View Full Version : AGD should seriously consider purchasing raw Karta's from NICAD.

11-12-2003, 11:10 AM
They blow away the standard E-Mag. JAM did a good rail/body concept as well. This is definately the direction you should go for E-Mags and RT's. Anyway, thats my .02, add that to all of the other .02 you get from folks on these boards and retire. :D

11-12-2003, 11:26 AM
Funny...me and Top_Secret had this very conversation...

I agree.

11-12-2003, 01:58 PM
Well as soon as you buy the rest of the Cord bodies from us we will!


11-12-2003, 02:00 PM
Originally posted by AGD
Well as soon as you buy the rest of the Cord bodies from us we will!


lol, he said he would! Nicad, I hope you are reading this

11-12-2003, 02:00 PM
Originally posted by AGD
Well as soon as you buy the rest of the Cord bodies from us we will!



adam shannon
11-12-2003, 02:35 PM
tom should have kidnapped nicad and made him work in the basement with the elves turning out cool body designs as soon as he saw the chord body. nicad is too dangerous a mind to be allowed to operate independantly...lol.

11-12-2003, 02:41 PM
A dangerous mind... That's all sorts of Matrix-like... :D

11-12-2003, 02:42 PM
it is indeed a hot body...if i ever got myself an RT PRO, id LOVE to have that body

howeer, the body IS STILL in design phase..

Top Secret
11-12-2003, 02:46 PM
Yes, I showed Prairie the new Karta pics and suggested that AGD should hire Nicad to design bodies for a new generation of mags. While I like the tube look, it needs to be replaced with something new. Alot of people complain that the only difference on Timmies is the milling. But frankly it seems to be working well for them.

11-12-2003, 03:54 PM
I hope I dont come off as a jerk but alot of people have to stop and think for a min. Alot of people keep wanting AGD to make this and make that. Give AGD a break. Everyone wanted the Cord bodies they could not wait for them to be made well they are made and I dont see all these people with the bodies on their guns. The Extreme Paintball body eveyone wanted them too and now the guy cant even get $150 for them. Face it guys when you start to buy things more will come out. You have to understand to make a body it is not cheap you are looking in the $1000s of dollars to get the prototype made. Out og 100 people they say they would buy 1 you are lucky if 10 realy do. Sorry if I sound like a jerk.

11-12-2003, 04:11 PM
Instead of only allowing us to buy the body seperate they should put them on guns right from the factory, but yeah....whatever

11-12-2003, 04:14 PM
Originally posted by rpm07
I hope I dont come off as a jerk but alot of people have to stop and think for a min. Alot of people keep wanting AGD to make this and make that. Give AGD a break. Everyone wanted the Cord bodies they could not wait for them to be made well they are made and I dont see all these people with the bodies on their guns. The Extreme Paintball body eveyone wanted them too and now the guy cant even get $150 for them. Face it guys when you start to buy things more will come out. You have to understand to make a body it is not cheap you are looking in the $1000s of dollars to get the prototype made. Out og 100 people they say they would buy 1 you are lucky if 10 realy do. Sorry if I sound like a jerk.

that is 100% true but what if it were to come stock on a few emags? Those Would sell.

so then they would have a Nice line of guns insted of just One cnc'd one.. look at angels and cockers, its hard to name All of them. When it comes to Agd its just the Xmag.

Dont get me wrong im a huge fan on agd and shoot an emag, but if they put out a couple more guns in time they will start to have a bigger market.

also as of now we all know Agd can do it.. with the tech they put into every little peice to the design of the xmag, They Can put out some Very nice markers if not the best

11-12-2003, 04:50 PM
I think one problem is that I for one would not pay the price of a marker, and THEN pay more to buy a new body from someone else to have the marker that I wanted (well not in one shot... I may buy a new body for my RTP, but I have owned it for a couple years). That is kind of silly when you think about it… what a waste of money. You end up with original parts that you will never really use, but you paid for them anyways.

Maybe AGD could sell a marker MINUS a body? And for a reduced price? Then if someone wanted to buy the marker but wanted someone else’s body, they don’t have to pay extra for it all. Then AGD could have a list of suppliers for bodies that they approve of and will not void the warrentees. Heck, that is what is done now anyways, but why make someone HAVE to buy the whole marker to begin with?

I think this would help boost sales, for both AGD and their 3rd Party Body manufacturers.

(Then again, can’t folks buy all the parts anyways now, and build their own? It seems like that is what some of the “custom marker” dealers here on AO do anyways isn’t it?)

11-12-2003, 05:16 PM
Shartly hit it on the head. I just purchased an E/Xmag lower half from Tuna, I have an X-Valve and will be getting my second chord body for the Emag. Personal preference, I like the look of Chord over X-mag, which I could probably get slightly used for the same price I'm paying overall.
Opionions matter but real supply and demand is gonna be overall purchases.

11-12-2003, 05:42 PM
Originally posted by AGD
Well as soon as you buy the rest of the Cord bodies from us we will!

Wait hold the phones...you guys still have cord bodies?

11-12-2003, 06:50 PM
while i think the katara is cool i dont think agd should be picking up any custom bodies. i mean this has happened before where people are like omgomgomomgomomg i so will buy that then it goes way of the roller trigger.

Top Secret
11-12-2003, 07:23 PM
That's probably because they weren't having the bodies as a stock option. Like Shartley said, nobody wants to buy a gun, then drop another 250 on a body, leaving the original parts unused.

11-12-2003, 07:43 PM
well it seems like no matter what it is unless its something ground breaking like level 10 or ULT it doesnt sell until agd says it wont make any more (like the roller trigger ;) ) i doubt making it stock for extra money will be as suceessfuly either.

Top Secret
11-12-2003, 07:47 PM
People didn't have much problem dropping more money on Speed Demons as opposed to normal Speeds. Same deal with alot of other guns. If it looks better, people will buy it. In some cases if it is really milled and ugly, people will still buy it cause it's different than the norm. *cough*Species Timmy*cough*

11-12-2003, 07:53 PM
Originally posted by shartley
Maybe AGD could sell a marker MINUS a body?

Or... you could buy a marker with a ULE rail and a Sluggo body, Then send the rail and sluggo to Nicad for milling. This would reduce your costs and avoid the superflious body you would accuire any other way.

call Jon im sure he can work something out

and I know that Nicad will mill a sluggo and rail for what it costs him to mill + Labor.

Simple. Effective. Smart.

11-12-2003, 08:02 PM
Originally posted by Top Secret
People didn't have much problem dropping more money on Speed Demons as opposed to normal Speeds. Same deal with alot of other guns. If it looks better, people will buy it. In some cases if it is really milled and ugly, people will still buy it cause it's different than the norm. *cough*Species Timmy*cough*

well i dont see that coming over to the mag market because it seems to be people are only buying new xmags and classics and the like and more people are getting everything else in the used market atleast tahts from my obeservations.

11-12-2003, 08:36 PM
Originally posted by sps16

Wait hold the phones...you guys still have cord bodies? Yea...Sup wit Dat Boss? I have had dibs for a while now.:confused: Somebody call me.:D :D :D

Wc Keep
11-12-2003, 08:50 PM
Originally posted by AGD
Well as soon as you buy the rest of the Cord bodies from us we will!


tom i think everyone was under the assumption that the chord bodies were out of stock....especially when you go to the agd store and it says out of stock.

11-12-2003, 09:29 PM
i dident know it was so expensive to prototype one of those slug bodies...my machinest is only chargin me $100:p...hurm, after he is done with my body i will sell you his name for $200 and you can all make out like bandits :D

11-12-2003, 09:32 PM
Ths first batch of AGD's Chord V2s where out of stock a while back. AGD has since aquired a very limited number more around World Cup time. I guess its just a matter of inspection and some paperwork before those showup as available.

(brainwashing) go! request them! buy them all! (/brain) :)

Cilio - Knightmare Tango
11-12-2003, 09:33 PM
(Respectfully) I had seriously thought about getting the Chord body, it's really nice, too nice to fit with the rails that are available. It's a beutiful piece but it was $250 for a body that wasn't annodized and didn't have a matching rail. If it had been annodized I may still have bought it.

11-12-2003, 09:50 PM
Originally posted by Cilio - Knightmare Tango
(Respectfully) I had seriously thought about getting the Chord body, it's really nice, too nice to fit with the rails that are available. It's a beutiful piece but it was $250 for a body that wasn't annodized and didn't have a matching rail. If it had been annodized I may still have bought it.
I agree... not going to happen for me either. Not when my RTP works just fine the way it is. And this is my real rub with most of the bodies.... can I justify the cost... and sadly, I can not.

I know some can, and that is fantastic. But I have way too many mouths to feed and bills that need paying. :(

11-12-2003, 10:52 PM
I just had a really cool idea. Because most AGD guns have interchangeable parts, why not set up the website so that people can easily order custom parts? Each person could set up their guns with this body, and that rail, that frame, and a choice of valve, barrel, etc. Each piece would affect the final price accordingly, and in the end, each person ends up with the gun they want, straight from the factory.

Granted, this would cost more to make the markers custom, but I know that I for one just shelled out over $400 for an X-valve, ULE and a ULT. I would much rather have ordered an RT pro straight form AGD with all those things on it stock.

Anyway, it sounded like a neat idea, so i posted it.

11-13-2003, 01:20 AM
We are currently working on a gun package that will allow you to order any grip frame / body combo we have as a stock RTpro from the factory. Standby while we get it together.


11-13-2003, 02:04 AM
So... I guess I wasnt totally ofbase with the Sluggo Emag thing. Dare I say... right on target.

and then if you just had to have it on a "New" Emag you could send the Sluggo Emag body and rail to Nicad and get it without paying for an additional body you dont need...

and to confirm this goes for all Nicads' bodys here is an excerpt from the chat:

Edweird: hey Nicad.... what I said in that "AGD to buy your new body" thread is true right? ... You will mill a rail and sluggo that someone already owns right?

NiCad: any of our bodies yes.. send in a slug gets ya instant $100 off.. rail for dallara gets $25 off.. and is about the only way to get a dallara right now due to lack of rails from AGD.

11-13-2003, 05:57 AM
I still like the idea of selling the Karta bodies to AGD :) It would be way to cool to see E-Mag's being offered stock with a body as pimp as that.

I want one of those bodies as soon as they become available, they are so awesome!

11-13-2003, 07:32 AM
Originally posted by AGD
We are currently working on a gun package that will allow you to order any grip frame / body combo we have as a stock RTpro from the factory. Standby while we get it together.


This is what I've been waiting for. :D

11-13-2003, 10:13 AM
Originally posted by Lethargic
I just had a really cool idea. Because most AGD guns have interchangeable parts, why not set up the website so that people can easily order custom parts? Each person could set up their guns with this body, and that rail, that frame, and a choice of valve, barrel, etc. Each piece would affect the final price accordingly, and in the end, each person ends up with the gun they want, straight from the factory

Tunaman. He does just that, hte only difference is 'the factory' isnt AGD...its Tunamart

01-14-2004, 08:25 PM
Originally posted by AGD
Well as soon as you buy the rest of the Cord bodies from us we will!


Normally I would not do this but here it is anyway.

Ummmm, cord bodies are out of stock and have been so for some time.

Any plans on AGD selling Karta emags and Dallara mags from the factory?

01-14-2004, 08:46 PM
Those last ones just sold then if that is the case. And been there a good while! When you guys start strippin out fast as they can sell em they probably will listen to you. There is not as much demand for special high priced bodies as you seem to suspect there is. And remember Nicad gets his sluggos from AGD so they make a sale. And he makes a sale. Seems like a pretty fair cooperation to me at this point. Let Nicad make a few bucks for his trouble! Its all cool. He sell you one!

01-14-2004, 08:55 PM
Originally posted by AGD
We are currently working on a gun package that will allow you to order any grip frame / body combo we have as a stock RTpro from the factory. Standby while we get it together.


the only way to sell factory customs, like FF and Works..