View Full Version : cheap moves

11-09-2003, 04:03 AM
:mad: Whats the cheapest move anyone has ever done to you?
I find after some recball games players are bragging and sharing tips on how to get someone out "for sure."

My worst was last month when I was holding a bridge against a group of players, and one lit up the bunker. Right after I popped up thinking that the guy either had paint to waste or a 2 inch barrel, I see a ref coming up to me for a paint check. We do the check behind the bunker; and, when he finds nothing and leaves, immediately that same player with the piss-poor accuracy comes over the bunker and lights me up. He then leaves the field saying "Did yall see how bad I got that guy by the bridge, wow, those refs sure do come in handy."

What is this, tactical cheating? Not only did that give some newbies a bad influence on how to eliminate, but I got some undeserved bloody welts.

In case anyone didn't catch that, that other guy planned the whole thing with the paintcheck.

11-09-2003, 06:55 AM
Just cuz your being checked doesnt mean you have to stop shooting, and remember if the ref has to move you in any way he should be calling ya nuetral. ;) But since you say it was RECBALL and NOT A TOURNAMENT, just keep firing at the clown if you know your not hit.

But I like yelling things at my back guy like "my guns down cover me" (especially when my back guy knows that we have a codeword for that) so that the opposing player comes to bunker me and I light his sorry butt up... in practice it doesnt actually work as much as youd think it would but its fun to do when it does work...

Other fun things to try would be (if you have an autococker its quite easy) getting your gun to make a PSHHHHHHHHHH! noise so that the opposing team thinks your guns down... :D

11-09-2003, 12:57 PM
naw, best is if you have a drop with on/off, or a tank with on/off. turn your supply off, and shoot a few free rounds to drain off your supply and let them think you're out of air. when that happens, drop down into cover cursing your air, and while doing that, turn on your air supply again. if you have an autococker of a PPS semi, cyle once to get a ball in the chamber (dont worry, once you resupply the gun, the first cycle won't give a shooting sound) then nail the poor sucker who didn't realize that you couldn't be out of air yet ;).

11-09-2003, 05:48 PM
lol... We like to yell "Surrender" + bunker... "Surrender in the Dorito" that is our bunker-dorito codename.. it is HILARIOUS when people actually surrender before my guy gets there to pound them with paint. But yeah, if a ref touches me and doesnt call me newtral, I push him away and tell him to get the F away. Im not getting out because a stupid ref doesnt want to do his job.

11-09-2003, 06:05 PM
On a positive note:

Last time I played I saw a ref make an opposing player return to his bunker during a game for moving up on a player the ref was checking. Sometimes the refs do exactly what they are supposed to.

11-09-2003, 06:18 PM
in our field we ran out of wood so we decided to build sum stick bunkers. so naturaly there are gaps in them, and this one kid sticks his gun thru this gap and jstu unloads. its imposible to hit him because the gaps low enoguh to hide ur hopper and ur head. granted i dont think he got ne one out its still pretty cheap to do.

11-09-2003, 06:30 PM
thank you blennidae for focusing on the positive, as opposed to the negative.

anyway like the first day i had recieved my mag i was playing and these older guys (thinking they were all big and bad with their pimped out tippys)came out (there were four of them) and they had three others (one guy that had never played before and two kids that hadn't either) well anyway they wanted to play but didn't have even numbers so i volunteered, they accepted and saw that i was using a mag and immediately started making fun of it( i didn't respond because i knew i would prove my skills on the field) so we go up to the speedball field and they give me the two kids and the guy that hadn't played, and they take the higher end of the field (i'm thinking, just great) here comes the count, 10-9-8-7-6-5-and they take off, so of course the rest of my team takes off(they had never played before so of course they are going to follow their example) well anyway, the ref asks if i want to restart the game , i'm like nah, it's just rec anyway, so i get two out (i actually got three out but one wiped) they got my team mates out and were making a push so i take a pod out of my harness and throw it to my left and go "here will that do?" and they look over, i run up the left tape and bunker them both, i was feeling pretty cool, anyway, they were jerks the entire day, but i haven't seen them here again.

11-09-2003, 06:37 PM
oh man, that's AWESOME! :D nice move :D

11-09-2003, 06:50 PM
Cheapest move is a dead man's walk in rec, mainly because when people get out in rec they dont put their gun up thus its very cheap.