View Full Version : masonary work

11-11-2003, 12:38 PM
i need some input/experience from anyone that has hired someone for masonary work. the situation is that the fireplace needs repairing and the guy came and gave me an estimate and says his rate is $300 a day + materials. now the question is , is that normal or am i being overcharged?

11-11-2003, 12:57 PM
Yeah unfortunately this is an area that doesnt have allot of people working in it, so they tend to be able to get what they want $$$ wise.

I would recommend that you get his quote in writing and then contact some others in the area. With a quote from one you will have some more leverage in getting a better price.

Also if you are dealing with a Union worker then you are going to pay more than a non-union worker ... this also sometimes means you will get better work. I say sometimes because I have seen licenses unioned workers put out some crap work.

To me the price seems a little high, but I dont know what all work is envolved with your repairs. Like I said though, get his quote in writing and shop around ... Im willing to bet you will get a better rate this way.


11-11-2003, 01:01 PM
My dad has a small constructin company he does't have any masonary workers working for him. When he has to hire someone I think thats about right, although he pays somewhat less because he gets the same guys tons of buisness.

11-11-2003, 01:12 PM
the man who gave me the estimate is actually the father of the guy who cuts our lawn, and is a semi retired mason but does small jobs for extra income. the repair work is for the chimney that has alot of water damage, and its been practically impossible for anyone to come look at it because its a "small job".

11-11-2003, 01:20 PM
Sounds about right to me. Skilled labor isn't cheap.

11-11-2003, 01:23 PM
My father will gernally try and steer clear of small one day jobs if possible. Any profeshinal (most anyway some may be in the buisness just for doing small jobs) will try and get the biggest job possible. This way the majority of the people working for him will all be at the same place, it means less running around between jobs, less paperwork, less people to deal with. Generally people building a house, or adding a large extension, or renovating there house are alot easier to deal with than individual homeowners. Home owners who want small repaird have this nasty habit of changeing there mind about work, not wanting to pay for work done, or swearing that he said he would do this and that for the included price and refusing to pay.
Just recently he took a small job putting in a couple skylites because he didn't have enough work for everyone. Well he had to custome order them, and some materials. When he came to do the job the people had changed there mind. They gave him a big story about how there son died, just lots of bull. Anyway he felt sorry for them and swallowed the cost of the materials that he couldn't return because they were special order. Two weeks later he noticed driving by there house someone on the roof installing the skylite. He called them they said oh he gave us a better price. Anyway, they ended up paying alot more because not only did they have to pay that guy, but the judge decided they had to pay my father for the materials.
Even though he got his money for the stuff he bought he still had to pay the people working for him for the day they did nothing that they should have been working there. No compensation for that, he lost a day of work going to court, and another day preparing. Thats why alot of people will try and avoid small jobs like that.

11-11-2003, 01:36 PM
well construction companies are in the business of "construction" not really home repair, so i can see why he would want to avoid those type of jobs. as for the skylight issue, all i have to say is that people are dumb. i've come across many many many dumb people issues from previous jobs, and from the restaurant so you would think i have a high tolerance of that but i don't. it all boils down to the only people that understand service type businesses are people that have actually really worked in one.

11-13-2003, 03:40 AM
my old boss usually charged about $30\hr for labor + material cost.