View Full Version : Think somthings wrong with my RT

11-10-2003, 12:46 AM
I recently bought an RT off ebay with a flatline 68/3000 tank. I was having a problem where if I shoot to fast the trigger pin would get stuck but I fixed that by pushing the bolt back. Now im having a problem where the trigger was really hard to pull and its limiting my rof pretty low. I used to have an RT along time ago until it got stolen and I dont remember it being like this, im pretty sure non or the orings and stuff are broken and I have oiled it.

Could it be possible maybe he messed with the trigger or somthing? My output on the tank is somwhere between 850 and 900. Im not sure about my velocity but its not far twisted in or anything. By the way this is the old classic rt.

What things can I do to see if anything is wrong?

Please help, thanks
Ask any questions if you have any

11-10-2003, 01:27 AM
I would check to make sure that your bolt spring is not too short (ex if its shorter than the bolt, you have a problem). I don't know if you are running the lvl10 upgrade on your Classic but if you are, you may have to go down a carrier size as well.

Other general things to check. Make sure that your sear is not bent (on the rod that the trigger pushes against), and make sure that your gas through bolt that holds the RT valve in is TIGHT. when it gets lose the gun starts getting starved for air.

Also last idea I have is, if that RT has never been sent back to Airgun Designs you might consider that. AGD offers you 1 free of parts charge, rebuild on your marker. They will replace ANYTHING that needs it (from o-rings to body rails). It's also a good time to grab any upgrades you want for the gun because AGD will install them as well and tune them if you ordered them at the same time. Just a though or two.

11-10-2003, 02:29 AM
It doesint have the lvl 10 upgrade. I'll check those things, thanks for reply.

11-10-2003, 03:24 PM
Ok I checked those things and some other stuff, the bolt spring is a tad longer then the bolt and the sear pin is not bent or anything. I gased the gun up and if I shoot to fast the gun will stop shooting, I notice if I push the bolt back thu the feed it will recock and I can shoot fine as fast as I want. It seems to only do this once untill I start getting really low on air.

The guy who sold it to me also said he sent it in to agd before to get a new bolt installed and check-up or somthing.

11-10-2003, 03:37 PM
hmm, i had that problem back when i had my 68 mag, but i just thought it was from using co2, mabey im dumb :confused:

11-11-2003, 01:52 PM
Spring shorter than bolt=bad bolt spring
Who sends a gun into AGD to change a bolt?

11-11-2003, 01:59 PM
Originally posted by PyRo Who sends a gun into AGD to change a bolt?

Perhpas he meant a general chekup with lots of tasty AGD parts. I kow I suggest that to many people but I am always so happy with the results. I just got my Classic RT back and get this: besides replacing most of the internals, they see my amazing electrical work in my intilliframe (yeah I suck at things like that) and take it upon themselves to redo it!. We are talking all new parts and very clean. They even made the wiring the same length. Now THAT is why I like to spend the money once a year.

11-11-2003, 02:22 PM
Yeah I dont know why he would have sent it in just to get a new bolt installed. But if he did get it tuned up as well then shouldint it be working fine or is he just lieing about sending it in lol. O'well I guess im either going to just order a new powertube oring and bolt spring or just get the lvl10 upgrade.

Is there any videos that show step by step of installing the lvl10 and how to set the carrier right?

I've read the instructions on AGD's site to see how to install it. It seems kinda hard, maybe when I have it though it will all come together.