View Full Version : The Tac-One?

11-08-2003, 08:55 PM
Has anyone heard anything about the Tacone? aside from this> http://www.airgun.com/tacone.shtml any information would be appreciated, this looks like something I'd like to do...I like woodsball ALOT more than speedball.

Cilio - Knightmare Tango
11-08-2003, 09:07 PM
I second this question. I'd like to buy the body, are they out yet?

SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
11-08-2003, 09:52 PM
they look nice. hope that helps :)

11-08-2003, 10:00 PM
AGD posted about this a while ago. I think they're still working on getting it into production.

11-08-2003, 10:13 PM
lol, look at the Gen 2 night vision. I would cry when that thing gets hit

11-08-2003, 10:42 PM
Well I can already tell from just the description. It'll be pricey!

Xvalve. Custom body. I-frame. LVL10. That foregrip. I'm guessing this'll be in the $700 range! Easily

11-08-2003, 10:52 PM
Originally posted by Meph
Well I can already tell from just the description. It'll be pricey!

Xvalve. Custom body. I-frame. LVL10. That foregrip. I'm guessing this'll be in the $700 range! Easily

I don't really think so actually, that's just an rtp with a different body. The new RTP's come with ULE bodies, I think the tac one should just be like 40 dollars more expensive than the rtp

Cilio - Knightmare Tango
11-08-2003, 11:25 PM
Plus, I'm sure/hope the main body will be sold seperately also.

11-09-2003, 02:02 AM
Wow, those are pretty cool looking bodies.

They give the mag a great tactical look.

11-09-2003, 02:28 AM
meph, your sig pic gave me strong giggles.

11-09-2003, 09:43 AM
True. If the main body is sold seperately I'm getting one! I already have X-valve, ULT, ULE mainbody, I-frame, LVL10..... all I'd honestly need to have the same setup would be that body replacing my ULE. And the foregrip.

Though of course I'm also probably going to be selling the I-frame. Get a hyperframe instead.

11-09-2003, 09:48 AM
No it will NOT be pricey we are trying really hard to make it about the same as an RTpro. Note that the RTpro just had a price decrease.

Yes we will be selling the bodies by themselves!

The machine shop is gearing up on them now, its taking a while because they are making the whole SLUG body from scratch too.


11-09-2003, 12:05 PM
Originally posted by AGD

Note that the RTpro just had a price decrease.

WOOOOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D How long do you think before this effects the stores?

11-09-2003, 01:24 PM
eeewie.. All those sites on that thing look gross lol.. And i'd prefer a ULE body over that one.. But other then that it looks like it'll be pretty sick

11-09-2003, 01:26 PM
its a scenario marker you fool

11-09-2003, 02:10 PM
Anyone @ AGD have a ball park price for just the body?

11-09-2003, 02:18 PM
dude, thats hella tight.

11-09-2003, 02:42 PM
Originally posted by dansim
its a scenario marker you fool

Lol so.. In a scenario a site still won't help you.. Maybe for seing long range but hell.. Binoculars (sp??) can do that :P

11-09-2003, 03:10 PM
Originally posted by Digits

Lol so.. In a scenario a site still won't help you.. Maybe for seing long range but hell.. Binoculars (sp??) can do that :P
Why the heck would you bring Binoculars onto a field? One, there expensive, two if you want to keep them steady you have to pretty much put down your gun and deem yourself vunrable, not to mention people like sights, even if they dont help a whole lot.

11-09-2003, 04:14 PM
not to mention, binoculars through a mask?!?

11-09-2003, 04:28 PM
Originally posted by AGD
...we are trying really hard to make it about the same as an RTpro.

Yes we will be selling the bodies by themselves!


Ah, sweet deal. I was trying to figure out a price from my dealer invoice sheet and the pieces that make up the Tac-One. But hey if you're offering it for a good amount then more power to ya and good luck! Hope it sells really well.

As I know the bodies will. I'm going to have to sell my ULE mainbody and snag one of these puppies.

Cilio - Knightmare Tango
11-09-2003, 05:21 PM
Glad to hear that the bodies will be sold seperate, this will become the body on my night time mag when it comes out for sale. With all the tapping, rails and modifying on my current night time mag body, I may have to mix and match extra parts and form it into another gun delegated to night time back up... it will be too hard to completely retire.

11-09-2003, 09:25 PM
Originally posted by personman

Why the heck would you bring Binoculars onto a field? One, there expensive, two if you want to keep them steady you have to pretty much put down your gun and deem yourself vunrable, not to mention people like sights, even if they dont help a whole lot.

They can't possibly be more expensive then the sight thingamabobers in the pictures.. Those look like some army type stuff.. Haha I dunno I guess if your into the whole decked out sight thing for scenariose (sp?) then it's cool.

11-09-2003, 10:12 PM
These are sick, I will buy one if I have money (probably won't). Two questions:

1. Where does the air source connect to the valve? It looks like the sight rails cover the opening.

2. What happened to the automag barrel threading? Do people not like it? Personally, the only thing stopping me from buying this or a ULE is that I would need a new barrel too. Granted, more barrels are made with autococker threads, but I like the quarter-turn lock.

Cilio - Knightmare Tango
11-10-2003, 06:59 AM
I would guess that the rail on the right side does not go all the way back. I don't think I've ever seen a picture of it from the right side. Doubt AGD overlooked that.

11-10-2003, 02:47 PM
if it so much a scenario marker why does it have a top feed? i figure they will make use of the warp feed.

11-10-2003, 03:01 PM
if it so much a scenario marker why does it have a top feed? i figure they will make use of the warp feed.

I don't think so, warp feed are already rare enough on the field AGD isn't going to make them mandatory to buy along with a brand new marker, costs too much for peice not everyone like...

11-10-2003, 03:18 PM
Hehe, nah. Scenarios you aren't exactly confined to tiny bunkers like speedball. You can be in wide open spaces where your hopper being on top is not going to make a difference at all.

Personally I consider the warp-feed not very necessary for Scenarios. But that all depends on your style of play. For the average player. For other players on the teams who are the aggresive, up front, take charge leading the attack the warp could be quite beneficial. Since they're usually the ones to get within 50 feet of the other team first.

11-10-2003, 05:08 PM
I'm just happy its not called the X-Tac and Tac-X or whatever. What is the fascination with the letter X anyway? BTW those are not binoculars, its a night scope. Very useful when playing in the dark. Wish I had one:)

11-10-2003, 06:47 PM
I posted the question of not being able to get air to the valve because of the side sight rails a few days ago. Someone responded by saying that no pics of the right side have been shown and that the sight rail probably does not cover the input hole on the valve. So, what about us running a left input? Is AGD going to make a second body style?

11-10-2003, 07:24 PM
There is a slot cut out on the right side to clear the air input. Sorry but we are not planning on making one with the slot on the left. If you need it you can always cut it in yourself.


11-10-2003, 09:39 PM
Thanks AGD for the clarificaiton.