View Full Version : I am sick of all this eblade talk

11-12-2003, 03:22 PM
everyone that has a cocker wants to eblade it.
If you trade a cocker to someone they don't want it unless it is ebladed.
I want to know why this is cause I shot mulitple ebladed cockers and I am still faster than them with a mech cocker, did they come out with some new versions or something?

11-12-2003, 03:25 PM
I would be almost %100 certain that you cannot shoot a mechanical cocker faster than an Eblade. At least not a correctly set up Eblade. Mine shoots ropes. It doesn't even compare. :rolleyes:

11-12-2003, 03:25 PM
If you're faster with a mech than an eblade, either you set up the eblade wrong, or don't know how to use an electric trigger. :p

Also, make sure you turn the eye off if you don't have it installed. It will cap the ROF otherwise.

11-12-2003, 03:33 PM
I love my eblade...I got rid of my mag for it..:eek:

And the eblade you shot must have been set up quite terribly

11-12-2003, 03:35 PM
I shot an eblade and I have to say it is sweet. I think it is safe to say that there is NO WAY that you can shoot a mech that fast.

11-12-2003, 03:50 PM
Well, I have seen it done before. So I'm not going to doubt him that he could keep up with an E-Blade. Some people have really strong really fast fingers that gives them the mechanical walking gift :)

11-12-2003, 03:51 PM
Originally posted by lamby
I think it is safe to say that there is NO WAY that you can shoot a mech that fast.

i 2nd that

11-12-2003, 03:56 PM
This assuming we are factoring out trigger bounce. :rolleyes:

S.S Bandit1
11-12-2003, 04:08 PM
Autococker triggers dont have bounce to them they are not reactive...

shorter pull on a mech. autococker usually equals faster rate of fire, but its hard to compete with an eblade in my opinion.

11-12-2003, 04:16 PM
i shot my friends dye ultralite when it had the stock dye hinge on it and it was fast! then next time i saw him he had an eblade on it and it was very fast! it was so easy to walk and just plain out rip on it.

11-12-2003, 04:42 PM
Originally posted by S.S Bandit1
Autococker triggers dont have bounce to them they are not reactive...

I guess my buddies 'cocker is wrong. It is quite easy to pull the trigger once and fire multiple shots. VERY easy.

That said, it seems like a nice marker. He is sure found of it. The angel went on the shelf. The big problem I see is what it will take to fix it when it breaks.

11-12-2003, 05:20 PM
Originally posted by S.S Bandit1
Autococker triggers dont have bounce to them they are not reactive...

I wasn't talking about bounce on a mechanical. I was talking about bounce on the EBlade.

Top Secret
11-12-2003, 05:31 PM
If you can outshoot an eblade, they probably haven't messed with their trigger filters(TPUL, TREL). Mine came stock at around 040. Reset them both to 008. No bounce and the gun flies.

11-12-2003, 06:27 PM
also no retiming on a ebladed cocker! i hate timing....:mad:

11-12-2003, 07:12 PM
Originally posted by S.S Bandit1
Autococker triggers dont have bounce to them they are not reactive...

oooo hell yea they are!

Have it timed just right with a nicely weight back block and the dam thing will fire on its own.

11-12-2003, 08:04 PM
Yeh, ive seen some people bounce their way up to like 15 bps haha. Anyways, ive seen some people REALLY rip on mechanical autocockers, but it still doesnt compare to a nicely tuned E-Blade. If youve ever seen Brass Eagle All-Stars or Naughty Dogs or Nexus rip on those guns youll understand, its uncomparable to a mech. Although the one thing I dont like about E-Blades is that they can be a nifty pick to walk at first, they dont have the walkability of like a timmy or anything in my opinion. And also remember, off the break in airball, short stroking isn't pretty, the EBlade lets you just rip on the fly.

11-12-2003, 10:21 PM
I see now everyone just can't shoot a mech cocker fast so they use electronics.

I will take my video camera to the field this weekend so you all can see the timer and me ripping on pinky!

if you don't have faith in pinky she might break so shhh!

oh and my trigger is single there is no bounce,

Errr I was going to post pics of my gun but no worky worky!

11-12-2003, 10:24 PM
Im sorry that the rest of us are not as magnificent on the trigger, and need the crutch of an electronic frame to help us equal your 1337 skillz.

11-12-2003, 10:34 PM
I want to shoot the frekin dual mag but they won't return it to Rod so I can shoot it that thing is going to get me excited!

11-13-2003, 12:00 AM
to me, E-Blade = bandaid on outdated product.

I cant stand them, I hate cockers. That back black always gets in my way, and always has me watching it, instead of the game.

11-13-2003, 12:11 AM
Originally posted by ~WarpedRT#2~
to me, E-Blade = bandaid on outdated product.

I cant stand them, I hate cockers. That back black always gets in my way, and always has me watching it, instead of the game.
Same here. When my bro has his 'Cocker, he had no beaver tail on it. I scratched my mask up so bad that game. :(

11-13-2003, 12:13 AM
Originally posted by ~WarpedRT#2~
to me, E-Blade = bandaid on outdated product.

Ya know, my only arguement back, is to say the SAME THING ABOUT MAGS AND L10.

Thats an ignorant statement.

11-13-2003, 12:16 AM
Ya know... STFU. I said "to me"
And, it's too bad I dont own a mag anymore. Didnt bother to read my sig, did you?

I've caught SO MUCH FLAK over how I SAY THINGS, it's rediculous, but when I say "To me" I get the same thing. Thats called an opinion. I'd appriciate an appology for your statement, and after that, leave me alone.

My 2 cents.

11-13-2003, 12:16 AM
Originally posted by S.S Bandit1
Autococker triggers dont have bounce to them they are not reactive...

Which explains exactly why I got 12bps over the Radarchron with ONLY trigger-bounce fueling the trigger-pull! Right? :rolleyes:

11-13-2003, 12:20 AM
Ya know... STFU. I said "to me"
And, it's too bad I dont own a mag anymore. Didnt bother to read my sig, did you?

I've caught SO MUCH FLAK over how I SAY THINGS, it's rediculous, but when I say "To me" I get the same thing. Thats called an opinion. I'd appriciate an apology for your statement, and after that, leave me alone.

My 2 cents.

See, Grasshopper knows whats up, that stuff can scratch your mask all up, and keeps you from watching the game. But >>>>>TO ME<<<<<, the cocker is simply a waste of money. the old bandaid was to put a neumatic mechanism on it to make it semi. Now they are adding electronics on them. All taht emans to me is more scratches on my mask. I still dont get how front players who shoot them tuck in. Without the back black, you can get it right up against your face, and not care. I just dont like the back block.

11-13-2003, 01:33 AM
I'm a pretty die hard mag fan, but I did trade one of my spares for a single trigger slide framed Dark Cocker. I'm no "trigger god" but I find it pretty easy to shoot fairly fast. I also tried Mighty Mikes's Ebladed Black Magic at the last NorCal AO day and I was able to shoot it very fast. I'm sure a lot of it was bounce, but it was FUN, and that is a big part of the game for me.

I guess what I'm trying to get at is that if you like cockers with mechanical triggers, you will probably love an Ebladed one.

As for the back block, you get used to it moving. For me its actually part of the appeal of cockers.

I think cocker owners are just as dedicated as mag owners. There is nothing wrong with an innovation that allows their gun of choice to compete against the new high ROF electros that are now the gun of choice.

Now if anyone has a blue Eblade frame for sale cheap, let me know...;)

Kaiser Bob
11-13-2003, 01:40 AM
Originally posted by wobbles82
Yeh, ive seen some people bounce their way up to like 15 bps haha. Anyways, ive seen some people REALLY rip on mechanical autocockers, but it still doesnt compare to a nicely tuned E-Blade. If youve ever seen Brass Eagle All-Stars or Naughty Dogs or Nexus rip on those guns youll understand, its uncomparable to a mech. Although the one thing I dont like about E-Blades is that they can be a nifty pick to walk at first, they dont have the walkability of like a timmy or anything in my opinion. And also remember, off the break in airball, short stroking isn't pretty, the EBlade lets you just rip on the fly.

If youve ever shot those guys guns, the triggers are generally not tuned very tight, pretty sloppy in fact... if you want to make a trigger bounce, which NPPL chrono refs do, its pretty easy to do so on an eblade unless you really sloppify the trigger. Those guys shoot fast because they have mad skills. :)

11-13-2003, 11:31 AM
I have shot some eblade setups that ripped but they are still restricted the parts (hammer,valve) they can only move so fast, its still a closed bolt design.
I myself just don't like the eblades or the race, and I really hate seeing swings or double triggers on them.
Thats just in my opinion just like everyone else has theres. I guess thats why there is so many diff types of guns and all kinds of acc to put on em, cause everyone has there opinion of what works better. :)

11-13-2003, 11:56 AM
Originally posted by ~WarpedRT#2~
Ya know... STFU. I said "to me"
And, it's too bad I dont own a mag anymore. Didnt bother to read my sig, did you?

I've caught SO MUCH FLAK over how I SAY THINGS, it's rediculous, but when I say "To me" I get the same thing. Thats called an opinion. I'd appriciate an appology for your statement, and after that, leave me alone.

My 2 cents.

You'll get no appology. You're an idiot. How is a mod that makes a gun ten times better, a band aid? Just because you added, "to me" doesn't make it a logical statement. Back up your opinion... give reasons behind saying something (ludicrous) like that.

Thats why I added the Mag reference. Sure, its my opinion, but its completely rediculous to call Level 10 a band aid.

11-13-2003, 12:20 PM
Man I'll tell ya what, I just installed a pair of QEV's onto my friends CCM J2... WOW! That back block moves from open/close - close/open SO FAST! Those have to be one of the greatest recent inventions for the cocker, really increased the speed. I did noticed however if you are running on a e-framed cocker with no eye its pretty easy to chop paint with the bolt closing so quickly with the aid of the QEV's.

And personally, I think if you REALLY want to rip on a cocker and have to choose an electro frame, go with a Race frame, nothing compares. I used to be able to whip the hell out of anyone that wanted to do a speed race with there E-Blade or Worrblade.

RaceGun 4 life! :)

P.S. I am in the process of buying an E-Bladed cocker right now and will have the E-Blade up for sale in a few months if anyone is interested in buying one. I gotta Race it!

Mighty Mike
11-13-2003, 12:33 PM
Originally posted by Blennidae
[B]I also tried Mighty Mikes's Ebladed Black Magic at the last NorCal AO day and I was able to shoot it very fast. I'm sure a lot of it was bounce, but it was FUN,[B]

Bounce???:eek: I consider it a finely tuned marker.:)

11-13-2003, 12:59 PM
there is no better upgrade for a cocker then an eblade...idk how anyone could out shoot it. i get one for my v/f but the price is pretty high:(

11-13-2003, 01:14 PM
you know i have both a ebladed orracle and a mag. Although i can shoot faster with the cocker than the mag i still like the mag more. Reason being is that i like to play front and the cocker just seems too heavy for me. Plus I cant shoot very fast in the first place and to me sending paint down the field at the fastest rate possible shows no skill other than being able to shoot fast.
90% of the time i see shooting like its coo a waste of money because of my lack of money. Taking less shots but well aimed shots with my light as a feather mag saves me money and boost my confidence since i know i got that guy out not by him being stupid and runing through a string of paint, but by me being able to shoot efficently.
As i see it the only way that ill go back to cockers is if i get a turtle cocker or other light cocker and if a "Y grip" Styled trigger was invented for the cockers (I know chances of that happening: slim) IM just too attached to my y grip right now. it just feels natural.

BTW im more than likely going to sell my blue ebladed orracle with an eye in the next week or so. just fixin a leak and it should be ready for sale.

11-13-2003, 01:39 PM
Originally posted by Mighty Mike

Bounce???:eek: I consider it a finely tuned marker.:)

Well whatever it was, it wasn't all me. I'm not that fast.;)

11-13-2003, 02:35 PM
shooting alot of paint is a good thing even more so when you don't have to pay for it :)

11-13-2003, 03:22 PM
Originally posted by FragTek

And personally, I think if you REALLY want to rip on a cocker and have to choose an electro frame, go with a Race frame, nothing compares. I used to be able to whip the hell out of anyone that wanted to do a speed race with there E-Blade or Worrblade.

You do realize that the Worrblade is exactly the same as an E-Blade, its just happens to more room between the trigger and the guard for whatever reason, gloves or something

11-13-2003, 03:24 PM
Now I can't shoot a mech cocker worth of crap but at the SoCal AO day I shot DB's E Orracle and holy Super Hero In Training. That thing was unbelievable. I could easily rip with it. Although I almost smacked myself in the face a couple times but I quickly realized ... oh wait there is a beavertail which means moving parts. Anyways. Eblades have turned the cocker world completely around. I still wouldn't own one because I love my Emag way to much.

11-13-2003, 03:38 PM
Originally posted by ~WarpedRT#2~
to me, E-Blade = bandaid on outdated product.

I cant stand them, I hate cockers. That back black always gets in my way, and always has me watching it, instead of the game.

Originally posted by JEDI
Ya know, my only arguement back, is to say the SAME THING ABOUT MAGS AND L10.

Thats an ignorant statement.


11-13-2003, 05:55 PM
Originally posted by PolishSausage

You do realize that the Worrblade is exactly the same as an E-Blade, its just happens to more room between the trigger and the guard for whatever reason, gloves or something

And i know this. But thanks for reminding me.

11-13-2003, 06:07 PM
Originally posted by sleepingbeauty
everyone that has a cocker wants to eblade it.
If you trade a cocker to someone they don't want it unless it is ebladed.
I want to know why this is cause I shot mulitple ebladed cockers and I am still faster than them with a mech cocker, did they come out with some new versions or something?

I agree it does not seem like it is so fast or so great, and to make them great you have to make it all freeflow and then it is a $1700 marker and who wants to pay for something that may break and is not the fastest. For me to pay that mush for a marker it would have to be the best marker and it would have to be insanly fast, but hey if you hae the money go ahead and buy it.

11-13-2003, 06:18 PM
Originally posted by JEDI

You'll get no appology. You're an idiot. How is a mod that makes a gun ten times better, a band aid? Just because you added, "to me" doesn't make it a logical statement. Back up your opinion... give reasons behind saying something (ludicrous) like that.

Thats why I added the Mag reference. Sure, its my opinion, but its completely rediculous to call Level 10 a band aid.

I think he meant that it's like taking a 20 year old POS car and repainting it, it has the apperance of being better but is still crappy. I in no way support his statement for I have never seen an eblade in action, so I can't pass judgment.

11-13-2003, 06:30 PM
E-Blades are plenty fast for me. I'd like to E-Blade a Powerlyte Hybrid someday (if I get bored with my Viking).

11-13-2003, 09:41 PM
My question...

Why are eblades taking off, yet the Race Frame, which was out first, has better battery life, is just as fast (heck, it uses the same solenoid!), and great customer support is still "underground"?

I had a race'd AKA cocker last year and it ripped, only reason I got rid of it was because I came across a trade for a SFL Emag (Which I also don't own now... if you want my life story PM Me ;) )...

But yeah, why is everyone flocking to the eblade, but for the most part ignoring the race?

11-13-2003, 09:58 PM
My point exactly Koosh!!!

I think that the Race grip is where its at. To me it feels better in my hand, and I can get it to shoot faster than any E-Blade.

Go RaceGun!

11-13-2003, 10:03 PM
Originally posted by TheFlamingKoosh
My question...

Why are eblades taking off, yet the Race Frame, which was out first, has better battery life, is just as fast (heck, it uses the same solenoid!), and great customer support is still "underground"?

I had a race'd AKA cocker last year and it ripped, only reason I got rid of it was because I came across a trade for a SFL Emag (Which I also don't own now... if you want my life story PM Me ;) )...

But yeah, why is everyone flocking to the eblade, but for the most part ignoring the race?

I agree with this and I have shot bosh and I think that the race feels nicer, It also commes with a 5 way. If I got a cheep coker I would add the race exept for that race is almost down the drain.

11-13-2003, 10:38 PM
Originally posted by TheFlamingKoosh
My question...

Why are eblades taking off, yet the Race Frame, which was out first, has better battery life, is just as fast (heck, it uses the same solenoid!), and great customer support is still "underground"?

I had a race'd AKA cocker last year and it ripped, only reason I got rid of it was because I came across a trade for a SFL Emag (Which I also don't own now... if you want my life story PM Me ;) )...

But yeah, why is everyone flocking to the eblade, but for the most part ignoring the race?
It's for two reasons:

1. E-Blade is more affordable.
2. E-Blade looks sexier.

Kaiser Bob
11-14-2003, 01:16 AM
I just thought id add to the person that suggested that the closed bolt operation would limit the ROF... the extra step involved in the closed bolt operation only takes a few milliseconds, and would only become a limiting factor in the hundreds of cycles per second range.

11-14-2003, 10:41 AM
Originally posted by FragTek

And i know this. But thanks for reminding me.

I meant no disrecpect, just wasn't sure if you knew or not

I agree it does not seem like it is so fast or so great, and to make them great you have to make it all freeflow and then it is a $1700 marker and who wants to pay for something that may break and is not the fastest. For me to pay that mush for a marker it would have to be the best marker and it would have to be insanly fast, but hey if you hae the money go ahead and buy it.

It's completely unnecessary to covert everything to FreeFlow stuff, sure the stuff might be the best, but agian, unnecessary...

11-14-2003, 10:42 AM
Man, where do you continually get this damn obsession with a mag and LVL 10??? I dont have a mag!!! I never said anything about a mag. Not once in this thread. You are the idiot. You are the *** seeing things I never typed. I dont care at all about mags, sure they are nice, but I dont own one.

Your right, a LVL 10 is the same evolment equivolent on marker as e-blading a cocker, but making the sniper a semi in the first place was a bad idea. Timing them, the problems that come with cocker, cleaning them after a game, THE SLIDE TRIGGER, and not to mention the backblock. Which brings me to another point. Why doesnt Orr create an interal backblock? Because he's a moron. He stole the autococking idea in the first place.

These are all my opinions. I dont like cockers, same as alot of other people dont like Angels. Thats fine, I've already taken alot of crap for owning one, but stop acting like I own a mag. Now, if you cant atleast give me an apology for being a d*ck, then atleast screw off, and never, talk to me again. Thanks.

11-14-2003, 10:44 AM
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, if anyone happens to be looking to buy an E-Blade PM me! :) :) :)

11-14-2003, 11:53 AM
Hey Fragtek, I'm just curious, how hard is it to set up an E-Blade? I have a friend looking to do such a thing.

11-14-2003, 12:45 PM
Oh man, its so simple... Drilling the hole for the eye can be a b!tch if you haven't done it before, but the manual gives pretty good instructions on it.

As far as the rest of the setup its just plug and play. You will need to know how to time a cocker with the E-Blade's menu options but thats pretty simple to do as well.

If you have any questions on the setup don't hesitate to drop me an email or a PM! Lata Juggalo!

paint magnet
11-14-2003, 03:48 PM
Originally posted by 03vert
also no retiming on a ebladed cocker! i hate timing....:mad:

I find it much easier to time a mechanical cocker than to screw around with the 14 billion settings on an eblade.

11-14-2003, 04:03 PM
Originally posted by ~WarpedRT#2~
Man, where do you continually get this damn obsession with a mag and LVL 10??? I dont have a mag!!! I never said anything about a mag. Not once in this thread. You are the idiot. You are the *** seeing things I never typed. I dont care at all about mags, sure they are nice, but I dont own one.

Your right, a LVL 10 is the same evolment equivolent on marker as e-blading a cocker, but making the sniper a semi in the first place was a bad idea. Timing them, the problems that come with cocker, cleaning them after a game, THE SLIDE TRIGGER, and not to mention the backblock. Which brings me to another point. Why doesnt Orr create an interal backblock? Because he's a moron. He stole the autococking idea in the first place.

These are all my opinions. I dont like cockers, same as alot of other people dont like Angels. Thats fine, I've already taken alot of crap for owning one, but stop acting like I own a mag. Now, if you cant atleast give me an apology for being a d*ck, then atleast screw off, and never, talk to me again. Thanks.

Grow up.

11-14-2003, 04:03 PM
Originally posted by paint magnet

I find it much easier to time a mechanical cocker than to screw around with the 14 billion settings on an eblade.

Yeah, I know a few people that like timing a cocker mechanically more than on an E-Blade.

11-14-2003, 08:30 PM
Yeah, I've had to time a few cockers, so I like to think I know what I'm doing...think I do anyway. Thanks for the info Fragtek, thats what I needed.

11-14-2003, 09:21 PM
No prob man, anytime!

11-14-2003, 10:36 PM
i dont like eblades

i like tictacs
11-14-2003, 11:53 PM
Originally posted by ~WarpedRT#2~
to me, E-Blade = bandaid on outdated product.

Thats one of the most ignorant things I've ever heard. It's called evolution. Thats like saying an E-Mag is a bandaided mag. It started as a pump, evolved to semi, got better as a semi, and now they're electro.

11-15-2003, 04:07 AM
I find it much easier to time a mechanical cocker than to screw around with the 14 billion settings on an eblade.

I have to time my cocker like once every 6 months if you don't shortstroke mech cockers don't lose time :)

11-15-2003, 04:09 AM
that wasn't directed at whoever wrote that I was just quoting the topic of timing. :)