View Full Version : question for you cold weather ballers out there

11-09-2003, 08:38 AM
well im playin in a few hours and its gunna be aroudn 40-45 degrees. ive only played with in cold weather one otehr time and the results werent very pleasing. anyways i just wanted to know how emags preform in the cold? and if theres a trick to keep glasses from fogging... thanks for any help

11-09-2003, 08:47 AM
The thing that helped the most with my glasses fogging was buying some contacts and leaving the glasses at home. ;)

I have never had a pleasant paintball experience in the outdoors in less than 40 degree temps.

11-09-2003, 08:47 AM
I played yesterday and it was about 40-45, and no one could get paint to stop breaking in their barrel. We probably should of been using winter paint.

11-09-2003, 08:49 AM
thermal masks or gogles work pretty well. or if you're poor like me and have a $20 mask from the local outdoor shop then 32* sells a spray on solution that will help you'r lenses risist fog. don't use this on thermal lenses though. first fog it up by breathing on it, then pray the solution on over the mask.(only the gogles, duh) then let it sit for about a minute. wash it off and wipe it down lightly with a paper towel or something lint free and soft. prefferably a eyeglass cleaning towel or a car drying rag. im not totally sure if you spray both sides of the gogles though. the solution doesnt really stay on forever so you may need to re-apply it from time to time. remember wipe it down lightly so to keep some of the solution on the gogles. you should see it get a little hazy and then when it dries it should be fine. good luck.

11-09-2003, 09:44 AM
Playing in the cold can be awesome fun!

I live in the Northwest and know all about cold :) It was 29 degrees yesterday in fact, hehe.

My e-mag has always performed well in colder temperatures, we played yesterday out in the woods with some Polar Ice paint. The ones that were playing with Co2 had problems all day long, obviously due to the low temperature, none of them had anti-syphons or x-chambers so they chopped at least 4 balls a game, all of them.

Us that use HP never had a problem all day. I never broke one ball in the mag, and she worked excellent throughout the day. My team mates SS Matrix broke one ball, my other team mates Ironman Trix never broke a ball, and another team mates FF Race Cocker never broke a ball either.

It was a fun day in the woods for us fellows with HP.

A few of the n00bs that were out there had some $20 V-Force masks and what not that kept fogging on them. My mask (Proteus) performed flawlessly all day, team mates Proteus never fogged, and my other 2 team mates Invisions were fine all day as well.

So to sum things up, I think its most important to have a good winter setup (ie. x-chamber & anti-syphon) if you MUST use Co2 (I recommend to anyone using Co2 to get a nitro tank ASAP). It's also important to spend the extra money on a good thermal mask that won't fog up on ya.

11-09-2003, 10:14 AM
E-Mags: Fine in cold weather. Just look out if you are using paint other than Polar Ice. I played with some Big Ball in the cold a few weeks back and it was 0 bounce paint. Drop it and it broke.

Glasses: I got contacts, so I don't have to worry about that now. I've used baby shampoo mixed with water 1:10 and some stuff called "Cat Crap." Cat Crap worked better :)



11-09-2003, 10:17 AM
Cat Crap :cool: Now thats the bomb dizzle fo shizzle nizzle!

SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
11-09-2003, 11:30 AM
lol cat crap. what will they make next?

11-09-2003, 12:17 PM
LOL 40-45 is considered paradise in montana. Im living in butte right now and it was recorded last week the coldest spot in the nation. At -7 degrees (with wind sheild) I have to play in conditions that run from -7 to 15 degrees. Good thing we have a indoor feild. (these conditions are only in the winter, in the summer it gets up to 100 degrees.)
Good luck
And just think about me if you start freezin your balls off. Garenteed too warm you up.

11-09-2003, 12:36 PM

Clean them well before you start, and use Rain-X Anti-Fog on them. Works like a charm! A goggle fan also helps, but just remember to breathe out your nose and you shouldn't have any problems.

11-09-2003, 01:11 PM
easy for you to say :p. You're not getting over a cold :p.

also, WEAR A GOOD HEAD BAND! make sure it absorbs that sweat before it condenses and and fogs up your lenses.

also, for winter players, use HPA. If you must use CO2, I highly recommend a dual PPS stabalizer setup with anti-siphon. For you 68 and minimag users, use x-chamber and antisiphon. gutted AIR reg users, use an x-chamber, and AIR stabalizer from PPS. That's all if you use CO2. If you use HPA, then don't use a secondary reg unless you need to.

I got HPA b/c I play Fall, Winter, Spring and early summer, and take most of the summer off from paintball, so I'm usually a cooler weather player. Thus, CO2 is more often against me than with me (I do plan on using CO2 at D-Day, however, as it should be nice and hot, and an anti-siphon CO2 tank will last longer than my 68/5k, probably, if they only fill to 3k), and HPA will always be with me.

Still, HPA will last on my marker. I shot nearly half a case yesterday with only 2600 psi starting out in my HPA tank (got that fill for free, b/c the store people said that they couldn't fill it to 3k, so I got that 2600 for free) and it only gave out near the end, after I had stopped playing, and I still got about 100 shots out of it (don't know how effective those would've been, b.c those shots I used to cycle some oil through the marker as part of general maintenance).

Now, imagine how much I could shoot with twice as much air in that tank (5000). I could probably off a full case of paint before I needed a refill. I hope they have compressors that'll fill to 5k at D-Day :D

11-09-2003, 01:42 PM
you shouldn't need dual PPS Stabilizers... one will do the job just fine.

11-09-2003, 02:07 PM
I was kind of thinking the same thing, but I could see where two wouldnt hurt if you were playing in extreme cold weather.

11-09-2003, 02:10 PM
if you're using co2, dual regs will be very beneficial. if you're using HPA, then dual regs won't be, b/c you've already got a reg on the tank.

11-09-2003, 02:55 PM
well i just got back and didnt have to worry about either one of my problems... there was no HPA so i used my trusty spyder since the emag and RT both need hPA... and my glasses didnt fog atall and i had fun so it was all good.... i have a flex 7 also so m mask fogging is not a worry