View Full Version : Slap to the face of all paintball players!!!

11-09-2003, 06:15 PM
I was flipping the channel between a couple football games today and decided to see what was on ESPN. Now if any of you have a heart condition you might want to sit down for this. They were showing the 2003 Scrabble All Star Championship. My first thought : I must be seeing things. But no sure enough they had a couple guys in heated battle over the scrabble board. I didn't get to watch much of it because i was getting a queezy stomach.

Now ive heard alot of arguments as to why paintball is not a sport, or why its not an easily televised sport. But come on Scrabble?! I thought ESPN was pushing the limits with the Jump Rope competitions but this is ridiculous. At least in Jump Rope you break a sweat. Anyways, i was wondering what everyone's thoughts were on this?:confused: :rolleyes:

11-09-2003, 06:20 PM
Scrabble rocks! I like to have people over to watch the tournaments on TV. We get pretty wild, shouting stuff like "Go for the triple word score!" and "Ref, check that, that words not in the dictionary!"

11-09-2003, 06:24 PM
i am at a lose of words for this.
how do you put scrablle on tv!!!!!?!?!?!?

11-09-2003, 06:24 PM
Originally posted by Steelrat
Scrabble rocks! I like to have people over to watch the tournaments on TV. We get pretty wild, shouting stuff like "Go for the triple word score!" and "Ref, check that, that words not in the dictionary!"


Thats good...

I'd like to see Risk championships...
and monopoly

11-09-2003, 06:42 PM
LOL I had a mini-rant with my Wife about just that same thing! But I have to admit that it is far from being a slap to the face of all paintball players.

They show a lot of other things too… such as Poker, Billiards, Chess, and much much more. While I don’t really consider Scrabble a “sport” in the classic sense, it IS a game, and does take skill to play well.

11-09-2003, 06:47 PM
i think when ESPN thinks they can make more money airing scrabble on TV rather than paintball i consider that a slap to the face.:mad:

11-09-2003, 06:53 PM
As far as that kind of stuff, I love to watch poker :) oh well scrabble wouldn't be too bad....

Mag Master 04
11-09-2003, 06:55 PM
poo on ESPN...thine heathans

11-09-2003, 06:58 PM
Yeah i kinda enjoyed watching poker but cmon scrabble?

11-09-2003, 06:59 PM
ESPN sucks, period. Espn2 is decent sometimes, but not often. They are usually showing a re-run of the 1999 X-games or some other Skating/BMX event that no one really watches. But hey, if they want to NOT make money, it is their decision... Skateboarders have a worse reputation than Paintballers, but paintball has "GUNS". And they think that showing paintball on TV will make little kids go buy Brass Eagle Samurai's from Kmart or Walmart and go shoot each others' eyes out.

11-09-2003, 07:01 PM
Paintball is not THAT great to watch in video form if your not a die hard fan of the sport, thats the problem

11-09-2003, 07:05 PM
yo what about the spelling bee? ESPN shows that too, and gets hi-lights on sportscenter

11-09-2003, 07:05 PM
Yeah, they haven't figured out how to televise paintball really. It's like soccer was 30 years ago. They didn't realise that the only good view was one from way in the air so you could see everything. They'll find a good way someday to show it though.

11-09-2003, 07:08 PM
Originally posted by taylor492
i think when ESPN thinks they can make more money airing scrabble on TV rather than paintball i consider that a slap to the face.:mad:
LOL You do realize they don’t put anything on the does NOT make them money, right? So how would that be a slap in the face of paintball? If you take that personally, you really need to grow some thicker skin… you are NOT paintball. Heck, do you even own a business in the paintball industry?

Relax……. :D

11-09-2003, 07:13 PM
It's like everyone forgot the whole NPPL ESPN legal squabble that happened years ago. ESPN knows about paintball, and they would like nothing more than for it to die. Televised paintball lies in Fox Sports at this point, and I'll be glad to watch it on there.

11-09-2003, 07:18 PM
Originally posted by shartley
...they don’t put anything on the does NOT make them money, right? So how would that be a slap in the face of paintball?...

I fail to see how scrabble is more profitable than paintball. so that's a slap in the face, right?

11-09-2003, 07:20 PM
Originally posted by shartley

LOL You do realize they don’t put anything on the does NOT make them money, right? So how would that be a slap in the face of paintball? If you take that personally, you really need to grow some thicker skin… you are NOT paintball. Heck, do you even own a business in the paintball industry?

Relax……. :D

Look, Shartley, Im not some pimple poppin 13 yr. old who just bought his first spyder the other day. I do know a little about what makes the world go around. I realize ESPN must be making SOME money off scrabble. You telling me i need to grow some thicker skin is kind of an oxymoron anyway. Heck, I dont own a business in the paintball industry, so i guess that means i cant feel slighted when i see scrabble on ESPN instead of paintball.

11-09-2003, 07:21 PM
Originally posted by Cryer
I fail to see how scrabble is more profitable than paintball. so that's a slap in the face, right?
"It is merely a flesh wound, I have had worse!” (Monty Python)

11-09-2003, 07:25 PM
Originally posted by taylor492
Look, Shartley, Im not some pimple poppin 13 yr. old who just bought his first spyder the other day. I do know a little about what makes the world go around. I realize ESPN must be making SOME money off scrabble. You telling me i need to grow some thicker skins is kind of an oxymoron anyway. Heck, I dont own a business in the paintball industry, so i guess that means i cant feel slighted when i see scrabble on ESPN instead of paintball.
Maybe you have some anger management problems? Who knows. LOL

If you feel slighted because an activity you PLAY is not given the attention you feel it should… yeah, there may be a problem. And my comment about not owning a business in the paintball industry was to show that you are NOT paintball, just someone who PLAYS it.

So roll your eyes at me all you want, and get upset all you want… I think it is funny. LOL Relax.

11-09-2003, 07:34 PM
you people are missing the possiblities here. scrabble on espn! why isn't anybody playing drinking games to this?

11-09-2003, 07:36 PM
Originally posted by MantisMag
you people are missing the possiblities here. scrabble on espn! why isn't anybody playing drinking games to this?
Good question….

And I would LOVE to see ESPN show the International Quarters Championships! ;) Now THAT is a drinking game… and takes real skills!

11-09-2003, 07:36 PM
Originally posted by shartley

Maybe you have some anger management problems? Who knows. LOL

If you feel slighted because an activity you PLAY is not given the attention you feel it should… yeah, there may be a problem. And my comment about not owning a business in the paintball industry was to show that you are NOT paintball, just someone who PLAYS it.

So roll your eyes at me all you want, and get upset all you want… I think it is funny. LOL Relax.

How do you come to that conclusion? What is that some sort of old chinese proverb? " I own therefore i am, i play therefore i am not" Truly inspiring. Youre looking at this all wrong. Im not saying that since I play it I want the whole worlds attention. Im saying since I and millions of others enjoy the sport there must be a way to see it on TV, more so than scrabble surely. How is that a problem? Anyways, i guess i better go start a business so i can BE paintball.:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

11-09-2003, 07:46 PM
Originally posted by taylor492
How do you come to that conclusion? What is that some sort of old chinese proverb? " I own therefore i am, i play therefore i am not" Truly inspiring. Youre looking at this all wrong. Im not saying that since I play it I want the whole worlds attention. Im saying since I and millions of others enjoy the sport there must be a way to see it on TV, more so than scrabble surely. How is that a problem? Anyways, i guess i better go start a business so i can BE paintball.:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
I am so very sorry I upset your delicate sensibilities. I should have known better given the thread topic. I am truly sorry.

I play soccer, so I AM soccer. I play chess, so I AM chess. I play horsey with my 3 year old, so I AM a horse. I target shoot, so I AM target shooting. Heck, I guess I am a lot of things! WOW Thanks for opening my eyes to this. Now I should go and see how the world is slapping my face concerning all these things. ;)

Seriously though, if you want to watch paintball on TV, check out the OLN schedule. They show Paintball enough that I have run across it just surfing the channels. Paintball is just really coming into its own. Give it time. And I am sure that if you can show the folks at ESPN how much showing paintball on their network can benefit them (as opposed to claiming how you were slapped in the face because they didn’t show it), they may very well SHOW it. They are business men/women and I am sure they are open to additional ways to make more money. Either that, or turn the channel…. To someplace that DOES show it.

You relaxing now? LOL It isn’t really THAT big of a deal.

11-09-2003, 07:59 PM
Originally posted by shartley

I am so very sorry I upset your delicate sensibilities. I should have known better given the thread topic. I am truly sorry.

I play soccer, so I AM soccer. I play chess, so I AM chess. I play horsey with my 3 year old, so I AM a horse. I target shoot, so I AM target shooting. Heck, I guess I am a lot of things! WOW Thanks for opening my eyes to this. Now I should go and see how the world is slapping my face concerning all these things. ;)

Seriously though, if you want to watch paintball on TV, check out the OLN schedule. They show Paintball enough that I have run across it just surfing the channels. Paintball is just really coming into its own. Give it time. And I am sure that if you can show the folks at ESPN how much showing paintball on their network can benefit them (as opposed to claiming how you were slapped in the face because they didn’t show it), they may very well SHOW it. They are business men/women and I am sure they are open to additional ways to make more money. Either that, or turn the channel…. To someplace that DOES show it.

You relaxing now? LOL It isn’t really THAT big of a deal.

You're taking the slap to the face thing too literally. I am merely trying to portray my disappointment with ESPN. Dont worry noone was harmed in the making of this thread. We don't need shartley to come to the rescue. The thing about OLN is not everyone gets it. More people get ESPN. Concerning your affiliation with all of those activities why dont you do all of us a favor and stick with those and leave paintball to the rest of us. Excuse me if i get a little wound up when i see you prowling AO with your mildly argumentative yet still politically correct posts. LOL:D

11-09-2003, 08:07 PM
Originally posted by taylor492
You're taking the slap to the face thing too literally. I am merely trying to portray my disappointment with ESPN. Dont worry noone was harmed in the making of this thread. We don't need shartley to come to the rescue. The thing about OLN is not everyone gets it. More people get ESPN. Concerning your affiliation with all of those activities why dont you do all of us a favor and stick with those and leave paintball to the rest of us. Excuse me if i get a little wound up when i see you prowling AO with your mildly argumentative yet still politically correct posts. LOL:D
But I honestly thought you meant what you said…

Originally posted by taylor492
Anyways, i was wondering what everyone's thoughts were on this?:confused: :rolleyes:

Well, those were my thoughts on the matter.

If you truly feel that strongly about it, I suggest you do something about it. I would never however think of telling you to not play the sport, as you have just done to me. And who is this “us” that I would be doing a favor? You, yourself, and you?

I was also not coming to anyone’s, or anything’s “rescue’. Next time you make a thread you may want to be more specific what type of responses you want…. It may clear up any confusion. Not to mention that you were the ONLY one getting even slightly upset over anything.

Have a wonderful evening.... LOL

11-09-2003, 08:08 PM
Originally posted by Benfica4ever
i am at a lose of words for this.
how do you put scrablle on tv!!!!!?!?!?!? ditto.

11-09-2003, 08:10 PM
Originally posted by KornKamp02
They had players sitting at a board, and it had a timer. The announcer was going over strategies and rules, etc. LOL It was actually a bit funny. And one of the players was really pissed at himself because he made some sort of “mistake”.

11-09-2003, 08:20 PM
Originally posted by shartley

Next time you make a thread you may want to be more specific what type of responses you want…. It may clear up any confusion.

Good idea

11-09-2003, 09:32 PM
we're gonna have bruises...

11-09-2003, 09:38 PM
Back in the mid 90's I caught something on ESPN hat shocked me even more than Scrabble...

They were airing the grocery bagging chanpionships. First off, who the hell even thinks up this stuff and then who the hell would think to air it on TV. Now, I do have to say, I watched it and it was interesting and funny as hell, but I do not think bagging groceries is a game or a sport:)

So for all your grocery baggers out there...don't worry, there is hope for you yet. Just keep it up and you too could be crowned the World Champion Bagger:)

11-09-2003, 10:00 PM
Originally posted by shartley
...you are NOT paintball. Heck, do you even own a business in the paintball industry?...

Not to fuel fire, or sound like a jerk, but I am forced to disagree with you there, SHartley... I think he, the player, is paintball. More so than any business owner out there. He, and other players like him, are the reason that you, and others like DYE and JT, are in business to begin with.

On the other hand, I agree with you in that paintball is [relatively] new and has yet to come into its own. In time, we will have our coveted and glorious estate alongside those champions of Scrabble on ESPN. How great shall be the day when all ballers may rejoice and sing in chorus: Alleluia!:p

11-09-2003, 10:23 PM
I just have to say that, if you play Scrabble in my house, it is a sport.

11-10-2003, 12:29 AM
try playing it against jews. My girlfriends jewish and I've played with her family, they use all these yiddish words and reap in the points. They've probably cheated me and I just did'nt know it, yiddish is seriously the most nonsensical sounding, looking language ever:) Scrabble is the devil and hates me, thats all I know....

11-10-2003, 06:59 AM
Originally posted by Cryer
Not to fuel fire, or sound like a jerk, but I am forced to disagree with you there, SHartley... I think he, the player, is paintball. More so than any business owner out there. He, and other players like him, are the reason that you, and others like DYE and JT, are in business to begin with.

On the other hand, I agree with you in that paintball is [relatively] new and has yet to come into its own. In time, we will have our coveted and glorious estate alongside those champions of Scrabble on ESPN. How great shall be the day when all ballers may rejoice and sing in chorus: Alleluia!:p
Okay, before anyone else misunderstands what I was actually trying to say…..

I DO believe the PLAYER is the SPORT of paintball (or at least the spirit of it). I do not however, think they ARE paintball. That would be like saying that when I play basketball I AM basketball. My point was that to feel slighted because the activity you participate in is not getting the attention you feel it should is kind of silly IMHO…. That is unless that activity is your life, and for most players it is simply not.

That is why I mentioned the “business” part. When you have invested your time, money, and made the sport/activity the way you feed your children, pay your bills, etc. THAT would more give you the right to feel slighted or that you need more exposure… and possibly get emotional about it. And even then, I don’t think that having less exposure than another activity is being “slapped”… unless representatives of BOTH of these activities are sitting at a table and pitching their reasons for exposure and paintball was tossed aside for no valid reason.

But as folks have posted in other threads, there are reasons why ESPN does not show paintball at this point (and maybe never will). Some are because of format, some is because of past experiences, etc. But as even more have posted, there are some good things coming along in the area of TV and Paintball.

I also AGREE that it is the players that help keep every paintball business IN business. But I have to be honest… the players are not the only reason I am in business, they do however allow me to remain in business as more than just a hobby. The relationship between a business and their customers is one of mutual need/want, and when one or the other forgets that (or forgets how important the other is), there is a problem. I know I do everything that I can to show my customers how much they mean to me.

I just didn’t want anyone to think that I am looking down on players, because I am NOT. I am also a player. I was a player before I owned a paintball business. And my goal with my business is not simply to make money. It is to make money doing something I enjoy, and to have that be passed on to my customers. I am not getting rich off of this, believe me, but as long as my bills get paid and my family gets fed…. That is a great start, and I am happy.

I hope this better explains why I said what I did. I in no way was trying to say that paintball players (of which I am one) are not important… far from it.

11-10-2003, 12:18 PM
Originally posted by rx2
I just have to say that, if you play Scrabble in my house, it is a sport. Jepordy (sp?) in my inlaws is a sport. :D

11-10-2003, 12:46 PM
Didnt ESPN also have the Magic the Gathering world championships on at one time ...

Now there is a game I just never though would make TV ...


11-10-2003, 12:57 PM
Originally posted by lopxtc
Didnt ESPN also have the Magic the Gathering world championships on at one time ...

Now there is a game I just never though would make TV ...


...There's a game that I thought would never make it past the store shelves.

It's basically Pokemon for pimply highschool aged kids...
This one guy back in highschool was trying to get me into it... He kept talking to me about the characters like he thought I knew what he was saying...:confused: :confused: :o

I didn't hang out with him much longer...:rolleyes:

11-10-2003, 01:23 PM
Magic the gathering... It has been around for at least 10 years... But anyways... they show poker on ESPN... That is most definately Not a sport.

11-10-2003, 01:39 PM
Originally posted by gamarada717
Yeah, they haven't figured out how to televise paintball really. It's like soccer was 30 years ago. They didn't realise that the only good view was one from way in the air so you could see everything.

Who watches Soccer? :p

On topic: I caught that the other day and almost keeled over laughing.

11-10-2003, 01:55 PM
Originally posted by RoadDawg

Who watches Soccer? :p

Everyone except us Americans, I intend to do my part to keep it that way!:)

I don't think paintball on tv will catch up for a while, because fat, old dudes didn't play it in high school and can't watch it to escape to "the good ole days". I prefer to play my sport instead of watch it, and as I turn into a fat, old dude, I will continue to play my sport, not retreat to couch and armchair QB it.

11-10-2003, 02:33 PM
Hrm...showing Scrabble on TV instead of paintball...oh well, such is life. But I think it's not an issue of who is or isn't paintball but how much a person lives paintball.

Like any sport, it's a lifestyle. When you're not playing paintball, you're wishing your out playing, holding your marker around the house pretending to shoot at targets, snap shooting behind the door way, and for those who are really passionate about it, watching it on TV would be a nice addition to our daily routines.

I think this is a classic example of a person who loves the sport and enjoys playing it and watching it. There's a lot to be learned by watching other players/teams play. It's like watching basketball and seeing your favorite team make their plays now how the other team responds. Learning how players respond or react to certain moves...same goes for paintball and the players of the game.

Am I upset that they don't show the sport of paintball on TV? Eh...no, not at all. But it would be cool if they did. Many ideas for paintball shows can be had instead of just watching tournaments. How to tech specific equipment, tactics, new technology, previews, reviews, interviews of players and innovators, the history of paintball, etc.

But oh well, until that day comes...I'll just sit around the place, surfing AO and other sites, holding my markers and irritating everyone with it...LOL!

11-10-2003, 02:40 PM
Originally posted by gibby
Hrm...showing Scrabble on TV instead of paintball...oh well, such is life. But I think it's not an issue of who is or isn't paintball but how much a person lives paintball.

Like any sport, it's a lifestyle. When you're not playing paintball, you're wishing your out playing, holding your marker around the house pretending to shoot at targets, snap shooting behind the door way, and for those who are really passionate about it, watching it on TV would be a nice addition to our daily routines.

I think this is a classic example of a person who loves the sport and enjoys playing it and watching it. There's a lot to be learned by watching other players/teams play. It's like watching basketball and seeing your favorite team make their plays now how the other team responds. Learning how players respond or react to certain moves...same goes for paintball and the players of the game.

Am I upset that they don't show the sport of paintball on TV? Eh...no, not at all. But it would be cool if they did. Many ideas for paintball shows can be had instead of just watching tournaments. How to tech specific equipment, tactics, new technology, previews, reviews, interviews of players and innovators, the history of paintball, etc.

But oh well, until that day comes...I'll just sit around the place, surfing AO and other sites, holding my markers and irritating everyone with it...LOL!

And here I am thinkin I'm the only one who snapshoots and bunkers family members in the house...:rolleyes:

11-10-2003, 04:59 PM
Originally posted by Cryer
It's basically Pokemon for pimply highschool aged kids...

the pokemon card game is a knockoff of magic, not the other way around. i don't play but i thought i'd point that out.

11-10-2003, 05:12 PM
Originally posted by Muzikman
Just keep it up and you too could be crowned the World Champion Bagger:)

What's that, a one bagger, a two bagger, and the winner gets to wake up with the coyote. :D

11-10-2003, 05:17 PM
Originally posted by MantisMag

the pokemon card game is a knockoff of magic, not the other way around. i don't play but i thought i'd point that out.

Either way, I still think its a complete waste of time:p

11-10-2003, 06:10 PM
Originally posted by Ov3rmind
It's like everyone forgot the whole NPPL ESPN legal squabble that happened years ago. ESPN knows about paintball, and they would like nothing more than for it to die. Televised paintball lies in Fox Sports at this point, and I'll be glad to watch it on there. what was the legal battle over?

11-10-2003, 06:19 PM
Originally posted by p8ntball1016
what was the legal battle over?
ESPN did air paintball at one time. Unfortunately it was in the early early morning (when no one in their right mind watches tv), and the NPPL was not so happy about that. The NPPL wanted it on a more reasonable time, ESPN said no, and people got pissed. It ended with ESPN cancelling the paintball show with intents to not show it again.

SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
11-10-2003, 10:45 PM
:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

11-10-2003, 10:54 PM
Originally posted by SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

my thoughts exactly

11-11-2003, 10:13 AM
Originally posted by Cryer

...There's a game that I thought would never make it past the store shelves.

It's basically Pokemon for pimply highschool aged kids...Heynow, my entire paintball team played at one point! :D I still play. Lets fact it though, if your not into the fantasy scene, your not really in the marketgroup eh?

11-11-2003, 10:20 AM
Strider are you one of thoses guys that call MTG a sport?;)

11-11-2003, 11:19 AM
Originally posted by Benfica4ever
i am at a lose of words for this.
how do you put scrablle on tv!!!!!?!?!?!?

Like anything else - someone works a deal to sell advertising in the show and the income from that advertising pays for the expense of production and broadcasting, and hopefully a profit.