View Full Version : Mag Malfunction

11-09-2003, 10:56 PM
I recently purchased my first mag. Its a 68 with powerfeed, a level 7 (i think), and has a BooYaa "e-lcd" frame on it . . . i run HPA

when i air the gun up it will fire once or twice, then stick . . . with the valve removed, while pulling the trigger and placing my finger over the back end of the sear pin (where it contacts the on/off), i can see/feel that the trigger will occasionally fail to release the sear pin

my friend believes my solenoid is acting up . . . the gun hasn't been used in quite some time (bought used), so i'm sure it really needs a generous oiling everywhere possible . . .

like I said, I'm a total nub when it comes to mags, let me know if i need to better explain anything . . . thanks for any help

after looking at more posts, I found a link specifying that the booyaa should not be fired while not under pressure . . . unfortunately I recieved no manual for the grip since I bought the marker used, and my nub *** got trigger happy "testing" the gun before I could afford my HPA tank. . . . so i'm pretty sure I fugged up the solenoid . . . what can I do to try to remedy my fugg up short of buying replacement parts?

11-10-2003, 02:57 PM
It may not have the proper on/off pin in there. I'm pretty sure they are supposed to be longer, but I know they are different than stock ones. I hope that dry firing won't mess the boo-yaah up because I sit around and click mine more w/ out air than w/!

11-10-2003, 06:29 PM
im pretty sure it is a different on/off b/c it looks a little different than the one in the diagram of the .pdf manual i downloaded

11-10-2003, 07:01 PM
If you had another frame to try on the mag that would help in narrowing the problem down. That way you could tell if it was a valve or boo-yaah problem. I forgot to ask about the battery, is it a new one? Sometimes it's the simplest things that get over looked!

11-10-2003, 10:40 PM
brand new walgreens 9 volt

11-12-2003, 02:59 PM
Just because its a new battery doesn't mean its good. For an example, I don't buy batteries at Walmart anymore because I've encountered dead batteries from there on more than one occasion.