View Full Version : Mag on Steroids 50rds ps vid

11-08-2003, 11:18 PM
Ok its not a paintball gun. Its a Dillin mini gun. Worlds fastest gun. 30cal 3000rds per minute = 50rds per sec. 2 50 sec.strings. 4min vid 10 meg. Its a speed,rof thing. Turn up the volume. Love the barrel flash.

Is that it.........Hell no Frankie hes going in for round 2



Tried to get one,16 month back order

11-08-2003, 11:42 PM
whoah! thats nuts

The narator said fastest gun in the world though, 50rps isn't.

The Navy has an anti missile gun that shoots wayy past 50rps

11-09-2003, 12:01 AM


11-09-2003, 12:09 AM
more destruction than you could shake a stick at.


i wish I could just have that gun for one night of anger release on a car..

11-09-2003, 12:22 AM
Where can I get one?;) I do beleive that 6000 rounds per minute is the fastest rate ever achieved by a mini-gun.

11-09-2003, 12:28 AM
You know I read about that thing. Now don't get me wrong, I think that thing is the pimpest freaking setup you should ask for (you would never have trouble getting tailgaters to back off). As I understand the company makes them for small governments for boarder patrol and whatnot. However I think that something like that should not be made. Ill tell ya why.

Something like that is anonymous. You could drive into a parking lot with tinted windows and no one would know until you popped the roof. That kind of thing is a terrorist's dream com true. Godly firepower that's highly mobile.

11-09-2003, 12:28 AM
hot damn, i need to get me one of those

11-09-2003, 12:30 AM

i would love to see him rob a bank with that thing :eek:

11-09-2003, 12:36 AM
I believe that navy gun, which is called the phalanx, is just a standard M61 20mm gatling gun, the same used by USAF fighters. That would have blown the crap out of that car, as I think the one they were using was a 5.56mm minigun. It fires at either 3000 spm, or 4500 spm, depending on the model.


The M61A1, used in fighters such as the F-16 and F-15, fires at 6000 spm, and is capable of up to 7200 spm. This is also a 20mm gatling gun.


11-09-2003, 12:38 AM
Z-man, there is actually a federal firearms licensce that allows you to purchase essentially any conventional weapon you can think of. I know a guy who owns a .30 cal browning machinegun and a 57mm antitank gun, both fully operational.

11-09-2003, 12:39 AM
Originally posted by Z-man
Something like that is anonymous. You could drive into a parking lot with tinted windows and no one would know until you popped the roof. That kind of thing is a terrorist's dream com true. Godly firepower that's highly mobile.

kinda like in the movie "the jackal"

makes you wonder if something like that isint already thought of and used by terrorists. wouldnt that be a bastard.. killed/maimed/or worse by hollywoods own doing..


11-09-2003, 12:41 AM
well I know that you can get a liscence for about anything. Still a terrorist or any person who subverts the law is not going to do things the legal way. This gives them a package deal. I dunno, perhpas it's not as bad as I think. I just thought about that..

11-09-2003, 12:42 AM
The weapons system I mentioned earlier is called the Phalanx Close-In Weapons System

4500rpm (sorry not that much faster, lol)

Phalanx Close-In Weapons System

Function: Anti-ship missile defense.

Description: Phalanx provides ships of the U.S. Navy with a "last-chance" defense against anti-ship missiles and littoral warfare threats that have penetrated other fleet defenses. Phalanx automatically detects, tracks and engages anti-air warfare threats such as anti-ship missiles and aircraft, while the Block 1B's man-in-the-loop system counters the emerging littoral warfare threat. This new threat includes small,high-speed surface craft, small terrorist aircraft, helicopters and surface mines. Phalanx accomplishes these engagements via an advanced search and track radar system integrated with a stabilized, forward looking infra-red (FLIR) detector. This integrated FLIR provides Phalanx with an unique multi-spectral detect and track capability for littoral warfare threats and dramatically improves the existing anti-air warfare capability. Block 1B also incorporates new Optimized Gun Barrels which provide improved barrel life, improved round dispersion and increased engagement ranges.

Phalanx is the only deployed close-in weapon system capable of autonomously performing its own search, detect, evaluation, track, engage and kill assessment functions. Phalanx also can be integrated into existing Combat Systems to provide additonal sensor and fire-control capability.

History: The Phalanx Close-In Weapons System (CIWS) underwent operational tests and evaluation onboard USS Bigelow in 1977, and exceeded maintenance and reliability specifications. Phalanx production started in 1978 with orders for 23 USN and 14 Foreign Military Sales (FMS) systems.

General Characteristics, Phalanx Close-In Weapons System

Raytheon Systems Company (formerly Hughes Missile Systems Company and purchased from General Dynamics Pomona Division in 1992)

12,500 pounds (5,625 kilograms) - Later models: 13,600 pounds (6,120 kilograms)


Gun Type:
M-61A1 Gatling

Type of Fire:
3,000 rounds per minute

Later models: 4,500 rounds/min (starting 1988 production, Pneumatic Gun Drive)

Magazine Capacity:
989 rounds

Later models: 1,550 rounds


Armor Piercing Discarding Sabot (APDS), Depleted Uranium sub-caliber penetrator (penetrator changed to Tungsten 1988; Block 1B will incorporate the new Enhanced Lethality Cartridge with a heavier penetrator)

Self-contained search and track radar with integrated FLIR

Date Deployed:
1980 (aboard USS Coral Sea)

Block 1: 1988 (aboard USS Wisconsin)

Block 1B: 1999 (aboard USS Underwood)
"-military.com (you have to be a member to see it so I just decided to make an enormous post

11-09-2003, 12:46 AM
phalanx, fun system, dont shoot the missle down, just let the missle hit a wall of metal. and also that Metal storm gun shoots faster

11-09-2003, 12:52 AM
forget the new angel speed i want to get. i want one of those

11-09-2003, 12:52 AM
meh accidently typed in the wrong forum haha anyways not sure if anyone said this but here

i think its alot faster then you people think from the video cuase the bullets that come up with the red streak or yellow streak is the tracer bullet and those are placed about 10-15 rounds apart to aid in rapid fire shooting

11-09-2003, 12:53 AM
Originally posted by Steelrat
Z-man, there is actually a federal firearms licensce that allows you to purchase essentially any conventional weapon you can think of. I know a guy who owns a .30 cal browning machinegun and a 57mm antitank gun, both fully operational.

Great ask him if he can bring his toys and come out and play,[at the range] Ill pop for the ammo. lol

11-09-2003, 01:01 AM
ive always been a fan of this gun.
pat yourself on the back if you can recognize it.:D

bah it wont work.

SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
11-09-2003, 01:02 AM

11-09-2003, 01:05 AM
Originally posted by Z-man
I dunno, perhpas it's not as bad as I think. I just thought about that..

Its not as bad as you think. We're the super power with the big tool box. We are at war and things ARE different after 911. Just dont get paranoid thats what they want.

Anyway maybe the Wizard could put a silencer on that for stealth mode. ROFLMAO

11-09-2003, 01:07 AM
You always hope for the best, but perpare for the worst. We got generators and a well system and lots o food at all times! I don't think that I am in danger, but when you prepare for the unexpected, it always hurts less.

big E kingpin
11-09-2003, 01:11 AM
i am actually in fire controlman (fc) "A" school in great lakes ill. in awaiting my orders to c-school, and im anticapating ciws. its a bad *** system. it seems that there are a few people here who have read what the internet says about it, and think they know a thing or 2, so im not going to waste my time yammering on about what the system can do. except that, no it is not designed to destroy an inbound missle, but it does, it will shoot the missle untill it is inopperable, or shreaded into peices, but it will track and shoot at anything inbound larger then a dime. i hope to get the chance to engage a seagull someday on a ship, that would be cool.

11-09-2003, 01:18 AM
metalstorm = 1,000,000 rounds a minute

11-09-2003, 01:27 AM
www.metalstorm.com > *

11-09-2003, 01:29 AM
Big E is correct. If the FDC says to lock onto the incoming object, the Phalanx radar will, and will continue to shoot until the object has ceased to be a radar return, or the FDC turns it off.

At the Yuba Proving Grounds, we got an M134A3 in 7.62mm to 8400RPM. The belt, if laid out, would have traveled about 35 miles per hour across the floor:)
The noise was staggering, to say the least. We even had the MP's check us out, as they thought something had gone really wrong (which is not unusual for YPG...as that's what they try to do there anyway).

This was the first time I had ever seen ANY Gatling gun variant, glow it's barrels from the heat generated.

Had the giggles for days after:D

11-09-2003, 01:35 AM
Kingpin, you said its not designed to destroy a missle. What the hell else would they design a "Close In Weapons System" for? 20mm rounds dont have the range to hit aircraft unless they are dive-bombing the ship. I know it engages all targets, which is why they left it off on the USS Stark, and in turn why the Stark took the Exocet hit. Its just one component of the anti-missle defences, which include Standard missles, Sea Sparrows, the 3 inch guns, and the Phalanx. Other nations use similar systems, such as the Goalkeeper, the Russian ADMG-30 30mm cannon, the Zenith, and the Meroke system.

11-09-2003, 01:38 AM
Originally posted by big E kingpin
it will shoot the missle untill it is inopperable, or shreaded into peices, but it will track and shoot at anything inbound larger then a dime. i hope to get the chance to engage a seagull someday on a ship, that would be cool.

Steelrat I think the seagul threat is much larger than any missle out there today

11-09-2003, 01:42 AM
Maybe it is, but China is more than happy to sell anti-ship missles to anyone who wants em, as is North Korea. And we all know the French will sell their Exocets to anyone, it was one of theirs the Iraqis shot into the Stark.

LOL that metalstorm is great. 1,000,000 spm, too awesome!

11-09-2003, 01:56 AM
Originally posted by Z-man
You always hope for the best, but perpare for the worst. We got generators and a well system and lots o food at all times! I don't think that I am in danger, but when you prepare for the unexpected, it always hurts less.

Better to have and not need then to need and not have

11-09-2003, 03:16 AM
Yeah ... I maintain the M61A1 gatling gun system for the fighter squadron fleet I work for. And yeah its some nice.

Also Dillon arms is a local company (Scottsdale AZ) that bought the military contract for the Gau-2 gatling gun you see in that monster garage video. They accuired the contract from General Electric once they redesigned the transfer unit and it was accepted by the USAF.

during late nights in north phoenix you can occasionally see the helos that Dillon owns leave the scottsdale airpark to lay waste to some unfortunate car in the desert.

tg ur 1t
11-09-2003, 04:23 AM
The CIWS is an amazing gun to see fire. It sounds like a zipper on a huge megaphone.
If nobody noticed, I will point out the fact that the 20mm rounds are depleated uranium... (pause for effect) which means YOU can pick up the casings. :D (please don't, HM1 doesn't need all that paperwork)
There are several more facts that ESWS personnel or Phalanx technician could tell you about the CIWS, but some things shouldn't be publicly discussed. ;)
If any of you ever get to see one fire.. just think about the poor pilot pulling the drone... or duck and brace for impact because some part of the inbound missle will still hit the ship.

11-09-2003, 04:23 AM
Originally posted by speedyejl
The weapons system I mentioned earlier is called the Phalanx Close-In Weapons System
4500rpm (sorry not that much faster, lol)
Function: Anti-ship missile defense.
"-military.com (you have to be a member to see it so I just decided to make an enormous post

Glad ya did ton of info that was cool.

metalstorm = 1,000,000 rounds a minute........Bah How bout sustained rate of fire.

11-09-2003, 04:45 AM
I don't know if anyone mentioned this (cuz I didn't read all the posts), but the problem with the "Phalanx" is that they can't keep it loaded cuz it "spits" too fast.

It also sounds kinda like a high pitched fart when it fires. Pretty cool stuff.

It's either the British or Aussies, but I know the Americans have their hand in it somewhere (so I heard), but this link will take you to a video of Metal Storm. You thought bullets were fast, but can you imagine shooting 40mm Grenades at 3000 rounds per minute. Here is a link to video shooting 46 rounds at 3000 rounds per minute. http://www.metalstorm.com/04_videos/videos.html

Note: The video has a guy loading one tube in the gun. Well, that tube holds four grenades stacked on top of each other. All rounds are electronically fired off. It also seems easy enough to reload.

I saw a program on television saying that they will load 100's of tube on one truck and launch it to slaughter anything they want.

SECRET: If you look hard enough they have a 36 barreled gun that is capable of shooting 1,000,000 rounds a minute. Happy Hunting!

11-09-2003, 05:19 AM
Originally posted by edweird
Also Dillon arms is a local company (Scottsdale AZ) that bought the military contract for the Gau-2 gatling gun you see in that monster garage video. They accuired the contract from General Electric once they redesigned the transfer unit and it was accepted by the USAF.

Ya that contract is worth 26 billion thru 2007.

11-09-2003, 09:11 AM
Originally posted by Beemer
Tried to get one,16 month back order
Do they have an owner's group/message board? You should complain about the wait! :p

big E kingpin
11-09-2003, 09:50 AM
ok well i may not have been to clear on what i said. ciws is designed to disable an inbound target, not destry it. now obviously 4500 spm is going to do a bit more damage then just disabling it. its made to disable and detect/track and engage 1 after an other.

11-09-2003, 10:02 AM
ok i want to know where they got that from because if you get caught with a full auto gun you get 10 years in a fed. pentry.

i saw on the histry change that like the miltary is working with a new gun that shoots over a million bullets a minute and it does not use a hammer. it uses electro magnetic pulses or something like that and there is like 100 bullets in a barrel.

11-09-2003, 01:34 PM
well let us know whwen u find a vid of that! :D

11-09-2003, 01:50 PM
Originally posted by rehme

i saw on the histry change that like the miltary is working with a new gun that shoots over a million bullets a minute and it does not use a hammer. it uses electro magnetic pulses or something like that and there is like 100 bullets in a barrel.

Good job missing all the metal storm info on the first page :D

11-09-2003, 03:40 PM
That is amazing, reminds me of speed holes from the Simpsons.

01-10-2004, 11:40 AM
up for this wonderfull little video. and a favor that was put back up for me. thanks dude. Later AZZKIKR

01-10-2004, 11:44 AM
how the hell did you wind up with this thread??? 2 months old :eek:

01-10-2004, 02:12 PM
Originally posted by Steelrat
Z-man, there is actually a federal firearms licensce that allows you to purchase essentially any conventional weapon you can think of. I know a guy who owns a .30 cal browning machinegun and a 57mm antitank gun, both fully operational.

yeah, I have one and own a M249.

Just in case :)

01-10-2004, 02:18 PM
Yeah so I am stationed onboard the Harry S Truman, equipped with the CIWS mount. Most of you guys have never heard anything quite like when that gun shoots. There is no break in shots fired, just a straight line noise (just say the word bahhhh), and that is what it sounds like only 1000 times louder! The older software version of it could only shoot inbound air contacts such as missiles or planes. But they are upgrading now to be able to track and shoot surface contacts, such as other ships! How cool is that. The control station of course is located inside the skin of the ship, so you just lock your crosshairs on a TV screen onto a boat 1500 yards away and pull the trigger!!! Just like a video game. The navy has so much stuff! I really need to get a few pics up here for you guys to see.

01-10-2004, 03:32 PM
Originally posted by speedyejl

Good job missing all the metal storm info on the first page :D

metal storm shoots grenades, not bullets. read before you try to get all witty.

01-10-2004, 05:13 PM
Go to their site and watch the videos its shooting more than grenades. There are bullet tests through plywood. Metalstorm is a concept not an actual weapon, you could feasible shoot anything with a metalstorm device.

01-10-2004, 06:55 PM
I really need to get a few pics up here for you guys to see.
Sounds good to me, what are you waiting for.

That vid still kicks a= Hell no Frankie........