View Full Version : solicitors @ work

11-11-2003, 11:58 AM
yes, this belongs here. let me get to it.

does anyone work in an office where you have solicitors come in and try and sell you stuff? just in this past week, we had someone come in and try and sell us magnets for refridgerators. in the past years, we've gotten people who want to sell us artwork, golf course stuff, f1 racing passes (if your from boston, you know what this is) and things along those lines.

today, someone from P&L paintball came in. the receptionist was nowhere to be found, so, he first took it upon himself to walk past the receptionists desk, right into our tech room.

he introduced himself (cant remember his name) as representing P&L paintball, told us they were having a big anniversay celebration, and that they wanted to give us complementary passes. he then asked if anyone here was interested in paintball. immediately, my 2 other coworkers point to me. i smile, say to the guy, "ill be completely honest with you. your fields are too expensive, no thank you"

he said "ok, i understand" and walked out. didnt try to sell me further.

what they dont immediately tell you, is that you have to buy a pack of paintball passes and with that comes free admission and free rental. sort of like paintball promotions, except this is the actual field promoting this.

dont get me wrong. P&L has some decent fields. and their rentals are automags @ their bridgewater field. but paint prices are through the roof. $100/case. I would rather drive out of my way (and P&L is also out of the way for me as well) to the cape and play @ CCPB for $65 a case, AND have an airball field to play on.

this is the second time that P&L has come here. First time we bought passes because my boss was getting them for the company paintball outing.

:sigh: one day, they'll learn.

i like tictacs
11-11-2003, 12:44 PM
cool. you should post this at nepl forums or something, or regional, you'd get more response.

11-11-2003, 12:56 PM
there was a thread about this a while ago. i just find it very annoying when people try to sell you things at work or while you are at home. and usually the price for the passes are inflated.

11-11-2003, 01:44 PM
susie q next time you go to ccpb lmk ill come on out