of existance in a community of other individuals. To deny such a fact is stupid.

11-08-2003, 11:28 AM
yea rooster has a pretty good point on this one

11-08-2003, 11:35 AM
I don't know half this story. But it using a rescue to boost moral is all they did, i'm all for it. What harm did it cause her?

11-08-2003, 12:32 PM
There have been reports that the whole rescue was staged. Reports say that she was handed over earlier but the rescue we saw was staged to boost public approval.

Now I am not saying this is true, just stating it. (Something I know people will say I am a believer in)

If the above is true, that is sad, and leads to numerous other questions.

11-08-2003, 12:54 PM
This is what I beleive on the rescue, understand I have only seen the coverage of it and have no information other than that spoon fed me.

I beleive that the military was given a location of Lynch - I also beleive the same person that gave them this information classified it as a very non-combative situation.

I beleive the military used more force, a lot more, than was required to complete the rescue. I do not fault the military for this. If this military had sent in a lesser force (either in numbers or ability) and they had been killed in an ambush, or had resulted in Lynch being held longer, it would have been a tragedy. I also would like to point out the differences if this had happened, those complaining about the rescue now would have surely complained about the failure. (Please note I compare these type of person to the person who complains we did not act before 9/11 and then complains about actions today).

I beleive the military, in a foreign hostile country, has the duty to each individual soldier, to use overwhelming force (either with numbers, technology, or training) to help assure a high relative safety (safety in war being an oxymoron).

So in a way I have to agree with CB, I beleive she was handed over with words - she is here, there is noone there who will resist you recovering her. That being said I beleive the rescue as we saw it was prudent, at least the force. I also ask, what if a big reason they did it how they did it was moral or propaganda - was it wrong then? I hate to say that I do not beleive so, I beleive the military has an obligation to use every method at its disposal in an open conflict to attain the goals set for it - I do not beleive the military has any place, other than strategic, in setting the overall goals.

11-08-2003, 01:58 PM
You gotta ask 2 things.
1. Why film it?
2. Why release it?

11-08-2003, 03:23 PM
Phase 1: Film Rescue
Phase 2: ?
Phase 3: Make Profit


11-08-2003, 03:50 PM
I just think its completely lame how she recieved the Bronze Star for her ordeal. In no way did she qualify to get it. It was just a total PR stunt for the Army and the administration.

She never fired her weapon once in the whole ambush, "it jammed" :rolleyes:

Her injuries, wich were from a crash with another vehicle, were not from bullets, and bayonets as reported early on. However, you cant make "heroes" out of vehicle crashes so they had to make it sound better.

All of the other people in her unit that were with her and had been killed or captured recieved the Purple Star. They didnt get any bs hero treatement. Lynch should only have recieved the Purple Star.

I cant blame her at all for signing book deals an what not, I mean the Army's using her so she might as well do the same to them right?

Its just sad how the Army decorates this women with a combat medal while many people who actually serve with valor on the battlefield go undecorated or their deeds unpublished. Of course this is nothing new in war,
I just dont like seeing it done so brazenly and then having the whole thing lovingly packaged for TV movie enjoyment.

11-08-2003, 04:20 PM
they used her as a hero simply as a propaganda machine. now that the american people are starting to learn the truth that wont work anymore.

11-08-2003, 04:22 PM
Originally posted by p8ntball1016
they used her as a hero simply as a propaganda machine. now that the american people are starting to learn the truth that wont work anymore.
And about time.... some of us didn't really believe it in the first place.

11-09-2003, 06:24 AM
I totally agree that she did nothing above and beyond the call of duty to warrant a medal. The Army gives medals away freely these days. There were more medals awarded in the brief Gulf War than there were in the entire Viet Nam campaign. (Maybe not exactly, but damn close). The free giving out of medals has soured it for those who truly deserve it. I personally have seen OFFICERS awarded medals for bravery, when they were not anywhere NEAR the AO at the time of the incident. This has ruined it alot for the common soldier. It is pretty sad to see awards handed out like candy, especially when they are given for someone who is simply doing their job. It takes away from the meaning behind it.

11-09-2003, 07:46 AM
thats been happening in the military for ages. the grunts get a couple of medals and the brass back at base 1000 miles away get the same damn medals.

11-09-2003, 09:13 AM
i just went to see the matrix and i saw a preview for a movie based on her. i am so pissed off right now. somehow as soon as they showed the sandy streets with hummers rolling through them i knew what it was going to be. i got this sinking feeling in my stomach like "oh no. they wouldn't. yes they would. oh please no." this is just absolutely ridiculous.

11-09-2003, 01:47 PM
its become quite obvious that the brass at the pentagon is extremely apathetic when it comes to soldiers in combat. this is a minor issue though. they have put out equipment that could potentially cost the lives of soldiers, such as the m16 rifle and the bradley fighting vehicle, and the sherman tank. all of these had to be overhauled just to be worthy of combat. not to mention if it gets made they get promoted. whether or not if it saves lives.

11-09-2003, 01:54 PM
She claimed she didnt even fire a shot, but story goes she battled her way through her ambush and got shot. She didnt get shot. They claimed she got raped, she didnt get raped.

But people say the way they went into the hospital was unneeded. Not really. someone probably tipped them off saying her location and the situation, but the situation can always change and you never know if hte informant is telling the truth. Why walk in and take a much greater chance of geting killed then storming in with force?

11-09-2003, 02:40 PM
Originally posted by Automaggin2
They claimed she got raped, she didnt get raped.

I see someone didn't actually bother to read the article.

"Family spokesman Stephen Goodwin acknowledged that the book discusses the sexual assault [rape]."

It's also interesting to see the liberal biasing in the headline of the article. They take just a small snippet of the full quote: Lynch- "They used me as a way to symbolize all this stuff."

Granted I agree that things went overboard with the whole publication of the things, but twisting quotes for "soundbites" to push an agenda has always been irksome to me.

11-09-2003, 03:16 PM
Originally posted by alkafluence

I see someone didn't actually bother to read the article.

"Family spokesman Stephen Goodwin acknowledged that the book discusses the sexual assault [rape]."

It's also interesting to see the liberal biasing in the headline of the article. They take just a small snippet of the full quote: Lynch- "They used me as a way to symbolize all this stuff."

Granted I agree that things went overboard with the whole publication of the things, but twisting quotes for "soundbites" to push an agenda has always been irksome to me.
I agree, folks should not slice and dice for a good sound bite.

With that said, MEN have been sexually assaulted when captured as well. This is pure sexism, period. And neither side is without fault, the military and her both.

Pushing agendas? Yeah, the whole thing makes me sick... ALL of it.

Danm, I said “no comment”… grrr sucked in again.

11-09-2003, 03:32 PM
Where's Shoshana's rewards/awards? She actually fired back, likely has a kill ratio, actually got shot, actually was taken to a POW camp/location, actually was mistreated...and actually didn't get any interviews or parades or book deals or movie deals or TV deals. However, like a real trooper, she sucked it up and drove on. When the Army decided her real actual combat wounds didn't warrant more than 30% disability, even though she will never walk without a limp or pain again, she became upset ONLY after learning the cute little girl will be getting an 80% disability for injuries that are totally recoverable.

Ever wonder why the shot down Apache of the two captured pilots looked in pretty good shape? Because they have been drilled and trained to set it down at the first warning light that comes on. Contrast this with Vietnam chopper pilots, that would do all possible to keep their smoking, bullet riddled, oil leaking, system failing, dying birds in the air as long as possible not only to save themselves, but to get the troops on board to a safe location. BUT, they got medals for following safety procedure, and lost an $8 million dollar bird.

The Army isn't perfect, never has been. But this Jessica BS has gone too far.

I'm with Sam..Old Army, and proud of it.

11-09-2003, 09:43 PM
I hate to say it but, look at her, she a pretty white all American looking girl. There was another female POW, but she was black. Hmm..wonder why she didn't get the publicity? Hell I don't even know what her name is along with the other POWs that were captured. As a former soldier it sickens me to see this.

11-09-2003, 11:22 PM
She didn't say she was raped, she claims no recollection of it, docters are telling here there is evidence this occured however. They said the gun told us where she was because he saw her being slapped, but she says she doesn't remember ever being slapped. So its not all her.

11-09-2003, 11:42 PM
I was watching tv earlier, and they said something about people questioning whether or not she was a hero. or something like that. I immediately asked myself, how was she a hero? she was captured then rescued. unless I am mistaken or just really stupid, thats not what a hero is.

honestly, I dont think its wrong that the army "used" her. shes in the army if they can benefit from her, then they should.

11-11-2003, 12:29 PM
Originally posted by alkafluence

I see someone didn't actually bother to read the article.

"Family spokesman Stephen Goodwin acknowledged that the book discusses the sexual assault [rape]."

It's also interesting to see the liberal biasing in the headline of the article. They take just a small snippet of the full quote: Lynch- "They used me as a way to symbolize all this stuff."

Granted I agree that things went overboard with the whole publication of the things, but twisting quotes for "soundbites" to push an agenda has always been irksome to me.

Actually you ***, on MSNBC Lynch stated she doesnt recall being raped

11-11-2003, 12:39 PM

The 20-year-old private who was hailed as a hero after her capture and rescue has no memory of the sexual assault, but medical records cited in the book — "I am a Soldier, Too: The Jessica Lynch Story" — indicate it occurred.