View Full Version : Funny Conversation about bps...

11-11-2003, 07:31 PM
I just found his stupidity kinda funny...
Took his name out...just so you guys don't make fun of him heheh

): hey
Der Man2K (7:17:04 PM): hi
): whats uop
): up*
Der Man2K (7:17:17 PM): nothin
Der Man2K (7:17:17 PM): you
): nothion really
): you get your new gun yet?
Der Man2K (7:17:29 PM): yea i've had it
): the e cocker?
Der Man2K (7:17:43 PM): yea
): o
): i'm gettin a predator imp
Der Man2K (7:17:58 PM): what happened to the timmy?
): i want somethin originalll
): original*
Der Man2K (7:18:19 PM): so get a species timmy
Der Man2K (7:18:22 PM): nobody has those
Der Man2K (7:18:28 PM): or the new game face imp that got good reviews
): i don't like them that much
Der Man2K (7:18:38 PM): 03 shockers are good stuff too
): well i know a guy that makes the predator
): he's givin it to me for mad cheap
Der Man2K (7:19:00 PM): oh
Der Man2K (7:19:01 PM): thats cool
): and with a ******* was board
): the predator with the WAS shoots 30 balls a secong
Der Man2K (7:19:33 PM): if you want originality you shoulda got a viking instead
): second*
): yeah but ******* 30 balls a second
Der Man2K (7:19:59 PM): yea
Der Man2K (7:20:02 PM): thats not the only gun that can do that....
): not many
Der Man2K (7:20:21 PM): and thats just the board or doing CPS...not BPS
Der Man2K (7:20:32 PM): the breach isn't even open long enough for a ball to get in if they're shooting 30+
): well theres a new hopper comin out thats feeds like 40 a sec
Der Man2K (7:21:33 PM): ok...and your fingers can move that fast? i really doubt it
Der Man2K (7:21:38 PM): anything over 16-17 is dumb
Der Man2K (7:21:46 PM): cuz nobody can move the fingers any faster
): no you change the timing of the bolt and ****
): ****
): my friend did it
Der Man2K (7:22:26 PM): and he can shoot 30
): 25
Der Man2K (7:22:37 PM): ok
): somethin around tehre
Der Man2K (7:22:56 PM): then he was sweetspotting it
): they wouldn't make a gun that shot that fast if no one could shoot it
Der Man2K (7:23:19 PM): ok

Oh and BTW...anybody going to the GPL on the 22nd at Skirmish?

11-11-2003, 08:09 PM
my friend told me that the angel speed was capped at 31 bps. i didnt believe him cause i thought he got the cps and the bps confused but he seemed pretty sure of it. i dunno really, i know its fast. (hence the name "speed".)
and he just bought a 4x4 shocker with air assist and maxflow. he gets mad when i call it a leaky brick.:D

11-11-2003, 08:12 PM
oh yea what hopper can feed 40 balls a sec??! i know its not the ricochet apache. the new z-board can only do 22 max i think. and so far all ive heard is that the halo b is the best gat feeder. it could just be a stick feeder with a weight on top lol. hhhm.

11-11-2003, 08:16 PM
Well I know that new feed system by angel (I think not sure if its by angel) is supposed to be faster than the Halo. Its the spring loaded pod that uses the warp hose to feed the balls. I dunno if its capable of feeding 40 though?

11-11-2003, 08:21 PM
yea i dont think it is cause 40 is insanely fast. rediculus speed. i mean forget the halo to shoot with when ur out of air you could us that thing. (by the way that was unoriginal because of someone's sig that says he can use his halo to shoot with if he runs out of air lol.)

11-11-2003, 09:09 PM
You guys talking about the Q-loader? According to their site it'll do 30+


11-11-2003, 09:18 PM
its not that funny

every stupid person who reads what other stupid people post on pbnation or where ever believes that cps=bps, better yet that bps makes you a better player. or even that 30 something cps is possible with the human hand

people are stupid hype monkies, the believe what they are told by companies and stupid people on internet forums

to be honest its getting out of hand

balls per second does not equal a good gun.


11-11-2003, 09:27 PM
Oh yeah cliffo, you are so right, every company is hype besides agd:rolleyes:

"Buy our new xmags, they are the same things as emags just a few hundred more, give us your money!"

Can't you guys imagine that guns can shoot as fast as your beloved mags:eek:

11-11-2003, 09:29 PM
whoa now, i didnt say anything about any specific company

11-11-2003, 09:40 PM
you're right a faster gun doesnt mean its better or that a person with a faster gun is better than a veteran player with a cocker. but i mean we were just talkin about a new loader that is roumored to be able to load 40 bps. the only person getting mixed up here is my friend. believe me it happens alot. anyway i saw that the new loader/pod thingy can load 27. dunno if its true though. hope it is:D

11-11-2003, 09:57 PM
actually the topic of this thread was bps, as you can read, you were off topic:)

11-11-2003, 11:34 PM
I can move MY fingers faster than 16-17 bps :)

So can my friends... shall we call u mr. slow fingers? hehe, j/k. ;)

11-11-2003, 11:43 PM
i would agree, i can do about 18 or so, and thats after not playing for 6 months, but im talkin more about 20+

i would love to see an accurate reading rather than what the lcd screen says, more of a sound annalysis(sp)


Wc Keep
11-12-2003, 12:19 AM
cliffio arent you into angels?

derman im going to the gpl on the 23rd. doing the 5 man.

11-12-2003, 12:20 AM
yes sir

11-12-2003, 03:56 AM
I've pulled the trigger on my emag at 25 CPS.

11-12-2003, 09:50 AM
What software were you using to hit 25cps?

Morlock board?

11-12-2003, 09:59 AM
fastest i've ever hit is 12bps with my BKO, I could have gotten faster maybe, i need to work on my rythim

11-12-2003, 10:02 AM
Aren't BKO's boards only good to like 13bps?

11-12-2003, 10:44 AM
Oh and BTW...anybody going to the GPL on the 22nd at Skirmish?

I'll be there on the 23rd for the 5-man.

11-12-2003, 04:21 PM
the bko is capped at 18 or 17 i believe.

11-12-2003, 05:22 PM
Thats not too bad for the price of that gun! I myself am not a huge fan of ICD markers.

11-12-2003, 05:59 PM
i am not really a fan or smart parts but i still think that they make good products. i just hate their busness ethics even when someone told me that all i heard wasn't true. i dont see how a 4 page document with explicit details from a very reliable source can be considered false. docs machine has it. the bko is a good gun for the money i just would go for the b2k because of the better preformace and quility. still waiting for mine. :confused: :(

11-12-2003, 07:53 PM
well sayin 25 isnt completely off base becasue I know this guy (jake) and he just hit 24bps (halo) with his timmy, that is without bounce. so he could be close. He tried doing this again and again and the best he could do after was 20. (not bad) so although he made a bad comment dont flame his cause this could have been a short burst that this kid hit 25cps so who knows.

11-12-2003, 07:54 PM
QLoader: Doesnt it seem like a MUCH more finished product than the first sighting? I remember that whole deal, how it looked like crap and such. Now it looks good and polished, I wonder where they got the funding?

11-12-2003, 07:55 PM
My friends 2003 BKO is capped at 14

11-12-2003, 07:56 PM
Were you talking about me?

11-12-2003, 08:02 PM
the bko is capped at 18 last time i checked pete. and i am pretty much in the dark about the qloader. all i know is it works in unison with a warp and its shaped like a guppy.

11-12-2003, 09:52 PM
Originally posted by 03vert
the bko is capped at 18 last time i checked pete. and i am pretty much in the dark about the qloader. all i know is it works in unison with a warp and its shaped like a guppy.

are you thinking of the b2k3 or b2k2 because they used to be capped at 10 and now they have raised it to 14 or 13.9 and he has the newest one with the back milling and all.

11-12-2003, 09:56 PM
Originally posted by jtoothman25
Were you talking about me?

no I was talking to derman2k

Originally posted by Derman2k

): no you change the timing of the bolt and ****
): ****
): my friend did it
Der Man2K (7:22:26 PM): and he can shoot 30
): 25
Der Man2K (7:22:37 PM): ok
): somethin around tehre
Der Man2K (7:22:56 PM): then he was sweetspotting it
): they wouldn't make a gun that shot that fast if no one could shoot it
Der Man2K (7:23:19 PM): ok

11-13-2003, 04:21 PM
i might be.

11-13-2003, 08:22 PM
the shot buffering on X-mags and such can allow you to hit insane speeds where you would have missed shots before. I can get 17 without trying now.